CBSE Class 11 Geography MCQs and Short Questions

Refer to CBSE Class 11 Geography MCQs and Short Questions provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 11 Geography with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. All Chapters Class 11 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 11 Geography and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 11 Geography and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 11 Geography All Chapters

Class 11 Geography students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for All Chapters in Class 11.

All Chapters MCQ Questions Class 11 Geography with Answers




Question. The technique of cartography in geography refers to –
a) Geo-Informatics
b) Field Survey methods
c) Skill of Map making
d) Statistical Techniques

Answer: C

Question. Which one of the following gas in the atmosphere acts as a filter and absorbs the ultra-violet radiations and shield life on the earth from intense, harmful form of energy.
a) Oxygen
b) Ozone
c) Nitrogen
d) Carbon-di- oxide.

Answer:  B

Question. Stalactites and stalagmites are the depositional features related to which type of landforms?
a) Karst topography
b) Glaciers
c) Running Water
d) Ocean Currents

Answer: A



Question. The interactions between the physical environment and human being has been very clearly described by a poet in the following line,“You created the soil, I created the cup, you created night, I created lamp, you created wilderness, and I created flower beds”.What inference will you derive from the lines above?
a) Humanised Nature
b) Naturalised human beings.
c) Synthesis of Nature and Human being
d) All the above.

Answer:  C

Question. The continental drift theory put forward by Alfred Wegner advocated that all the continents are formed of a single continental mass, called Pangaea. In support of his theory he gave variety of evidences. Which one of the following evidence does not support this concept?
a) Placer deposits
b) Distribution of fossils
c) Conventional current theory
d) Jig-saw-fit.

Answer:  C



Question. The captain of a ship observed that it was local noon. He turned on the radio and listened to the 7.00 a.m. B.B.C. news. What was his longitude at that point of time?
a) 75 E
b) 75 W
c) 20 E
d) 65 W

Answer: A

Question. During the photosynthesis, carbon- di -oxide combines with water in the presence of sunlight to form: ___________
a) proteins
b) carbohydrates
c) amino acids
d) vitamins

Answer:  B

Question. If the surface air pressure is 1,000 mb, the air pressure at 1 km above the surface will be________________:
a) 700 mb
b) 600 mb
c) 1,300 mb
d) 1,100 mb

Answer:  D



Question. Bio-geography is a sub-branch of geography and is closely related to which field of Science.
a) Physics related to Astronomy
b) Botany related to Ecology
c) Mathematics related to Statistics
d) Geology related to Earth Science

Answer:  B

Question. Which one of the following disciplines attempt temporal synthesis?
a) Sociology
b) Anthropology
c) Geography
d) History

Answer:  D

Question. A mineral is a naturally occurring inorganic substance, having an orderly atomic structure and a definite chemical composition and physical properties. To which discipline of science can you correlate this definition of mineral.
a) Physics
b) Chemistry
c) Biology
d) Astronomy

Answer:  B



Question. Read the following passage and frame a question:

“The long term average rainfall for the country is 1160 mm: which is the highest anywhere in the world for a country of comparable size. The annual rainfall however fluctuates widely leads to --- ----------------------------------------------------------”.
a) Farming is restricted to a few areas.
b) Underground water is not recharged.
c) There is inadequate water for urban areas.
d) There are frequent droughts in some areas and floods in other.

Question. “In India, debris, avalanches and landslides occur very frequently in the Himalayas”.
 what is the weather disturbances happen in Himalayas? 

1. Why are inner planets rocky while the outer planets are gaseous in form?
2. How do the behaviors of body waves (P & S) helped scientists to understand the structure of the interior of the earth?
3. What are the two basic differences between intrusive igneous and extrusive igneous rocks?
4. Study the given diagram carefully and answer the questions given below:
CBSE Class 11 Geography MCQs and Short Questions
( 4.1) Why there is a surplus of net radiation balance between 40 degree north and south.
(4.2) What is the effect of deficit of energy at the poles.
Question. Study the rainfall and temperature of the following cities mentioned as Station –A & Station -B and answer the questions given below.
CBSE Class 11 Geography MCQs and Short Questions-
State whether it is north or south of equator and give reasons to support your answer
Briefly describe the characteristic features of (i) distribution and amount of rainfall (ii) the temperature
State the type of climate for each of the places A and B and name one region where it occurs.
6. The geographical phenomena, both the physical and human, are not static but highly dynamic. What kind of change is seen in their interactive process?
7. “Tropical regions which occupy only about one-fourth of the total area of the world, contains about three-fourth of the world human population”.
7.1) What does it mean ?
7.2) Write any two consequences of this situation on the environment?
8. “The monsoonal trough of low pressure does not remain stationary over north India. It moves north and south & greatly affects distribution of rainfall.”
8.1) why the low pressure trough moves
8.2) Give any two reasons of this shift of low pressure trough.
9. All the branches of Physical geography have interface with natural sciences. What Kind of relation does it exist between the two discipline.
10. A fall in the barometer, a change of cloud type, a bright sunshine or even a whisper of wind can be a very useful tip to a weather forecaster. Write any two relation of weather forecaster with meteorology as a discipline.
11. A travel account of the route of the valley of Flowers Uttaranchal
“All of our bravados were squashed when we saw our first landslide. It seemed as if the whole mountain side had moved down with a vengeance and had devoured everything that man had dared to put in its path”.
11.1) frame any one question from the above paragraph.
11.2 ) write any two effects of Landslides which you could visualize in this situation.
12. Observe the diagram of structure of Atmosphere.
Construct one question each from the layers, troposphere and stratosphere highlighting their importance.
CBSE Class 11 Geography MCQs and Short Questions-1
1. Why are time, topography and parent rock considered as passive controlling factors in soil formation?
2. What are the factors affecting the speed and direction of wind?
3. Why the knowledge of rocks and their structures is essential in the interpretation of landforms?
4. Plant Life in the Deserts
CBSE Class 11 Geography MCQs and Short Questions-2
Despite its inhospitality, the deserts have always been known for its unique diversity of plants,animals and people.
4.1 Frame any two questions on life in deserts 
4.2 Describe any two special adaptations which have helped them to survive in such harsh conditions. 
5. The International Union for the conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) has identified certain areas as „biodiversity hotspots‟.
5.1 Frame a question on hotspots in biodiversity 
5.2 What is meant by hotspots and why are they called vulnerable regions?
6. “Aided with technology, human beings moved from the stage of necessity to the stage of freedom”.
Support this statement with the help of any three specific examples from the world.
7. Why must a traveler, when crossing North America from New York to the west coast, alter
his watch at special places?
8. The following terms are in one way or another connected with volcanoes and earthquakes. Choose one term from each of the section A, B and C and write what you know about them.
CBSE Class 11 Geography MCQs and Short Questions-3
9. What are bio-geochemical cycles? 
9.1 Explain how nitrogen is fixed in the atmosphere? Also
9.2 write any two such plants which are called nitrogen fixers.
10. Geo-informatics comprising techniques such as Remote sensing, GIST (geographic information system and GPS (global position system) has opened vistas of knowledge in today‟s world. Describe importance of each in your own words.
MCQ (1 marks each)
11. "Farming with High-Technology‟
CBSE Class 11 Geography MCQs and Short Questions-4
Globalisation in farming is no more a new concept. Mechanisation is one such step towards globalization. Keeping this changing scenario in mind,
11.1 Construct any three questions which highlight its relevance in today‟s context of agriculture
12. In Madagascar, about 85 percent of the plants and animals are not only found, (no where else in the world), but its people are also among the world‟s poorest and rely on slash and burn agriculture for subsistence farming.”
12.1 Imagine yourself as a member of this community; frame any three questions depicting your life in Madasgcar.
1. Explain the given statements below on climate in short from:
(a) Anticyclones are most frequent in summer
(b) Without watervapour and dust in the atmosphere, there would be no weather.
(c ) Sleet is frozen rain
(d) Temperature decreases with increasing attitude.
(e) Wind in the northern hemisphere are always deflected to their right.
The Lost River
Several rivers during the recent geological history have changed their courses and some have disappeared thereafter, probably by the advancing desert. The Ghaggar is believed to be the present day successor of the Saraswati river.
(4.1) Name a mighty river which has completely disappeared in the past?
(4.2) To which part of India does this river belongs to?
(4.3) What was the main reason for the disappearance of such mighty river.
(4.4) What is the consequence of this disappearance of such mighty river to the region?
(4.5) Name the river which in present is the successor of old Saraswati river.
5. Match the following information given in the columns correctly.
CBSE Class 11 Geography MCQs and Short Questions-5
6. What are the characteristic feature you would expect to find in a river valley at the stage of youth,mature and old age.
Illustrate at least two of the most outstanding features with diagram? (Two landforms from each category)
7. Give a reasoned explanation to each of the following statement in reference to oceans.
(7.1)The richest fishing grounds are located on continental shelves.
(7.2)The average salinity of the Baltic sea is only 7% whereas that of the Dead sea is 240%.
(7.3)The temperature of the ocean water varies both horizontally and vertically.
(7.4)Movement of the ocean current is influenced by the prevailing wind.
(7.5)Tides are the rise and fall in the level of sea, once or twice in day.
8. “All the Social Science disciplines i.e. Sociology, Political Science, Economics & Demography study different aspects of social relations”.
Describe any such five branches of geography which are closely linked with these disciplines. with suitable examples.
9. The Harappan civilization became dead even though it was close to the Sindhu (now Indus) river.
Write any five reasons which have led to the downfall of Harappan civilization.
10. “A landslide is the rapid sliding of large masses of bed rocks or regolits”. The below picture shows that these modifications of slopes are done by Humans.
10.1 Write a note on the effect of modification by human beings on the occurrence of landslides. Does it help in checking landslides? Suggest few methods to check land sides in mountains areas.
CBSE Class 11 Geography MCQs and Short Questions-6
11. The below two graphs are taken from different stations Alor star in West Malaysia and Mumbai in India, showing two different types of climate. Frame any five questions of your own choice dealing with.
(11.1)Range of temperature
(11.2)Annual Rainfall
(11.3) Comparison between the two stations
(11.4) Reason for two peaks in Alor Star.
(11.5) Reason for rain fall in July month in Mumbai.
CBSE Class 11 Geography MCQs and Short Questions-7
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 01 Geography as a Discipline
CBSE Class 11 Geography as a Discipline MCQs
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 02 Geography The Origin and Evolution of the Earth
CBSE Class 11 Geography The Origin and Evolution of the Earth MCQs
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 03 Interior of the Earth
CBSE Class 11 Geography Interior of the Earth MCQs
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 04 Distribution of Oceans and Continents
CBSE Class 11 Geography Distribution of Oceans and Continents MCQs
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 05 Minerals and Rocks
CBSE Class 11 Geography Minerals and Rocks MCQs
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 06 Geomorphic Processes
CBSE Class 11 Geomorphic Processes MCQs
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 07 Landforms and their Evolution
CBSE Class 11 Geography Landforms and their Evolution MCQs
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 08 Composition and Structure of Atmosphere
CBSE Class 11 Geomorphic Composition and Structure of Atmosphere MCQs
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 09 Solar Radiation, Heat Balance and Temperature
CBSE Class 11 Geography Solar Radiation, Heat Balance and Temperature MCQs
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 10 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems
CBSE Class 11 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems MCQs
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 11 Water in the Atmosphere
CBSE Class 11 Water in the Atmosphere MCQs
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 12 World Climate and Climate Change
CBSE Class 11 World Climate and Climate Change MCQs
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 13 Water (Oceans)
CBSE Class 11 Water (Oceans) MCQs
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 14 Movements of Ocean Water
CBSE Class 11 Movements of Ocean Water MCQs
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 15 Geography Life on the Earth
CBSE Class 11 Geography Life on the Earth MCQs
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 16 Biodiversity and Conservation
CBSE Class 11 Biodiversity and Conservation MCQs
India Physical Environment Chapter 01 India Location
CBSE Class 11 Geography India Location MCQs
India Physical Environment Chapter 02 Structure and Physiography
CBSE Class 11 Geography Structure and Physiography MCQs
India Physical Environment Chapter 03 Drainage System
CBSE Class 11 Geography Drainage System MCQs
India Physical Environment Chapter 04 Climate
CBSE Class 11 Geography Climate MCQs
India Physical Environment Chapter 05 Natural Vegetation
CBSE Class 11 Geography Natural Vegetation MCQs
India Physical Environment Chapter 06 Soils
CBSE Class 11 Geography Soils MCQs
India Physical Environment Chapter 07 Natural Hazards and Disaster
CBSE Class 11 Geography Natural Hazards and Disasters MCQs

MCQs for All Chapters Geography Class 11

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 11 Geography to develop the Geography Class 11 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 11 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Geography will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 11 Geography. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 11 Geography so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 11 Geography MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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How can I prepare for All Chapters Class 11 MCQs?

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Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for Class 11 Geography All Chapters