CUET Physics MCQs Unit V Electromagnetic Waves

Refer to CUET Physics MCQs Unit V Electromagnetic Waves provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for UG Physics with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CUET, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for Unit V Electromagnetic Waves are an important part of exams for UG Physics and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CUET UG Physics and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for UG Physics Unit V Electromagnetic Waves

UG Physics students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Unit V Electromagnetic Waves in UG.

Unit V Electromagnetic Waves MCQ Questions UG Physics with Answers

Question: A plane electromagnetic wave is incident on a material surface. If the wave delivers momentum p and energy E, then
(a) p : 0, E : 0 
(b) p ≠ 0, E ≠ 0
(c) p ≠ 0, E : 0
(d) p : 0, E ≠ 0

Answer: B

Question: The range of wavelength of visible light is
(a) 10 Å to 100 Å 
(b) 4000 Å to 8000 Å
(c) 8000 Å to 10,000 Å 
(d) 10,000 Å to 15,000 Å

Answer: B

Question: Which of the following rays has minimum frequency?
(a) U.V. ways 
(b) X-rays
(c) γ-rays 
(d) Infra-red rays

Answer: C

Question: The electromagnetic waves do not transport 
(a) energy
(b) charge
(c) momentum
(d) information

Answer: B

Question: Select the wrong statement. EM waves
(a) are transverse in nature.
(b) travel in free space at a speed of light.
(c) are produced by accelerating charges.
(d) travel in all media with same speed.

Answer: D

Question: The conduction current is same as displacement current when source is
(a) ac only 
(b) dc only
(c) either ac or dc 
(d) neither dc nor ac

Answer: C

Question: When radio waves passes through ionosphere, phase difference between space current and capacitive displacement current is
(a) 0 rad
(b) (3π /2) rad
(c) (π/ 2) rad
(d) πrad

Answer: A

Question: The polarisation of electromagnetic wave is in
(a) the directions of electric and magnetic field
(b) the directions of electric field
(c) the direction of magnetic field
(d) can not be polarized

Answer: B

Question: Which of the following type of radiations are radiated by an oscillating electric charge?
(a) Electric 
(b) Magnetic
(c) Thermoelectric
(d) Electromagnetic

Answer: D

Question: The amplitudes of electric and magnetic fields related to each other are
(a) E0 : B0 
(b) E0 : cB0
(c) E0 : B0/c
(d) E0 : c/B0

Answer: C

Question: We consider the radiation emitted by the human body. Which one of the following statements is true?
(a) The radiation emitted is in the infrared region.
(b) The radiation is emitted only during the day.
(c) The radiation is emitted during the summers and absorbed during winters.
(d) The radiation is emitted lies in the ultraviolet region and hence is not visible.

Answer: A

Question: Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the longest wavelength?
(a) uv-rays
(b) Visible light
(b) Radio waves
(d) Microwaves

Answer: B

Question: Which of the following electromagnetic radiations have the smallest wavelength?
(a) Ultraviolet waves 
(b) X-rays
(c) γ-rays 
(d) Microwaves

Answer: C

Question: The wavelength of X-ray is of the order of
(a) 1 metre 
(b) 1 cm
(c) 1 micron 
(d) 1 angstrom

Answer: D

Question: The waves which are electromagnetic in nature are
(a) sound waves and light waves
(b) water waves and radio waves
(c) light waves and X-rays
(d) sound waves and water waves

Answer: C

Question: Which one of the following has the maximum energy?
(a) Radio waves
 (b) Infrared rays
(c) Ultraviolet rays 
(d) Micro waves

Answer: C

Question: The EM waves when travel into different media gets
(a) refracted 
(b) transmitted
(c) reflected 
(d) emitted 

Answer: C

Question : The range of wavelength of visible light is
(a) 50 Å to 500 Å
(b) 4000 Å to 8000 Å
(c) 9000 Å to 25,000 Å
(d) 15,000 Å to 25,000 Å

Answer: B

Question : The waves used in telecommunication are
(a) IR
(b) UV
(c) Microwave
(d) Cosmic rays

Answer: C

Question: The current in the electric circuit which arises due to flow of electrons in the connecting wires of the circuit in a defined closed path is called
(a) alternating current
(b) direct current
(c) conduction current
(d) displacement current

Answer: C

Question: Which of the following has/have zero average value in a plane electromagnetic wave?
(a) Both magnetic and electric field
(b) Electric field only
(c) Magnetic energy
(d) Electric energy

Answer: A

Question: Displacement current goes through the gap between the plates of a capacitor when the charge on the capacitor 
(a) is changing with time
(b) decreases
(c) does not change
(d) decreases to zero

Answer: A

Question: The velocity of all radio waves in free space is 3 × 108 m/s. The frequency of a radio wave of wavelength 150m is
(a) 20 kHz 
(b) 2 kHz 
(c) 2 MHz 
(d) 1 MHz 

Answer: C

Question: The electromagnetic waves
(a) travel with the speed of sound
(b) travel with the same speed in all media
(c) travel in free space with the speed of light
(d) do not travel through a medium

Answer: C

Question: Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with frequency in the range of
(a) Micro hertz 
(b) Giga hertz
(c) Mega hertz 
(d) Hertz

Answer: B

Question: Radio waves diffract around building, although light waves do not. The reason is that radio waves
(a) travel with speed larger than c
(b) have much larger wavelength than light
(c) are not electromagnetic waves
(d) None of these

Answer: B

Question: Which of the following is not electromagnetic waves?
(a) Cosmic rays 
(b) Gamma rays
(c) γ-rays 
(d) X-rays

Answer: A

Question: Radio waves of constant amplitude can be generated with
(a) rectifier 
(b) filter
(c) F.E.T. 
(d) oscillator

Answer: D

Question: In electromagnetic spectrum, the frequencies y-rays, X-rays and ultraviolet rays are denoted by n1, n2 and n3 respectively then
(a) n1 > n2 > n3 
(b) n1 < n2 < n3
(c) n1 > n2 < n3
(d) n1 < n2 > n3

Answer: A

Question: When electromagnetic waves enter the ionised layer of ionosphere, then the relative permittivity i.e. dielectric constant of the ionised layer
(a) does not change
(b) appears to increase
(c) appears to decrease
(d) sometimes appears to increase and sometimes to decrease

Answer: C

Question : In an electromagnetic wave, the electric and magnetic fields are 100 V m–1 and 0.265 A m–1. The maximum energy flow is
(a) 26.5 W/m2
(b) 36.5 W/m2
(c) 46.7 W/m2
(d) 765 W/m2

Answer: A

Question : What is the cause of “Green house effect”?
(a) Infrared rays
(b) Ultraviolet rays
(c) X-rays
(d) Radio waves

Answer: A

Question: Displacement current goes through the gap between the plates of a capacitor when the charge on the capacitor
(a) is changing with time
(b) decreases
(c) does not change
(d) decreases to zero

Answer: A

Question: The current in the electric circuit which arises due to flow of electrons in the connecting wires of the circuit in a defined closed path is called
(a) alternating current
(b) direct current
(c) conduction current
(d) displacement current

Answer: C

Question: Displacement current is
(a) continuous when electric field is changing in the circuit
(b) continuous when magnetic field is changing in the circuit
(c) continuous in both types of fields
(d) continuous through wires and resistance only

Answer: A

Question: An electromagnetic wave propagating along north has its electric field vector upwards. Its magnetic field vector point towards
(a) north 
(b) east
(c) west 
(d) downwards

Answer: B

Question: The speed of electromagnetic wave is same for
(a) odd frequencies 
(b) even frequencies
(c) all frequencies 
(d) all intensities

Answer: D

Question: Microwaves are detected by
(a) bolometer 
(b) point contact diodes
(c) thermopiles 
(d) the eye

Answer: B

Question: An accelerated electron would produce
(a) γ-rays 
(b) β-rays
(c) α-rays 
(d) e.m. waves

Answer: D

Question: If vs, vx and vm are the speed of soft gamma rays, X-rays and microwaves respectively in vacuum, then
(a) vs > vx > vm 
(b) vs < vx < vm
(c) vs > vx < vm 
(d) vs : vx : vm

Answer: D

Question: Ultraviolet rays coming from sun are absorbed by
(a) troposphere 
(b) ionosphere
(c) stratosphere 
(d) mesosphere

Answer: B

Question : The wavelength of X-ray is of the order of
(a) 1 metre
(b) 1 cm
(c) 1 micron
(d) 1 angstrom

Answer: D

Question: If a variable frequency ac source connected to a capacitor then with decrease in frequency, the displacement current will
(a) increase
(b) decrease
(c) remain constant
(d) first decrease then increase

Answer: B

Question: If a variable frequency ac source connected to a capacitor then with decrease in frequency, the displacement current will
(a) increase
(b) decrease
(c) remain constant
(d) first decrease then increase

Answer: B

Question: Maxwell’s equation describe the fundamental law of
(a) electricity 
(b) magnetism
(c) mechanics
(d) both (a) and (b)

Answer: D

Question: If the frequency of EM radiations is halved then the energy of EM radiation will become
(a) double 
(b) remains unchanged
(c) becomes half 
(d) becomes one fourth 

Answer: C

Question: Which of the following is of shortest wavelength?
(a) X-rays 
(b) γ-rays
(c) Microwaves 
(d) Radio waves

Answer: B

Question: Radio waves do not penetrate in the band of
(a) ionosphere 
(b) mesosphere
(c) troposphere 
(d) stratosphere

Answer: C

Question: Which one of the following has the shortest wavelength?
(a) Infrared rays 
(b) Ultraviolet rays
(c) Microwaves 
(d) Gamma rays

Answer: D

Question : Radio waves do not penetrate in the band of
(a) ionosphere
(b) mesosphere
(c) troposphere
(d) stratosphere

Answer: A

Question: An electron oscillating with a frequency of 3 × 106 Hz, would generate
(a) X-rays
(b) ultraviolet rays
(c) radio waves
(d) microwaves

Answer: C

Question: The displacement current was first postulated by
(a) Maxwell
(b) Marconi
(c) Ampere
(d) Hertz

Answer: A

Question: The absorption of radio waves by the atmosphere depends upon
(a) their velocities
(b) their frequencies
(c) their distance from the transmitter
(d) None of these

Answer: A

Question: X-rays, gamma rays and microwaves travelling in vacuum have
(a) same wavelength but different velocities
(b) same frequency but different velocities
(c) same velocity but different wavelength
(d) same velocity and same frequency

Answer: C

Question: Ultraviolet spectrum can be studied by using a
(a) flint glass prism 
(b) direct vision prism
(c) nicol prism 
(d) quartz prism

Answer: D

Question : Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the longest wavelength?
(a) uv-rays
(b) Visible light
(c) Radio waves
(d) Microwaves

Answer: B

Question: The polarisation of electromagnetic wave is in
(a) the directions of electric and magnetic field
(b) the directions of electric field
(c) the direction of magnetic field
(d) can not be polarized

Answer: B

Question: According to Maxwell’s hypothesis, a changing electric field gives rise to
(a) an e.m.f
(b) electric displacement current
(c) magnetic field
(d) pressure gradient

Answer: C

Question: The decreasing order of wavelength of infrared,microwave, ultraviolet and gamma rays is
(a) microwave, infrared, ultraviolet, gamma rays
(b) infrared, microwave, ultraviolet, gamma rays
(c) gama rays, ultraviolet, infrared, microwaves
(d) microwaves, gamma rays, infrared, ultraviolet

Answer: A

Question: The ozone layer in the atmosphere absorbs
(a) only the radiowaves
(b) only the visible light
(c) only the γ-rays
(d) X-rays and ultraviolet rays

Answer: D

Question : The electromagnetic radiation used in food processing sterilizing agent is
(a) microwaves
(b) UV rays
(c) gamma rays
(d) radio waves

Answer: B

Question: An electromagnetic wave propagating along north has its electric field vector upwards. Its magnetic field vector point towards
(a) north
(b) east
(c) west
(d) downwards

Answer: B

Question: The electromagnetic waves do not transport
(a) energy 
(b) charge
(c) momentum 
(d) information

Answer: C

Question: Which of the following is the infrared wavelength?
(a) 10–4 cm 
(b) 10–5 cm
(c) 10–6 cm 
(d) 10–7 cm

Answer: A

Question : Displacement current is
(a) continuous when electric field is changing in the circuit
(b) continuous when magnetic field is changing in the circuit
(c) continuous in both types of fields
(d) continuous through wires and resistance only

Answer: A

Question: Ampere’s circuital law holds good for
(a) conduction current
(b) displacement current
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

Answer: C

Question: What is the cause of “Green house effect”?
(a) Infrared rays 
(b) Ultraviolet rays
(c) X-rays 
(d) Radio waves

Answer: A

Question: Electromagnetic wave consists of periodically oscillating electric and magnetic vectors
(a) in mutually perpendicular planes but vibrating with a phase difference of π
(b) in mutually perpendicular planes but vibrating with a phase difference of π/2
(c) in randomly oriented planes but vibrating in phase
(d) in mutually perpendicular planes but vibrating in phase

Answer: D

Question : The oscillating electric and magnetic vectors of an electromagnetic wave are oriented along
(a) the same direction but differ in phase by 90°
(b) the same direction and are in phase
(c) mutually perpendicular directions and are in phase
(d) mutually perpendicular directions and differ in phase by 90°

Answer: C

Question: According to Maxwell’s hypothesis, a changing electric field gives rise to
(a) an e.m.f
(b) electric displacement current
(c) magnetic field
(d) pressure gradient

Answer: C

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