CBSE Class 5 Social Science Environmental Concerns MCQs

Refer to CBSE Class 5 Social Science Environmental Concerns MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 5 Social Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Environmental Concerns Class 5 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 5 Social Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 5 Social Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 5 Social Science Environmental Concerns

Class 5 Social Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Environmental Concerns in Class 5.

Environmental Concerns MCQ Questions Class 5 Social Science with Answers

Question: Environment is made up of

a) both

b) living and non living things

c) Plants and animals

Answer: both


Question: _________ constitute non- living things.

a) A biotic components

b) Biotic components

c) both

Answer: A biotic components


Question: _________ constitute of living things.

a) Biotic components

b) A biotic components

c) both

Answer: Biotic components


Question: Flesh eating animals are called

a) carnivorous

b) omnivorous

c) Herbivorous

Answer: carnivorous


Question: Meat and plant eating animals are called

a) omnivorous

b) herbivorous

c) carnivorous

Answer: omnivorous


Question: Plant eating animals are called

a) herbivorous

b) omnivorous

c) carnivorous

Answer: herbivorous


Question: Melting of ________ will lead to rise in sea level.

a) glaciers

b) none of these

c) deserts

Answer: glaciers


Question: CFCs get released from

a) air conditioners

b) television

c) none of these

Answer: air conditioners


Question: _________ is an environmental friendly fuel.

a) petrol

b) diesel

c) CNG

Answer: petrol


Question: _________ is a green house gas.

a) all of these

b) methane

c) carbon dioxide

Answer: all of these


Question: _________ present in the atmosphere prevents harmful ultraviolet rays from entering the Earth’s surface.

a) ozone

b) methane

c) carbon dioxide

Answer: ozone


Question: _________ is released into the atmosphere when we burn fuel.

a) carbon dioxide

b) helium

c) oxygen

Answer: carbon dioxide


Question: _________ pollution comes from burning of fuel to run vehicles, from chimneys of factories and power stations.

a) air pollution

b) water pollution

c) noise pollution

Answer: air pollution


Question: Any sound that is above ________ decibels is harmful for our ears.

a) 70

b) 60

c) 40

Answer: 70


Question: Plants use ________ during the process of photosynthesis.

a) carbon dioxide

b) methane

c) oxygen

Answer: carbon dioxide


Question: Animals breathe out

a) carbon dioxide

b) helium

c) oxygen

Answer: carbon dioxide


Question: Plants are called ________ producers.

a) primary

b) secondary

c) both

Answer: primary


Question: Plants need sunlight during the process of

a) photosynthesis

b) respiration

c) both

Answer: photosynthesis


Question: Pollution is the release of substances in the air, water or soil that are ________ to the environment.

a) harmful

b) useful

c) none of these

Answer: harmful


Question: Huge floating mass of ice are called

a) icebergs

b) none of these

c) Glaciers

Answer: icebergs


Question: The interaction of plants and animals with each other and the abiotic components form an

a) environment

b) ecosystem

c) atmosphere

Answer: environment


Question: _________ are creating large holes in the ozone layer.

a) CFCs

b) none of these

c) carbon dioxide

Answer: CFCs


Question: Global warming is the _________ in temperature around the world.

a) increase

b) none of these

c) decrease

Answer: increase


Question: to come under water is

a) submerge

b) swimming

c) none of these

Answer: submerge

MCQs for Environmental Concerns Social Science Class 5

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 5 Social Science to develop the Social Science Class 5 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 5 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Social Science will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 5 Social Science. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 5 Social Science so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 5 Social Science MCQ Test for the same chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE MCQs for Class 5 Social Science Environmental Concerns

You can download the CBSE MCQs for Class 5 Social Science Environmental Concerns for latest session from

Are the Class 5 Social Science Environmental Concerns MCQs available for the latest session

Yes, the MCQs issued by CBSE for Class 5 Social Science Environmental Concerns have been made available here for latest academic session

Where can I find CBSE Class 5 Social Science Environmental Concerns MCQs online?

You can find CBSE Class 5 Social Science Environmental Concerns MCQs on educational websites like, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.

How can I prepare for Environmental Concerns Class 5 MCQs?

To prepare for Environmental Concerns MCQs, refer to the concepts links provided by our teachers and download sample papers for free.

Are there any online resources for CBSE Class 5 Social Science Environmental Concerns?

Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for Class 5 Social Science Environmental Concerns