CUET History MCQs Unit XIII Mahatma Gandhi Through Contemporary Eyes

Refer to CUET History MCQs Unit XIII Mahatma Gandhi Through Contemporary Eyes provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for UG History with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CUET, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for Unit XIII Mahatma Gandhi Through Contemporary Eyes are an important part of exams for UG History and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CUET UG History and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for UG History Unit XIII Mahatma Gandhi Through Contemporary Eyes

UG History students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Unit XIII Mahatma Gandhi Through Contemporary Eyes in UG.

Unit XIII Mahatma Gandhi Through Contemporary Eyes MCQ Questions UG History with Answers

Question : Which of these conferences was held in November, 1930?
(a) First Round Table Conference
(b) Second Round Table Conference
(c) Third Round Table Conference
(d) Fourth Round Table Conference

Answer : A

Question : Mahatma Gandhi was not present at the festivities in the capital on 15 August 1947. Identify the correct option for not participating in the Independence Day celebration.
(a) The freedom he had struggled so long for had come at an unacceptable price, with a nation divided and Hindus and Muslims at each other’s throats
(b) He went around hospitals and refugee camps, giving consolation to distressed people.
(c) He had never accepted the “two-nation theory”: forced against its will to accept Partition.
(d) All of the above.

Answer : D

Question. Read the following statements and arrange the events in chronological sequences
i. Khilafat Movement
ii. Lahore Session of Congress
iii. Arrival Of Simon Commission
iv. Chauri Chaura incident
(a) i, ii, iii, iv
(b) i, iv, iii, iv
(c) Ii, iii, iv, i
(d) Iii, iv, ii, i

Answer : B

Question. Where was the first major Public Appearance of Gandhiji in India
(a) In Banaras Hindu University
(b) In Champarn
(c) In Bardoli
(d) In Calcutta

Answer : A

Question. Which of the event is the part of Civil Disobedience Movement?
(a) Champaran Satyagraha
(b) Salt Satyagraha
(c) Textile workers’ strike in Ahmedabad
(d) Rawlat Satyagraha

Answer : B

Question : When did the Jallianwala Bagh incident occur?
(a) April 1909
(b) April 1929
(c) April 1939
(d) April 1919

Answer : D

Question : The Non-Cooperation Movement was suspended due to the
(a) Chauri Chaura Incident.
(b) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.
(c) Lahore Conspiracy.
(d) Kakori Conspiracy.

Answer : A

Question : Consider the following events
1. Cabinet Mission
2. Cripps Mission
3. Khilafat Movement
4. Pakistan Resolution
The correct chronological order of these events is:

(a) 4, 3, 2, 1
(b) 4, 3, 1, 2
(c) 3, 4, 1, 2
(d) 3, 4, 2, 1

Answer : D

Question : Which of these sources can be used to reconstruct the political career of Gandhiji?
(a) Writings and speeches of Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Government records
(c) Contemporary newspapers
(d) All of the above

Answer : D

Question : Which country during the First World War, joined the central powers against Britain?
(a) America
(b) Bangladesh
(c) France
(d) Turkey

Answer : D

Question : Which incident(s) prompted Gandhiji to call off the non-corporation movements?
(a) Chauri Chaura
(b) Jallianwala Bagh massacre
(c) a labor dispute in Ahmedabad
(d) Peasants agitation at Champaran

Answer : A

Question : With whom was Mahatma Gandhi compared to his demise?
(a) Abraham Lincoln
(b) Martin Luther King
(c) George Washington
(d) Karl Marx

Answer : A

Question : Who called for the ‘Direct Action Day’ hartal?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Mohammad Ali Jinnah
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel

Answer : B

Question : Gandhi returned from South Africa to Inda in
(a) 1900.
(b) 1905.
(c) 1910.
(d) 1915.

Answer : D

Question : Jinnah called for a ______ to press the League’s demand for Pakistan.
(a) Civil Disobedience Day
(b) Quit India Day
(c) Direct Action Day
(d) Rowlatt Day

Answer : C

Question. Gandhiji stressed on which of the following ideology in order to make the Indians worthy of freedom
(a) Hindu Muslim harmony
(b) Self-reliance
(c) Elimination of social evils
(d) All of the above

Answer : D

Question. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion A and the other as Reason (R).
A) The Crips Mission was failed to reach an agreement with Indian leaders
R) The Quit India Movement was started in 1942

(a) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R)is the correct explanation of (A)
(b) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(c) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct
(d) (R) is correct, but (A) is not correct

Answer : A

Question : Where did Mahatma Gandhi originally start the Satyagraha movement?
(a) Champaran
(b) South Africa
(c) Banaras
(d) Gujarat

Answer : B

Question : Where did Gandhi use Satyagraha for the first time?
(a) India
(b) South Africa
(c) South America
(d) England

Answer : B

Question : Indicate which of the following options is not correct:
(a) Muslim League demanded Pakistan in 1946.
(b) Gandhi ji started Quit India Mission in 1942.
(c) Cripps Mission failed to achieve its objective.
(d) Cabinet Mission arrived in India in 1946.

Answer : B

Question : An All-India Khilafat Conference was held at _________ on 23 November, 1919, with Gandhi as its president.
(a) Calcutta
(b) Punjab
(c) Gujarat
(d) Delhi

Answer : D

Question : Identify the historical event shown in the picture.
(a) Quit India Movement
(b) Dandi March
(c) KhilafatMovement
(d) Non-Cooperation Movement

Answer : B

Question : Dandi March brought forward _
(a) Non-Cooperation Movement
(b) Civil Disobedience Movement
(c) Quit India Movement
(d) Rowlatt Satyagraha

Answer : B

Question : In which year did Mahatma Gandhi give a call for the Quit India movement?
(a) 1930
(b) 1936
(c) 1942
(d) 1945

Answer : C

Question. Who among the following gave the command to open fire at the peaceful crowd gathered at Jallianwala Bagh?
(a) General Dyer
(b) Michael O’ Dwyer
(c) Lord Roberts
(d) Sir William Slim

Answer : A

Question. In which year did the Jallianwala Bagh massacre take place?
(a) 1917
(b) 1918
(c) 1919
(d) 1920

Answer : C

Question : Why did Mahatma Gandhi support the Khilafat issue?
(a) To protest against Jallianwala Bagh incident
(b) To protest against Salt law
(c) To unite Hindu-Muslim
(d) None of these

Answer : C

Question : Khilafat agitators demanded the restoration of powers of
(a) Mughal emperor.
(b) Ottoman ruler.
(c) British monarch.
(d) German kaiser.

Answer : B

Question : Consider the following statements regarding the Indian freedom struggle:
(a) Gandhi Ji withdrew from the non-cooperation movement due to the chauri chaura incident.
(b) Gandhi Ji gave his first public speech at BHU.
(c) Mahatma Gandhi was arrested in 1921 ad
(d) Nehru was the congress President at the Lahore session.
Which of the given statements is false?

Answer : C

Question : Dandi March brought forward _______.
(a) Non-Cooperation Movement
(b) Civil Disobedience Movement
(c) Quit India Movement
(d) Rowlatt Satyagraha

Answer : B

Question : Who wrote Mahatma Gandhi’s biography?
(a) cR.Das
(b) Krishna Pillai
(c) J.M Sengupta
(d) dG. Tendulkar

Answer : D

Question : Who led the Khilafat Movement in India?
(a) Muhammad Ali and Shaukat Ali
(b) Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Shamsuddin Hussain
(c) Maulana Azad and Hasrat AAohini
(d) Qutubuddin Ahmad and Maulana Azad

Answer : A

Question : A series of ‘Praja Mandals’ was established to promote nationalist creed in
(a) Middle classes
(b) Princely states
(c) Merchant community
(d) All of the above

Answer : B

Question. ----------------------- allowed certain political leaders to be jailed without trial.
(a) Official secrets Act
(b) Rowlat Act
(c) Indian Independence Act
(d) Indian slavery Act

Answer : B

Question. After carefully observing the given image, identify the place in which the gathering under Mahatma Gandhi hel(d)
(a) Dandi
(b) Sabarmati
(c) Champaran
(d) None of the above

Answer : B

Question : Mahatma Gandhi illustrated his tactical wisdom by picking on Salt Monopoly. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct to prove this?
1. State Monopoly over salt was deeply unpopular.
2. People were forbidden from making salt for even domestic use.
3. Salt was not an essential item.
Choose the correct option:

(a) (1) and (2) only
(b) (2) and (3) only
(c) (1), (2) and (3)
(d) (2) only

Answer : A

Question : Who was Mahatma Gandhi’s political mentor in India?
(a) Rabindranath Tagore
(b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(c) Sri Aurobindo
(d) Swami Vivekananda

Answer : B

Question : According to Gandhi’s service of the poor is the:
(a) service of society
(b) service of humanity
(c) service of God
(d) service of disabled

Answer : C

Question : In which year was the First Round Table Conference held?
(a) 1928
(b) 1929
(c) 1930
(b) 1931

Answer : C

Question. What was the main objective of the establishment “Praja Mandals”?
(a) To gain political rights for the citizens
(b) To promote the nationalist creed in the princely states
(c) To revolt against taxation
(d) None of the above

Answer : B

Question : _______ was the moderate leader of Congress
(a) Lala Lajpat Rai
(b) Bipin Chandra Pal
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Answer : D

Question : In 1916, the annual session of Indian National Congress was held at
(a) Lahore.
(b) Lucknow.
(c) Nagpur.
(d) Surat.

Answer : B

Question : Which of the following statement(s) is/are incorrect regarding the Indian freedom struggle:
(a) Gandhiji withdrew from the non-cooperation movement due to the chauri chaura incident.
(b) Gandhiji gave his first public speech at BHU.
(c) Mahatma Gandhi was arrested in 1921.
(d) Nehru was the Congress president at the Lahore session.

Answer : C

Question : Peasant Satyagraha at Bardoli was hold in _
(a) 1928
(b) 1929
(c) 1930
(d) 1931

Answer : A

Question. What was agenda behind the Quit India Movement?
(a) British Must Quit the Indian soil
(b) Complete Independence for India
(c) Demanding United Independent India
(d) All the above

Answer : D

Question : When did Gandhiji started Dandi March from Sabarmati?
(a) July 15, 1942
(b) March 12, 1930
(c) December 13, 1887
(d) January 1, 1912

Answer : B

Question : Indicate which of the following options is not correct:
(a) Muslim League demanded Pakistan in 1946.
(b) Gandhiji started Quit India Mission in 1942.
(c) Cripps Mission failed to achieve its objective.
(d) Cabinet Mission arrived in India in 1946.

Answer : A

Question : Why was charkha chosen as a national symbol?
(a) Symbol of anger and self-confidence.
(b) Symbol of nationalism and self-confidence.
(c) Symbol of self-reliance and patriotism.
(d) Symbol of self-reliance and self-confidence.

Answer : D

Question. In which session of the Congress took the resolution for Purna Swaraj?
(a) Madras
(b) Bombay
(c) Lahore
(d) Karachi

Answer : C

Question : A series of non-violence campaigns of the Civil Disobedience Movement was launched by the Indian National Congress under the leadership of ................
(a) Mohammad Ali Jinnah
(b) Sri Aurabindo
(c) Motilal Nehru
(d) Mahatma Gandhi

Answer : D

Question : Direct Action Day hartal called by the ______ on August 16, 1946 to get rid of 'British slavery and contemplated future caste-Hindu domination’.
(a) Muslim League
(b) Congress
(c) CSP
(d) CPI

Answer : A

Question : The journal Harijan was published by
(a) Sardar Vallabhai Patel.
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru.
(c) Mahatma Gandhi.
(d) Rajendra Prasad

Answer : C

Question : On Gokhale’s advice, Gandhiji spent a year traveling around British India, getting to know the land and its peoples. In the year 1916, He made His first major public appearance at the opening of the ______ University.
(a) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(b) Calcutta
(c) Banaras Hindu
(d) Delhi

Answer : C

Question : Gandhiji took back Non Cooperation movement in __________
(a) January 1921
(b) February 1922
(c) February 1921
(d) January 1922

Answer : B

Question : When did Mahatma Gandhi make his major public appearance?
(a) 1915
(b) 1916
(c) 1917
(d) 1918

Answer : B

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