CBSE Class 11 Physics Thermal Properties of Matter MCQs

Refer to CBSE Class 11 Physics Thermal Properties of Matter MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 11 Physics with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter Class 11 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 11 Physics and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 11 Physics and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 11 Physics Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

Class 11 Physics students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter in Class 11.

Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter MCQ Questions Class 11 Physics with Answers

Question: The reading of Centigrade thermometer coincides with that of Fahrenheit thermometer in a liquid. The temperature of the liquid is

a) 40°C

b) 100°C

c) 313°C

d) 0ºC

Answer: 40°C


Question: Expansion during heating

a) generally decreases the density of a material

b) None of these

c) increases the weight of a material

d) occurs only in solids

Answer: generally decreases the density of a material


Question: Which of the following will expand the most for same rise in temperature?

a) Aluminium

b) Wood

c) Glass

d) All will expand same

Answer: Aluminium


Question: An iron tyre is to be fitted on to a wooden wheel 1m in diameter. The diameter of tyre is 6 mm smaller than that of wheel. The tyre should be heated so that its temperature increases by a minimum of (the coefficient of cubical expansion of iron is 3.6 × 10–5/°C)

a) 500°C

b) 334°C

c) 1000°C

d) 167°C

Answer: 500°C


Question: Assertion: The triple point of water is a standard fixed point in modern thermometry.

Reason: The triple point of a substance is unique i.e. it occurs at one particular set of values of pressure and temperature

a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion

b) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct

c) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion

d) None of these

Answer: Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion


Question: A metal sheet with a circular hole is heated. The hole

a) gets larger

b) gets deformed

c) gets smaller

d) None of these

Answer: gets larger


Question: A solid ball of metal has a spherical cavity inside it. The balln is heated. The volume of cavity will

a) increase

b) decrease

c) remain unchanged

d) have its shape changed

Answer: increase


Question: Assertion : Water kept in an open vessel will quickly evaporate onthe surface of the moon.

Reason : The temperature at the surface of the moon is much higher than boiling point of the water.

a) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect

b) None of these

c) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion

d) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion

Answer: Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect


Question: Consider the following statements and select the correct statement(s).

I. Water can never be boiled without heating.

II. Water can be boiled below room temperature by lowering the pressure.

III. On releasing the excess pressure water refreezes into ice.

a) II and III

b) I only

c) II only

d) I and II

Answer: II and III


Question: Two marks on a glass rod 10 cm apart are found to increase their distance by 0.08 mm when the rod is heated from 0°C to 100°C. A flask made of the same glass as that of rod measures a volume of 1000 cc at 0°C. The volume it measures at 100°C in cc is

a) 1002.4

b) 1008.2

c) 1004.2

d) 1006.4

Answer: 1002.4


Question: Mass of water which absorbs or emits the same amount of heat as is done by the body for the same rise or fall in temperature is known as

a) water equivalent of the body

b) latent heat capacity of the body

c) specific heat capacity of the body

d) thermal capacity of the body

Answer: water equivalent of the body


Question: Heat is transmitted from higher to lower temperature through actual mass motion of the molecules in

a) convection

b) radiation

c) conduction

d) None of these

Answer: convection


Question: Good absorbers of heat are

a) good emitters

b) non-emitters

c) poor emitters

d) highly polished

Answer: good emitters


Question: Three bodies A, B and C have equal area which are painted red, yellow and black respectively. If they are at same temperature, then

a) emissive power of C is maximum

b) emissive power of A is maximum

c) emissive power of B is maximum

d) emissive power of A, B and C are equal.

Answer: emissive power of C is maximum


Question: Sweet makers do not clean the bottom of cauldron because

a) black and rough surface absorbs more heat

b) absorption power of black and bright surface is more.

c) transmission power of black and rough surface is more.

d) emission power of black and bright surface is more

Answer: black and rough surface absorbs more heat


Question: 4200 J of work is required for

a) increasing the temperature of 100 g of water through 10°C

b) increasing the temperature of 1 kg of water through 10°C

c) increasing the temperature of 500 g of water through 10°C

d) increasing the temperature of 10 g of water through 10°C

Answer: increasing the temperature of 100 g of water through 10°C


Question: The latent heat of vaporization of a substance is always

a) greater than its latent heat of fusion

b) less than its latent heat of fusion

c) greater than its latent heat of sublimation

d) equal to its latent heat of sublimation

Answer: greater than its latent heat of fusion


Question: Which of the following statements regarding specific heat capacity of a substance are correct ? It depends on

I. mass of substance.

II. nature of substance.

III. temperature of substance.

IV. volume of substance.

a) II and III

b) None of these

c) I and II

d) III and IV

Answer: II and III


Question: A quantity of heat required to change the unit mass of a solid substance, from solid state to liquid state, while the temperature remains constant, is known as

a) latent heat of fusion

b) sublimation

c) latent heat

d) hoar frost

Answer: latent heat of fusion


Question: Newton’s law of cooling is applicable for

a) small excess of temperature over the surrounding

b) large excess of temperature over the surrounding

c) None of these

d) any excess of temperature over the surrounding

Answer: small excess of temperature over the surrounding

MCQs for Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter Physics Class 11

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 11 Physics to develop the Physics Class 11 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 11 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Physics will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 11 Physics. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 11 Physics so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 11 Physics MCQ Test for the same chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE MCQs for Class 11 Physics Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter

You can download the CBSE MCQs for Class 11 Physics Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter for latest session from

Are the Class 11 Physics Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter MCQs available for the latest session

Yes, the MCQs issued by CBSE for Class 11 Physics Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter have been made available here for latest academic session

Where can I find CBSE Class 11 Physics Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter MCQs online?

You can find CBSE Class 11 Physics Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter MCQs on educational websites like, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.

How can I prepare for Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter Class 11 MCQs?

To prepare for Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter MCQs, refer to the concepts links provided by our teachers and download sample papers for free.

Are there any online resources for CBSE Class 11 Physics Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter?

Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for Class 11 Physics Chapter 11 Thermal Properties of Matter