Refer to NTSE MAT Direction Sense MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Mental Ability Test with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NTSE, NCERT and KVS. Direction Sense Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Mental Ability Test and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NTSE Full Syllabus Mental Ability Test and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Mental Ability Test Direction Sense
Full Syllabus Mental Ability Test students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Direction Sense in Full Syllabus.
Direction Sense MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Mental Ability Test with Answers
Question: B is to South-West of A, C is to the east of B and South-East of A and D is to the North of C in line with BA. In which direction of A is D located ?
- a) North
- b) East
- c) South-East
- d) North-East
Answer: North-East
Question: While facing east you turned to your left an walk 10 m, then turned to your left and walk 10 m and now you turn 45° towards your right and goes straight to cover 25 cm. Now in which direction are you from your starting point ?
- a) North-East
- b) South-West
- c) South-East
- d) North-West
Answer: South-West
Question: I run along the sides of a square field ABCD where C is to the Northeast of A and D is to the Southeast of B. Starting from A in nati clockwise direction, in which direction shall I be running after crossing B ?
- a) North
- b) South
- c) East
- d) West
Answer: West
Question: Monu wants to go the market. He starts from his house which is in North and comes to the crossing. The road to his left ends in a park and straight ahead is the office complex. In which direction is the market ?
- a) North
- b) South
- c) East
- d) West
Answer: North
Question: A, B, C and D are playing cards. A and B are partners. D faces towards North. If a faces towards, West then who faces towards South ?
- a) C
- b) B
- c) D
- d) Insufficient information to predict
Answer: B
Question: Goind 40 m to South of her house, Manisha turns left and goes another 10m. Then, turning to the North, she goes 20m and then starts walking to her house. In which direction is she walking now ?
- a) North-west
- b) North
- c) South-east
- d) East
Answer: North-west
Question: One evening before sunset two friends Amit and Sunit were talking to each other face to face. If Sunil’s shadow was exactly to his left side, which direction was Amit facing ?
- a) North
- b) South
- c) West
- d) Data inadequate
Answer: North
Question: Rakesh Started from his house, walked 4 km towards East, then 3 km towards North then 6 km towards South. How far away from his house was he than ?
- a) 2 kms
- b) 3 kms
- c) 4 kms
- d) 5 kms
Answer: 5 kms
Question: If East become North-West, North-West become South and so on then what will South become ?
- a) North-West
- b) South-West
- c) West
- d) North-East
Answer: North-East
Question: If you stand on your head with your face pointing Southward, in what direction will your right hand point ?
- a) East
- b) West
- c) North
- d) South
Answer: East
More Questions......................
Question: Ram walks 10 meters towards the South. Turning to the left, he walks 20 meters and then moves to his right. After moving a distance of 20 meters, he turns to the right and walks 20 meters. Finally, he turns to the right and moves a distance of 10 meters. How far and in which direction is he from the starting point ?
- a) 10 meters North
- b) 20 meters South
- c) 20 meters North
- d) 10 meters South
Answer: 20 meters South
Question: Goind 40 m to South of her house, Manisha turns left and goes another 10m. Then, turning to the North, she goes 20m and then starts walking to her house. In which direction is she walking now ?
- a) North-west
- b) North
- c) South-east
- d) East
Answer: North-west
Question: One evening before sunset two friends Amit and Sunit were talking to each other face to face. If Sunil’s shadow was exactly to his left side, which direction was Amit facing ?
- a) North
- b) South
- c) West
- d) Data inadequate
Answer: North
Question: Rakesh Started from his house, walked 4 km towards East, then 3 km towards North then 6 km towards South. How far away from his house was he than ?
- a) 2 kms
- b) 3 kms
- c) 4 kms
- d) 5 kms
Answer: 5 kms
Question: If East become North-West, North-West become South and so on then what will South become ?
- a) North-West
- b) South-West
- c) West
- d) North-East
Answer: North-East
Question: Ram is to the South-East of Mukesh, Shyam is to the East of Mukesh and North-East of Ram. If Suresh is to the North of Ram and North-West of Shyam, in which direction of Mukesh is Suresh located ?
- a) North-West
- b) South-West
- c) North - East
- d) South-East
Answer: North - East
Question: A watch reads 10:30, if the minute hand points to East in which direction does the hour hand point ?
- a) North-East
- b) South-East
- c) South-West
- d) West
Answer: South-West
Question: Sita and Ram both start from a point towards north and walk 10 km. Sita turns to her left and Ram turns to his right. Sita waits for some time and then walks another 5 km in the same direction in which she turned on the other hand ram walks only 3 km. Sita then turns towards her left and Ram turns towards his right. Both now walk 15 km forward How far is Sita from Ram now.
- a) 15 km
- b) 10 km
- c) 8 km
- d) 12 km
Answer: 8 km
Question: Aadi stand on his head and his face pointing North words, in what direction will his left hand point -
- a) East
- b) West
- c) North
- d) South
Answer: East
Question: I run along the sides of square field ABCD where C is to the north east of A and D is to the south east of B. Starting from A in anticlock wise direction, in which direction shall I be running after crossing B ?
- a) North
- b) South
- c) East
- d) West
Answer: South
Question: Z was standing with his face pointing to the South-East direction. Z walked 15 mts and then turned North wards and walked another 12 mts. How far was he then from the starting point ?
- a) 12 kms
- b) 10 kms
- c) 9 kms
- d) 5 km
Answer: 9 kms
Question: If you stand on your head with your face pointing Southward, in what direction will your right hand point ?
- a) East
- b) West
- c) North
- d) South
Answer: East
Question: The time on the watch is quarter to three. If the minute hand points to North-East, in which direction does the hour hand point ?
- a) North-West
- b) South-West
- c) South-East
- d) North-East
Answer: South-West
Question: Ram and Shyam start walking in opposite directions. Ram covers 3 kms and Shyam covers 4 kms. Then Ram turns left and walks 4 km. Shyam turns right and walks 3 kms. How far are they from each other ?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: A watch reads 4 : 30. If the minute hand points to East, in which direction does the hour hand point ?
- a) North-East
- b) South-East
- c) North-West
- d) North
Answer: South-East
MCQs for Direction Sense Mental Ability Test Full Syllabus
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Full Syllabus Mental Ability Test to develop the Mental Ability Test Full Syllabus MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Full Syllabus test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Mental Ability Test will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Full Syllabus Mental Ability Test. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Full Syllabus Mental Ability Test so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Full Syllabus Mental Ability Test MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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