Refer to CBSE Class 8 Social Science The Making of the National Movement: 1870s -1947 MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 8 Social Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 9 The Making of the National Movement: 1870s -1947 Class 8 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 8 Social Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 8 Social Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 9 The Making of the National Movement: 1870s -1947
Class 8 Social Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 9 The Making of the National Movement: 1870s -1947 in Class 8.
Chapter 9 The Making of the National Movement: 1870s -1947 MCQ Questions Class 8 Social Science with Answers
Question.Marathi newspaper ‘Kesari’ was edited by
(A) Lala Lajpat Rai
(B) Balgangadhar Tilak
(C) Chitta Ranjan Das
(D) Sarojini Naidu
Answer : B
Question. The Vernacular Press Act was enacted in
(A) 1840
(B) 1857
(C) 1878
(D) 1890
Answer : C
Question. The capacity to act independently without outside interference is termed as.
(A) Socialist
(B) Democratic
(C) Publicist
(D) Sovereign
Answer : D
Question. Which of the following achievements of the Moderates cannot be considered true?
(A) The Moderates helped in removing social injustices like the rigid caste structure that divided the Indian society
(B) Due to the persistent efforts of the Moderates, Indians understood the concepts of freedom, secularism and democracy.
(C) The Moderates created a sense of national consciousness
(D) This microscopic minority of leaders could change the policies and made a huge impact on British.
Answer : D
Question.Who established Natal Congress?
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Balgangadhar Tilak
(D) Lala Lajpat Rai
Answer : B
Question.Second World War ended in
(A) 1910
(B) 1920
(C) 1945
(D) 1947
Answer : C
Question. Marathi newspaper ‘Kesari’ was edited by
(A) Lala Lajpat Rai
(B) Balgangadhar Tilak
(C) Chitta Ranjan Das
(D) Sarojini Naidu
Answer : B
Question. Where did the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association was formed?
(A) Bombay
(B) Kanpur
(C) Delhi
(D) Allahabad
Answer : C
Question. The founder of Khudai Khidmatgars was
(A) Mohammad Ali
(B) Shaukat Ali
(C) Badshah Khan
(D) None of these
Answer : C
Question. The fight for Purna Swaraj was fought under the presidentship of
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Jawaharlal Nehru
(C) C. Rajagopalachari
(D) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Answer : B
Question- ______ was a Indian businessman and publicist based in London.
(A) Lala Hadayal
(B) Dadabhai Naroji
(C) Jawaharlal Nehru
(D) Bhagat Singh
Answer : B
Question- ________ allowed for trial of Europeans by Indians.
(A) Ilbert Bill
(B) Vernacular Press Act
(C) Judiciary Bill
(D) Arms Bill
Answer : A
Question. Name the movement launched following the Partition of Bengal.
(A) Quit India Movement
(B) Salt Satyagraha
(C) Swadeshi Movement
(D) First war of Independence
Answer : C
Question- ______ was a Marathi newspaper edited by Bal Gangadhar Tilak.
(A) Muktangan
(B) Kesari
(C) Sakal
(D) Gazette
Answer : B
Question- Gandhiji arrived in India from _____ in 1915.
(A) Japan
(B) South Africa
(D) China
Answer : B
Question- ______ was one of the Congress leaders from Bengal with radical objectives.
(A) Bipin Chandra Pal
(B) Ravindranath Tagore
(C) Raja Rammohan Roy
(D) R C Mukherjee
Answer : A
Question- Freedom is our Birthright slogan was given by ________.
(A) Lala Lajpat Rai
(B) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(C) Laxmi Sehgal
(D) Mahatma Gandi
Answer : B
Question- _______ and Muslim League signed a Historic Pact of Lucknow in 1916
(A) Communist Party
(B) British Empire
(C) Congress
(D) Socialist Party
Answer : C
Question- Jallianwala Masscare took place in _____.
(A) 1919
(B) 1921
(C) 1924
(D) 1917
Answer : A
Question- Gandhiji had established ______ in South Africa.
(A) Sabarmati Ashram
(B) Natal Congress
(C) Communist Party
(D) Labour Union
Answer : B
Question. A list of leaders are given below, identify the leader who is not considered as a Moderate but a Radical.
(A) Pherozeshah Mehta
(B) Dadabhai Naoroji
(C) Aurobindo Ghosh
(D) Surendranath Banerjee
Answer : C
Question- ______ was launched in 1930.
(A) Civil Disobedience Movement
(B) Swarajya Movement
(C) Khilafat Movement
(D) Workers movement
Answer : A
Question- ____ was a lawyer and freedom fighter from East Bengal.
(A) Jatin Das
(B) Bipin Chandra Pal
(C) Chitta Ranjan Das
(D) Tagore
Answer : C
Question- Dandi March was led by ______ in 1930.
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Sarojini Naidu
(C) Indira Gandhi
(D) S C Bose
Answer : A
Question- Quit India Movement took place in ______.
(A) 1942
(B) 1949
(C) 1940
(D) 1939
Answer : A
Question. Some important features of the Swadeshi Movement are given below: Pick out the one that is not applicable to the Swadeshi Movement
(A) They encouraged the ideas of self help
(B) They boycotted British institutions and goods.
(C) Swadeshi movement stressed on the use of English language with minimal use of Indian languages.
(D) The Swadeshi movement sought to oppose British rule
Answer : C
Question- ______ was the first woman president of Congress.
(A) Annie Besant
(B) Sarojini Naidu
(C) Laxmi Sehgal
(D) Ambabai
Answer : B
Question. After a major split between the Moderates and Radicals, in which year did they reunite again?
(A) In December 1930
(B) In December 1940
(C) In December 1920
(D) In December 1915
Answer : D
Question- Ahmedabad is located on the banks of _____
(A) Mahi
(B) Sabarmati
(C) Narmada
(D) Godavari
Answer : B
Question. The modern Indian middle class owed its birth to :
(A) The struggle between the ruling class and the proletariat
(B) The political upheavals in the country on account of the disintegration of the Mughal empire
(C) European enterprise in India resulting in the growth of a new working class and urban revolution
(D) Industrialisation
Answer : C
Question. The worst effect of the law, relating to sub-in-feudation of zamindari rights in British India, was
(A) The rapid increase in the value of landed property
(B) The land became an objective of speculative investment and source of profit to the moneyed class
(C) The land lost its importance as a source of production and livelihood to the cultivators
(D) Both (B) and (C) above
Answer : D
Question. In which year Meruth conspiracy took place ?
(A) 1925
(B) 1927
(C) 1929
(D) 1930
Answer : C
Question. In which year Mahatma Gandhi was born ?
(A) 1889
(B) 1875
(C) 1869
(D) 1879
Answer : C
Question. At which place Mahatma Gandhi had his first Satyagraha ?
(A) Bardoli
(B) Champaran
(C) Amritsar
(D) Sabarmati
Answer : B
Question. In which year all India Farmers Union was formed ?
(A) 1928
(B) 1936
(C) 1942
(D) 1946
Answer : B
Question. In which year 'Workers Day' was celebrated forthe first time in India ?
(A) 1927
(B) 1937
(C) 1947
(D) 1957
Answer : A
Question. Who ordered the firing at Jallianwala Bagh ?
(A) Dayar
(B) Sounders
(C) Rend
(D) None of the above
Answer : A
Question. Who gave the slogan'Jai Hind' ?
(A) Subhash Chandra Bose
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) J. L. Nehru
(D) Sardar Patel
Answer : A
Question. When did Muslim League passed the 'Resolution for Pakistan'
(A) 1909
(B) 1930
(C) 1940
(D) 1947
Answer : C
Question. "Every blow on my body will prove to be a nail in the British coffin". Who gave the above statement ?
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Pt. J.L. Nehru
(C) Lala Lajpat Rai
(D) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Answer : C
Question. At which place, Gandhi broke the salt law by making salt ?
(A) Sabarmati
(B) Dandi
(C) Bombay
(D) Surat
Answer : B
Question. Who headed the Interim government formed in India in 1946 ?
(A) J.L. Nehru
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Sardar Patel
(D) Jinnah
Answer : A
Question. Forwhich proposal Gandhi used the words a postdated cheque of a drowning bank ?
(A) Cripps Praposal
(B) C.R. Praposal
(C) Wavel praposal
(D) Cabinet mission praposal
Answer : C
Question. Who among the following was not a leader of the Indian National Army ?
(A) Subhash Chandra Boss
(B) Ras Bihari
(C) Mohan Singh
(D) Sukhdev
Answer : D
Question. The first session of All India Farmers Union was held at -
(A) Faizabad
(B) Lukhnow
(C) Delhi
(D) Surat
Answer : A
Question. When was the Congress Socialist Party formed?
(A) 1930
(B) 1932
(C) 1934
(D) 1936
Answer : C
Question. Against whom the Khilafat movement was launched ?
(A) Indian National Congress
(B) English Government
(C) Government of England
(D) None of the above
Answer : C
Question. Who among the following was not a part of khilafat movement ?
(A) Soukat Ali
(B) Mohammad Ali
(C) Abdul Kalam Azad
(D) Sardar Patel
Answer : D
Question. Which revolutionary was sentenced to death on the charge of the murder of Saunders ?
(A) Bhagat Singh
(B) Chandra ShekharAzad
(C) Ras Bihari
(D) Manmathnath
Answer : B
Question. Who among the following were the first to be arrested during Non-Cooperation movement ?
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) J.L. Nehru
(C) Ali Brothers
(D) S.C. Boss
Answer : C
Question. Who was the head of the committee formed in 1924 to recommend reforms in the Act of 1919 ?
(A) M, L. Nehru
(B) Alexsender Moodyman
(C) C.R. Das
(D) John Simmon
Answer : A
Question. Name 'the secretary of state, who challanged the Indians to prepare a constitution ?
(A) Morle
(B) Bralenhead
(C) Montegue
(D) None of the above
Answer : B
Question. Who among the Indians denied to accept the Nehru report ?
(A) Communists
(B) Jinnah
(C) Congress
(D) None of the above
Answer : B
Question. During Lahore session in 1929 the Congress president used the following words "We have only are target -complete independence". Who used these words ?
(A) Pt. J. N. Nehru
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Moulana Azad
(D) S.C. Boss
Answer : A
Question. 'Hindustan Democratic Federation' was founded by
(A)Yatindra Mukkherji
(B) Sachindra Sanyal
(C) Bhagat Singh
(D Rajnder Lahiri
Answer : B
Question. Who among the following was not a part of Kakori cons piracy ?
(A) Ram Prashad Bismilt
(B) Ranjendra Lahiri
(C) Sachindra Sanyal
(D) Kedarnath Sehgal
Answer : D
Question. 'Death or Victory', who gave this slogan ?
(A) Indian National Army
(B) Hindustan Democratic Socialist Party
(C) Naujawan Sabha
(D) None of the above
Answer : A
Question. Who among the following', with Bhagat Singh threw the bomb in Central Legislative Assembly in the year 1929?
(A) Battu Keshwar Dutt
(B) Ray Guru
(C) Sukhdev
(D) Sachindra Sanyal
Answer : B
Question. Udham Singh went to England to kill -
(A) General Dayar
(B) Ex - Governor Dayar
(C) Mac - Donald
(D) None of the above
Answer : A
Question. Chandra Bose was appointed as the Chairman of the Independence League and was called 'Netaji'. In which year this happened ?
(A) 1942
(B) 1943
(C) 1944
(D) 1945
Answer : A
Question. Who among the following INA officers was not tried of the charge of treason ?
(A) Shahnawaj Khan
(B) Prem Shehgal
(C) Gurubhaksh Singh
(D) Mohan Singh
Answer : D
Question. When Gandhi broke the salt law at Dandi, who welcomed him with the words 'Law breaker - you're welcomed'
(A) Pt. Nehru
(B) Sarojini Naidu
(D) None of the above
Answer : B
Question. With how many followers Gandhi completed his Dandi March ?
(A) 75
(B) 57
(C) 78
(D) 801
Answer : C
Question. Underwhose leadership the army denied to fire on freedom fighters at Peshawar in 1930 ?
(A) Mohan Singh
(B) Chandan Singh Gadhwali
(C) Subhash Chandra Bose
(D) None of the above
Answer : B
Question. For which incident, Dr. Rajendra prasad used the words 'A marrige without groom' .
(A) First Round Table Conference
(B) Second Round Table Conference
(C) Third Round Table Conference
(D) Gandhi-Irwin pact
Answer : A
Question. Who presented the August praposals ?
(A) Wavel
(B) Irwin
(C) Linlithgo
(D) Mountbatten
Answer : D
Question. The ryotwari settlement was made with the :
(A) The zamindars
(B) The cultivators
(C) The village communities
(D) The muqaddams
Answer : B
Question. The theory of the early British rulers that the Company, as the owner of agricultural land, was entitled to the whole of the'economic rent' derived its support from :
(A) The Theory of Surplus Value
(B) The Agio Theory of Interest
(C) Keynes' Theory of Income and Employment
(D) The Ricardian Theory of Rent
Answer : D
Question. The main reason for the permanent indebtedness of the peasantry was :
(A) False accounting
(B) Forged signatures
(C) Making the debtor sign for larger amounts than he had borrowed
(D) High rate of interest on loans
Answer : D
Question. Which of the following was not one of the reasons for the spurt in the demand for Indian cotton goods in England to such an extent that the Indian calicoes emerged as the biggest item of the Company's imports from India ?
(A) Change in English fashions and modes of dress
(B) Improvement in the quality of goods on account of introduction of superior variety of cotton
(C) Abolition of import duties on them in England (1685)
(D) The prohibition of imports from France (1688)
Answer : B
Question. An Indian mercantile class, which almost completely vanished on account of the British economic policies and commercial practices of the Europeans in India, was :
(A) Freighttraders
(B) Sugar manufacturers
(C) Bankers
(D) Brokers
Answer : C
Question. Whom did the British monopoly over internal trade benefit the most ?
(A) The Company
(B) The employees of the Company
(C) The British government
(D) The gomashtas or the Company's servants
Answer : B
Question. The extension of the cultivation of indigo, cotton, opium, tea, and coffee in India, besides benefiting the British planters, also benefited -.
(A) The zamindars
(B) The small merchants
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) The Indian bankers
Answer : C
Question. The root of the poverty of the people of India during the British rule was that:
(A) All economic resources of India were at the mercy of the British
(B) Indian economy had been bound to the colonial interests
(C) Agriculture remained almost the sole occupation of the masses.
(D) Foreign capital flowed into all branches of India's economic life
Answer : C
Question. The British industrial policy in India has been rightly called as the policy of :
(A) "Stagnated Growth"
(B) "De-industrialisation
(C) "Colonisation of Economy'
(D) "Monopolised Europeanisation
Answer : B
Question. According to Karl Marx, the British economic policies "caused a social revolution in Hindustan" which was the consequence of :
(A) The destruction of co-operative living in the rural areas
(B) The western ideas of competition and market economy
(C) The emergence of a middle class which prospered on account of the British policies
(D) AIl the above
Answer : D
Question. In the ryotwari areas, the value of land declined appreciably because :
(A) All peasant cultivators were declared owners of land
(B) Instead of cultivation, sale of land was an easierway of sustenance
(C) The rate of land revenue was excessive
(D) The methods of collection of revenue were so harshas to make the ownership of land highly undesirable
Answer : D
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MCQs for Chapter 9 The Making of the National Movement: 1870s -1947 Social Science Class 8
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