1. Recursion is similar to which of the following? switch case if-else loop if elif else 2. Suppose the first fibonnaci number is 0 and the second is 1. What is the sixth fibonnaci number? 7 6 8 5 3. Which is the smallest number of 3 digits that is divisible by 2, 4, 8? 102 116 104 100 4. Which of the following is not a fibonnaci number? 8 21 55 14 5. Which of the following is also known as LCM? least common multiple lowest common measure lowest common divisor highest common multiple 6. Which of the following is also known as GCD? highest common measure highest common divisor lowest common multiple highest common multiple 7. What is the LCM of two coprime numbers? multiplication of two coprime numbers 1 0 addition of two coprime numbers 8. Which of the following is coprime number? 6 and 12 9 and 28 54 and 24 4 and 8 9. What is the LCM of 8 and 13? 104 8 20 12 10. In terms of Venn Diagram, which of the following expression gives LCM (Given A ? B ? Ø)? multiplication of a-b terms multiplication of a*b terms multiplication of a ? b terms multiplication of a u b terms 11. In terms of Venn Diagram, which of the following expression gives GCD (Given A ? B ? Ø)? multiplication of a ? b terms multiplication of a u b terms multiplication of a-b terms multiplication of a*b terms 12. Which of the following option is wrong? fibonacci number can be calculated by using dynamic programming no method is defined to calculate fibonacci number fibonacci number can be calculated by using iteration method fibonacci number can be calculated by using recursion method 13. What is the LCM according to the given Venn Diagram? 6 2 3 180 14. Which of the following sorting algorithm is NOT stable? bubble sort merge sort brick sort selection sort 15. Under what case of Masters theorem will the recurrence relation of stooge sort fall? 2 3 1 it cannot be solved using masters theorem 16. What is the bidirectional variant of selection sort? bogo sort bubble sort cocktail sort gnome sort 17. Which of the following methods is the most effective for picking the pivot element? last element median-of-three partitioning random element first element 18. Which of the following methods can be used to find the largest and smallest element in an array? no method is suitable iteration both recursion and iteration recursion 19. Under what case of Masters theorem will the recurrence relation of merge sort fall? 3 1 2 it cannot be solved using masters theorem 20. Which of the following methods can be used to find the largest and smallest number in a linked list? recursion iteration both recursion and iteration impossible to find the largest and smallest numbers 21. Which is the safest method to choose a pivot element? choosing the last element as pivot median-of-three partitioning method choosing the first element as pivot choosing a random element as pivot 22. What is the number of swaps required to sort the array arr={5,3,2,4,1} using recursive selection sort? 2 1 0 3 23. Which case of masters theorem can be extended further? 3 1 no case can be extended 2 24. Which of the following techniques can be used to search an element in an unsorted array? iterative linear search recursive binary search normal binary search iterative binary search 25. The shortest distance between a line and a point is achieved when? a line is drawn at 60 degrees to the given line from the given point a line is drawn at 180 degrees to the given line from the given point a line is drawn at 90 degrees to the given line from the given point a line is drawn at 270 degrees to the given line from the given point 26. is a method of constructing a smallest polygon out of n given points. path compression closest pair problem quick hull problem union-by-rank 27. What is the basic operation of closest pair algorithm using brute force technique? radius area euclidean distance manhattan distance 28. Which of the points are closer to each other? p1 and p11 p3 and p8 p9 and p10 p2 and p3 29. Which of the following algorithms is the simplest? kirkpatrick-seidel algorithm jarvis algorithm gift wrapping algorithm chans algorithm 30. What is the other name for quick hull problem? concave hull convex hull path compression closest pair 31. Which of the following is called the ultimate planar convex hull algorithm? kirkpatrick-seidel algorithm gift wrapping algorithm chans algorithm jarvis algorithm 32. Which of the following strategies does the following diagram depict. brute force branch and bound divide and conquer exhaustive search 33. How many approaches can be applied to solve quick hull problem? 3 2 1 4 34. Cross product is a mathematical operation performed between a scalar and a vector 2 scalar numbers any 2 numbers 2 vectors 35. What is the running time of Hershberger algorithm? o(n log n) o(log h) o(n log h) o(log n) 36. Cross product is also known as? vector product scalar product dot product multiplication 37. Which of the following is similar to Euclidean distance? chebyshev distance manhattan distance pythagoras metric heuristic distance 38. What is the shortest distance between the line given by -2x + 3y + 4 = 0 and the point (5,6)? 4.3 units 4.5 units 3.3 units 5.4 units 39. Which of the following strategies does the following diagram depict? brute force backtracking divide and conquer strategy exhaustive search 40. Which of the following is false in the case of a spanning tree of a graph G? it includes every vertex of the g it can be either cyclic or acyclic it is a subgraph of the g it is tree that spans g 41. What is the distance between the lines 3x- 4y+7=0 and 3x-4y+5=0? 0.5 unit 0.8 unit 0.4 unit 1 unit 42. Which of the following is not the algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree of the given graph? bellman-ford algorithm kruskals algorithm prims algorithm boruvkas algorithm 43. Which of the following is false about the Kruskals algorithm? it is a greedy algorithm it constructs mst by selecting edges in increasing order of their weights it uses union-find data structure it can accept cycles in the mst 44. Bellmann ford algorithm provides solution for problems. sorting network flow single source shortest path all pair shortest path 45. Prims algorithm can be efficiently implemented using for graphs with greater density. linear search fibonacci heap d-ary heap binary search 46. How many solution/solutions are available for a graph having negative weight cycle? two solutions one solution no solution infinite solutions 47. How many times the insert and extract min operations are invoked per vertex? 1 3 0 2 48. What is the basic principle behind Bellmann Ford Algorithm? extrapolation regression relaxation interpolation 49. A graph is said to have a negative weight cycle when? the graph has 1 or more negative weighted edges the total weight of the graph is negative the graph has a cycle the graph has 1 negative weighted edge 50. What approach is being followed in Floyd Warshall Algorithm? linear programming dynamic programming greedy technique backtracking Submit Answers Retake Test More Computer Science Engineering Study Material › Computer Science Engineering Mock Tests with Answers Distributed Computing System Mock Test Software Project Management Mock TestArtificial Intelligence and Robotics Mock TestBasics of Database Management Mock TestC# Programming Mock TestC#.NET Programming Mock TestCloud Computing Mock TestCommunication Network Mock TestComputer Architecture Mock TestComputer Architecture Mock TestComputer Fundamentals Mock TestComputer Networking Mock TestComputer Networks Mock TestCPP Programming Mock TestData Analysis Mock TestData Communication and Computer Network Mock TestData Compression and Data Retrieval Mock TestData Mining and Business Intelligence Mock TestData Mining and Data Warehouse Mock TestData Structure and Algorithms Mock TestData Structures Mock TestDataBase Management System Mock TestDesign and Analysis of Algorithms Mock TestDigital Electronics and Logic Design Mock TestDigital Logic Circuits Mock TestDigital Principles and System Design Mock TestDiscrete Mathematics Mock TestDiscrete Structure Mock TestDotNet Technology Mock TestEmbedded Real Time Operating System Mock TestGreen Computing Mock TestHigh Performance Computing Mock TestInformation Cyber Security Mock TestInformation and Network Security Mock TestInformation Retrival Techniques Mock TestInformation Systems and Engineering Economics Mock TestMachine Learning Mock TestMicroprocessor and Interfacing Technique Mock TestMicroprocessors Mock TestMuli core Architectures and Pro Mock TestMulti core processors Mock TestNetwork Security Mock TestNeural Networks and Fuzzy Control Object Oriented Programming Mock TestOperating System Architecture Mock TestOperating System Mock TestProblem Solving and Python Programming Mock TestProgramming for Problem Solving Mock TestPython Programming Mock TestSoft Computing Mock TestSoftware Design Modeling Mock TestSoftware Engineering Mock TestSoftware Testing Mock TestSoftware Testing and Quality Assurance Mock TestTheory of Computation and Compiler Design Mock TestTheory of Computation Mock TestUbiquitous Computing System Mock Test Computer Science Engineering Mock Tests