CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Introduction of Accounting Worksheet Set A

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Introduction of Accounting Worksheet Set A. Download printable Accountancy Class 11 Worksheets in pdf format, CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 1 Introduction to Accounting Worksheet has been prepared as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Also download free pdf Accountancy Class 11 Assignments and practice them daily to get better marks in tests and exams for Class 11. Free chapter wise worksheets with answers have been designed by Class 11 teachers as per latest examination pattern

Chapter 1 Introduction to Accounting Accountancy Worksheet for Class 11

Class 11 Accountancy students should refer to the following printable worksheet in Pdf in Class 11. This test paper with questions and solutions for Class 11 Accountancy will be very useful for tests and exams and help you to score better marks

Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 1 Introduction to Accounting Worksheet Pdf

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 1 Introduction To Accounting And Basic Fill in The Blanks

Question. Assets used in the business for the purpose of re-sale are called -----------.
Answer. current assets

Question. For the purpose of calculating net profit or net loss at the end of the accounting year a statement is prepared called --------------------.
Answer. Income statement

Question. To ensure reliability the information disclosed must be -------------.
Answer. Credible

Question. An event involving some value between two or more entities is known as ----------------- .
Answer. Business transaction

Question. Total revenue earned from goods or services sold during accounting year is called--------.
Answer. Sales

Question. Use of common unit of measurement and common format of reporting promotes ---------.
Answer. Comparability

Question. Internal users are the persons who have direct interest in the business enterprise are known as ----------- and -----------.
Answer. owner and management

Question. Creditors and banks are the example of users of accounting and there known as -------- users.
Answer. External users

Question. Discount given to encourage prompt payment and which reduces bad debts is called------.
Answer. Cash discount

Question. Documentary evidence to support a business transaction is known as voucher, voucher prepared to deposit cash in bank is called--------------.
Answer. Pay in slip

Question. Assets which do not have physical existence and can’t be touched, seen but can be felt only are known as-----------------.
Answer. Intangible assets

Question. Bank overdraft is an example of current liability and trade receivable is an example of-----------------.
Answer. current assets

Question. Qualitative characteristics of accounting include reliability, comparability, understand ability and------------.
Answer. Relevance

Question. Recording, classify and summarizing are also termed as------------.
Answer. Accounting process

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 1 Introduction To Accounting And Basic True and False

1. Management is external users of Accounting Information. (False)
2. Accounting helps a firm in the assessment of its correct Tax Liabilities. (True)
3. Accounting do not gives the complete picture of the financial conditions of the business unit. (False)
4. GST is an indirect tax which is levied on the supply of goods & services. (True)
5. Accounting is a Service function. (True)
6. Creditors are the external users of Accounting Information. (True)
7. Accounting makes records of qualitative aspects of business. (False)
8. In accountancy, all business transactions are recorded as having dual aspect. (True)
9. Current Assets include Bank Loans. (False)
10. Accountancy includes Book – Keeping as well as Accounting. (True)
11. Tax Accounting is not a branch of Accounting. (False)
12. Goods or Cash withdrew by owner for personal use treated as Expenditure. (False)
13. Business Organisation involves economic events. (True)

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 1 Introduction To Accounting And Basic MCQs

Question. It is the cost incurred in producing goods and services:
(a) Expenses
(b) Incomes
(c) Profit
(d) Loss
Answer: Expenses 

Question. Which is received at the time of making the payment is known as:
(a) Trade discount
(b) Rebate
(c) Cash discount
(d) None of these
Answer: Cash discount 

Question. Amount or kinds which the proprietor has invested in a business is known as:
(a) Investment
(b) Capital
(c) Assets
(d) Liabilities
Answer: Capital 

Question. The documentary evidence in support of a transaction is known as:
(a) Debit note
(b) Credit note
(c) Voucher
(d) Invoice
Answer: Voucher 

Question. A document given by the seller to the buyer for sale of goods or provision of service on credit, is known as:
(a) Invoice
(b) Debit note
(c) Cash memo
(d) All of these
Answer: Invoice

Question. Any dealing between two parties or persons which must be recorded and which can be Measured in terms of money is called:
(a) Debtors
(b) Transactions
(c) Creditors
(d) Investor
Answer: Transactions

Question. The excess of current assets over the current liabilities is called:
(a) Working capital
(b) Net current assets
(c) a and b both
(d) None of these
Answer: a and b both 

Question. Current liabilities are liabilities that are payable with in:
(a) 2 years
(b) 1 year
(3) years
(d) 4 years
Answer: 1 year

Question. Current assets minus current liabilities is equal to:
(a) Working capital
(b) Profit
(c) Capital
(d) Loss
Answer: Working capital 

Question. Double entry system of accounting means:
(a) Entry in two sets of books
(b) Entry in two dates
(c) Entry for two aspects of the transaction
(d) Entry for one aspects of the transaction
Answer: Entry for two aspects of the transaction

Question. The activities of selecting, processing and reporting the information can be described as:
(a) Book-keeping
(b) Accounting
(c) Auditing
(d) Casting
Answer: Accounting

Question. Resources minus capital equities is equal to:
(a) Assets
(b) Equity
(c) Revenue
(d) Liabilities
Answer: Liabilities

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 1 Introduction To Accounting And Basic Match The Following

1. Goods        A. Assets
2. Rent           B. Commodities to be bought and sold
                      C. Expenses
Answer. 1.B ; 2.C

1. Fictitious assets       A. Income
2. Revenue                  B. Expense
                                    C. Deferred revenue expenditure
                                    D. Machinery
Answer.1.C ; 2.A

1. Trade discount       A. Which is allowed at the time of sale
2. Liabilities               B. Bank overdraft
                                 C. Which is received at the time of making payment
                                 D. Cash at Bank
Answer. 1. A ; 2.B

1. Voucher        A. Cash book
2. Gain             B. Invoice
                        C. Excess of revenue over expense
                        D. Winning a court case
Answer.1.B ; 2.D

1. Cash discount                   A. Which is allowed at the time of sale
2. Non financial character     B. Discount received
                                             C. Which is received at the time of making payment
                                             D. Strike by employees
Answer.1.C ; 2.D

Very Short Question:-

Question. Define Book – Keeping? 
Answer. According to J.R. Batliboi, bookkeeping is, ‘book – keeping is an art of recording Business dealings in a set of books’.

Question. What is the end product of financial Accounting? 
Answer. End product of financial Accounting is ‘Financial Statement ‘

Question. Mention Two Qualitative Characteristics of accounting information? 
Answer. 1. Reliability
2. Comparability

Question. What are the traditional functions of Accounting? 
Answer. Recording of Financial Transaction

Question. Book Keeping begins where Accounting ends. True or False?
Answer. True

Answer the question:-

Question. What are the 5 roles of Accounting? 
Answer. Roles of Accounting are ;
(a) Role of Language
(b) Role of the Historical Record
(c) Role of the service Provider
(d) Role of information System
(e) Role of determining the net profit

Question. Mention the Functions of Accounting? 
Answer. Functions of accounting are ;
(a) Maintaining complete and systematic records
(b) Trusteeship
(c) Compliance of legal needs

Question. List any five users who have indirect interest in Accounting?
Answer. The five users who have indirect interest in accounting are given below;
(a) Trade Associations
(b) Labour Unions
(c) Customers
(d) Stock Exchanges
(e) Tax authorities

Question. State the nature of Accounting information required by long term lenders? 
Answer. Accounting information required by the long term lenders are repaying capacity of the business, profitability, liquidity, operational, efficiency, potential growth of business, etc.

Question. Enumerate main objectives of Accounting?
Answer. The main objectives of accounting are given below.
(a) To Keep a systematic record of all business transaction.
(b) To Determine the profit earned or loss incurred during an accounting period by Preparing Profit and loss account.
(c) To ascertain the financial position of the business at the end of each accounting period by preparing balance sheet.
(d) To Communicate information to various users.

Answer the following question:

Question. How will you define revenue and expenses?
Answer. Revenues: Revenues refers to the amount received from day to day activities of the business, like sale proceeds of goods and rendering services to the customers. Rent
received, commission received, royalties and interest received are considered as revenue, as they are regular in nature and concerned with day to day activities. It is shown in the credit side of the profit and loss account or trading account.
Expenses: Expenses refers to those costs that are incurred to earn revenue for the business. It is incurred for maintaining profitability of the business. It indicates the amount spent to meet short term needs of the business. It is shown in the debit side of the profit and loss account or trading account. For Eg. Wages, rent paid, salaries paid, outstanding wages, etc.

Question. Giving Examples and explain each of the following accounting terms :
- Fixed Assets
- Gain
- Profit
- Revenue
- Expenses
- Short Term Liability
- Capital
Answer. Fixed Assets: Those Assets which are purchased in the business with a view to produced goods or to provide services are known as fixed assets. For eg :- Land , car machinery ,building etc.
Gain: Gain is a monitory benefit, profit or advantage that arises from transactions which are incidental in nature. Gain is a profit of irregular nature.
Profit: Profit is the excess of total revenue over total expenses of the business for an accounting period. It normally increases the capital.
Revenue: Revenue is the total received or receivable amount from sale of goods and services.
Expenses: Expenses is the cost incurred in producing goods and services for selling purpose. For eg:- Payment of salary , rent , bank charges , advertisement etc.
Short Term Liability: A Liability which is payable within one year.
Capital: - The Amount which is invested by a trader in the business from his personal source is known as capital.

Question. What is the primary reason for the business students and others to familiarize themselves with the Accounting discipline?
Answer. Every Monetary transaction must be recorded in such a manner that various accounting users must understand and interpret these results in the same manner without any ambiguity. The reasons for why business students and other should familiarize themselves with the accounting discipline are given below.
(a) It Helps in learning the various aspects of accounting.
(b) It helps in learning how to maintain books of accounts.
(c) It helps in learning how to summarize accounting information.
(d) It helps in learning how to interpret the accounting information with accuracy.

Question. Explain the factors, which necessitated systematic accounting. 
Answer. The Factors that necessitated accounting are given below.
(a) Only Financial transaction are recorded:- Those events that are Financial in nature are only recorded in the books of accounts. For eg:- salary of an employee is recorded in the books but his/her educational qualification is note recorded .
(b) Transactions are recorded in monetary terms:- Only those transactions which Can be expressed in monetary terms are recorded in the books.
(c) Art of recording:- Transactions are recorded in the order of their occurrence .
(d) Classification of transaction:- Business transactions of similar nature are classified and posted under their respective accounts.
(e) Summarizing of data:- All business transactions are summarized in the form of trialBalance, Trading Account , Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet that provides necessary information to various users.

Question. Describe the brief history of Accounting.
Answer. The history of accounting can be traced long back in civilization. Around 4000 B.C., in Babylonia and Egypt, payment of wages and taxes were recorded on clay tablets. As history claims that Egyptians kept the record of gold and valuable deposits and withdrawals from the treasuries. These records were reported on daily basis by the incharge of treasuries to the wazir, who used to forward the monthly report to the king. Babylonia and Egypt used this method to rectify and remove errors, frauds and inefficiency from the records. Around 2000 B.C., China used sophisticated form of accounting. In Greece, accounting was used to maintain total receipts and total payments and to balance government accounts. In Rome, around 700 B.C., receipts and payment were recorded in daybook and were posted in that ledger at the end of the month. In India, around twenty three centuries ago, Kautilya wrote the book Arthshastra, which describes how accounting records have to be maintained. In 1494, Luca Pacioli wrote the book Summa de Aeirhmetica Geometria Proportioni et Proportionalita. In this, he explained the term debit and credit, which are used in accounting till date .

Click below to download practice worksheet for CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Introduction of Accounting Worksheet Set A
Chapter 02 Theory Base of Accounting
CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Basic Accounting Terms Worksheet
Chapter 07 Depreciation Provisions and Reserves
CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Depreciation Worksheet
Chapter 11 Accounts from Incomplete Records
CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Incomplete Records Worksheet
Chapter 12 Applications of Computers in Accounting
CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Computer In Accounting Worksheet

Chapter 1 Introduction to Accounting CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Worksheet

The above practice worksheet for Chapter 1 Introduction to Accounting has been designed as per the current syllabus for Class 11 Accountancy released by CBSE. Students studying in Class 11 can easily download in Pdf format and practice the questions and answers given in the above practice worksheet for Class 11 Accountancy on a daily basis. All the latest practice worksheets with solutions have been developed for Accountancy by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their examinations. Studiestoday is the best portal for Printable Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy students to get all the latest study material free of cost. Teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 11 Accountancy to develop the Accountancy Class 11 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the practice sheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 11 Accountancy designed by our teachers. After solving these you should also refer to Class 11 Accountancy MCQ Test for the same chapter. We have also provided a lot of other Worksheets for Class 11 Accountancy which you can use to further make yourself better in Accountancy.

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