Rearrangement of Sentences CUET English

Refer to Rearrangement of Sentences CUET English provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for CUET English with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CUET, NCERT and KVS. Rearrangement of Sentences CUET MCQ are an important part of exams for CUET English and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CUET CUET English and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for CUET English Rearrangement of Sentences

CUET English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Rearrangement of Sentences in CUET.

Rearrangement of Sentences MCQ Questions CUET English with Answers

In the following questions, some parts have been jumbled up.
You are required to rearrange these parts, which are labelled P, Q, R and S, to produce the correct sentence.

Question: When 
P : it becomes an honour of a lifetime
Q : in recognition of their great performance
R : illustrious personalities
S : win an award
a) a R P Q S
b) P Q R S
c) Q R S P
d) R S Q P

Answer: d

Question: The inspector argued that no force was used
P : beyond that was necessary to put an end to the disturbances
Q : by the police
R : produced
S : by the anti-social elements
a) Q P R S
b) S P R Q
c) P S R Q
d) Q R P S

Answer: a

Question: Though my father
P : he is deeply concerned
Q : about their needs
R : makes his children
S : carry out their duties promptly
a) R S P Q
b) P R Q S
c) R S Q P
d) P Q R S

Answer: a

Question: The concept of death
P : that it has been reduced
Q : as an inevitability
R : is so ancient
S : to a cliche
a) S P R Q
b) Q R P S
c) S R P Q
d) Q P R S

Answer: b

Question: The specific
P : ability requirements of the job
Q : depend on the
R : required for adequate job performance
S : intellectual or physical abilities
a) P Q R S
b) S R Q P
c) P R Q S
d) S Q R P

Answer: b

Question: In life
P : some rules are
Q : as in business
R : they seem almost instinctive
S : learnt so early that
a) R S P Q
b) Q P S R
c) R P S Q
d) Q S P R

Answer: b

Question: For thousands of years
P : one of the most important fruits
Q : the strange fruit of this bush
R : of the mediterranean region
S : has been regarded as
a) P Q R S
b) Q S P R
c) P S Q R
d) Q R P S

Answer: b

Question: If
P : no amount of experience could alter them
Q : they could be fixed at birth and
R : completely dictated by heredity
S : personality characteristics were
a) Q R S P
b) S P Q R
c) Q P S R
d) S R Q P

Answer: d

Question: The Great Powers are engaged
P : in spite of common knowledge
Q : in arming themselves to the teeth,
R : total destruction of the human race
S : that another war will mean
a) Q R S P
b) S P Q R
c) Q P S R
d) S R Q P

Answer: c

Question: Everyone knows that
P : it’s difficult
Q : to speak more politely
R : to go to the manager
S : and tell him that he ought
a) Q S R P
b) P R S Q
c) Q R S P
d) P S R Q

Answer: b

Question: The Government has assured the people that
P : in the Kargil operation
Q : who have sacrificed their lives
R : will be properly looked after
S : the families of all those soldiers
a) P S R Q
b) S Q P R
c) S R Q P
d) S P R Q

Answer: b

Question: The Portuguese,
P : had a great talent
Q : as also for choosing the right place
R : for building houses
S : who arrived in Goa 400 years ago
a) R P S Q
b) S Q R P
c) R Q S P
d) S P R Q

Answer: d

Question: The unfortunate reality
P : as a result of this decline England is
Q : peripheral sport in England and
R : is cricket is today a
S : peripheral to world cricket
a) S Q P R
b) R P Q S
c) S P Q R
d) R Q P S

Answer: d

Question: All precautionary measures were taken
P : to prevent the capture of booths
Q : during the election
R : by the Government
S : by the terrorists
a) S P R Q
b) Q S P R
c) R P S Q
d) R Q P S

Answer: c

Question: Making
P : had formed from the receding tide
Q : I noticed a man fishing in
R : my way to a favourite fishing spot
S : a very small pool of water that
a) S P Q R
b) R Q S P
c) S Q R P
d) R P S Q

Answer: b

Given below are four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options, pick the one that gives their correct order.

A. Gone are the days when you stayed with one firm for your entire career and made lifelong friends in the office.
B. This phenomenon was noted in a recent research report which found that the median tenure for employees below the age of 30 is just two years.
C. The research report stated that young people today are tempted to switch jobs quickly.
D. As job longevity becomes a phenomenon of the past, there is a change in attitude in the modern generation towards employment.
a) D B C A
b) B A D C
c) C D A B
d) D C B A

Answer: a

A. On the morning of April 12, Gopal rose at 5.30 am.
B. Then he drove to the Joggers Park which was four km away.
C. There he met his group of walking enthusiasts.
D. He put on his track suit and walking shoes.
a) C B A D
b) A D B C
c) D C A B
d) A C B D

Answer: b

A. Her father had been stuck in an elevator for six hours.
B. Esha had heard from her parents about a blackout caused by a sudden storm.
C. She had to grope in the dark and cook by the candlelight.
D. Her mother’s story had been quite different from his.
a) C A D B
b) B A D C
c) B D C A
d) A D C B

Answer: b

A. But when their short racing careers are over, greyhounds are adopted as household pets.
B. Greyhound racing is a popular spectator sport in the United States.
C. They worry that the greyhounds would need a large space to run to get sufficient exercise.
D. Unfortunately, many people hesitate to adopt a retired racing greyhound as a pet.
a) D A C B
b) D B C A
c) B A D C
d) B D A C

Answer: c

A. The subjects taught in the Gurukul varied from Sanskrit to Mathematics.
B. Indian education has its roots in the ancient ages.
C. However this system changed when the British came to India.
D. In those days the Gurukul system was followed.
a) D C A B
b) B C A D
c) C B A D
d) B D A C

Answer: d

A. But after a while they all began to blur in our memories.
B. When we arrived in Bangkok, we took a tour of the city’s famous Buddhist temples.
C. However there was one temple, the Temple of Golden Buddha, which left an indelible impression in our hearts and minds.
D. We visited numerous temples that day.
a) B A C D
b) D C B A
c) A D B C
d) B D A C

Answer: d

A. We even fail to recognise that their call of duty keeps them away from their families.
B. Yet, we often fail to appreciate these sacrifices that they make.
C. They make countless sacrifices for the nation and keep us safe from our enemies.
D. The uniformed men and women are our unsung heroes.
a) D A B C
b) D C B A
c) A B C D
d) C B A D

Answer: b

A. They used thin twigs called chew sticks as tooth cleaners.
B. The fuzzy end was rubbed against the teeth to keep them clean.
C. These sticks were fuzzy at one end.
D. How did people clean their teeth before the toothbrush was invented?
a) D B C A
b) A C B D
c) D A C B
d) B C A D

Answer: c

A. One population lives in the Bwindi National Park in Uganda.
B. Mountain gorillas are some of the most threatened animals on the planet.
C. Only two groups of mountain gorillas remain.
D. The other group lives in the Virunga Mountains.
a) B D C A
b) C D B A
c) A B C D
d) B C A D

Answer: d

A. Yet, whatever was printed was profound and even inspirational.
B. In pre-independence India there were two kinds of newspapers.
C. The other spoke of the aspirations of the people and pointed out injustice.
D. One set was supportive of the colonial power.
a) D C A B
b) B D C A
c) A B D C
d) B A C D

Answer: b

A. Little did she know that I was out of job once again.
B. But all the money soon vanished into the bottomless pit of household needs.
C. I returned home with my pockets full of my earnings.
D. However, my grandmother was happy that I had become responsible.
a) D B A C
b) C B D A
c) B C D A
d) C D A B

Answer: b

A. Today, man is master of the world and he makes the animals do what he likes.
B. Others he eats; and those like the lion and the tiger, he shoots for pleasure.
C. Early man, when he first came, must have been surrounded by many huge animals and he must have lived in fear of them.
D. Some he tames like the horse, the cow, the elephant, the dog, the cat and so many others.
a) C A D B
b) C B D A
c) A C B D
d) B C D A

Answer: a

A. This code contains information about its nature.
B. Each living organism has a DNA code.
C. If this genetic material is altered, it would alter the organism.
D. The nature of an individual is determined by the unique genetic material in the code.
a) D C A B
b) D B C A
c) B A D C
d) B C D A

Answer: c

A. Yet, it is India that is the home of the malnourished child.
B. Some major ones are lack of food, sanitation and proper healthcare.
C. The reasons for malnutrition among Indian children are many.
D. Millions of rupees have been spent on child care in the country.
a) C B A D
b) D C A B
c) D A C B
d) A C B D

Answer: c

A. For them, it’s like a magic carpet, their version of a car.
B. All kids want to be older, so from an early age they imitate their parents or siblings.
C. While cycling they imagine they are doing adult things or being adults.
D. Bikes offer them a chance to be independent.
a) A D C B
b) D C B A
c) B D A C
d) B A C D

Answer: c

Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.

Question: In developing countries today
P : urban health conditions
Q : than rural health conditions
R : seem to be better
a) P R Q
b) P Q R
c) Q R P
d) R P Q

Answer: a

Question: All the sound reasons
P : ever given for conserving
Q : to the conservation of wildlife
R : other natural resources apply
a) P R Q
b) R Q P
c) P Q R
d) Q R P

Answer: a

Question: The art of
P : efforts and practice
Q : fruit of persistent
R : effective presentation is the
a) Q P R
b) R P Q
c) R Q P
d) P R Q

Answer: c

Question: The Greek plays
P : maintain an extremely
Q : particularly the tragedies,
R : high intellectual level
a) P Q R
b) R P Q
c) Q R P
d) Q P R

Answer: d

Question: The whole biosphere, like
P : a chemically dynamic state
Q : the individual organisms that
R : live inside it, exists in
a) R Q P
b) Q R P
c) Q P R
d) P Q R

Answer: b

Question: For ages,
P : the Indian psyche has been
Q : geared towards devoting one’s life
R : to the welfare of all
a) P Q R
b) R Q P
c) P R Q
d) Q P R

Answer: a

Question: Many a bird found
A- secure in the branches
B- safety in the trees and
C- built their nests, feeling
a) B A C
b) B C A
c) A C B
d) A B C

Answer: b

Question: I learnt he had
A. spoke about yoga, slums and Indian
B. never been to India, yet he
C. cinema with conviction
a) A C B
b) B A C
c) A B C
d) C B A

Answer: b

Question: If your ward talks
A. well to convince you, be
B. social and interpersonal creativity
C. proud that he or she has
a) B A C
b) A C B
c) B C A
d) A B C

Answer: b

Question: Today, less privileged white
P : Americans are considered to be
Q : and pathologists predominates
R : in crisis, and the language of sociologists
a) P R Q
b) Q P R
c) R P Q
d) Q R P

Answer: a

Question: It may not be a simple
P : someone does stand to gain
Q : by keeping farmers divided
R : case of “divide and rule”, but
a) Q P R
b) P Q R
c) R P Q
d) Q R P

Answer: c

Question: This alone
P : should alert us to what
Q : is actually about
R : the demand for a Uniform Civil Code
a) P R Q
b) P Q R
c) Q P R
d) R P Q

Answer: a

Question: Ensuring security
P : harder than hacking into a system
Q : of data, information, and
R : communication is considerably
a) R Q P
b) R P Q
c) P R Q
d) Q R P

Answer: d

Question: Williamson shoveled scorn on
P : the low-income white Republican voters who,
Q : were most responsible for the rise of Trump
R : as he saw it,
a) P R Q
b) R Q P
c) Q P R
d) Q R P

Answer: a

Question: This may be essential at
P : where the market fails to deliver
Q : swath of an economy
R : times, but there is a wide
a) Q R P
b) Q P R
c) P R Q
d) R Q P

Answer: d

Question: It is a crisis which
P : unless policymakers
Q : exercise some intelligence
R : will get even worse
a) R P Q
b) R Q P
c) P Q R
d) Q P R

Answer: a

Question: Elections globally
P : dominated by numbers, ercentages
Q : and tallies
R : can be dry affairs
a) R Q P
b) P Q R
c) R P Q
d) Q R P

Answer: c

Question: It is the right to
P : who see us at our most vulnerable
Q : the indiscretions of doctors
R : privacy that protects us from
a) Q R P
b) Q P R
c) P R Q
d) R Q P

Answer: d

Question: We should learn our lesson
P : from this history and stay away
Q : of our neighbours
R : from interfering in the messy domestic politics
a) P R Q
b) P Q R
c) Q P R
d) R P Q

Answer: a

MCQs for Rearrangement of Sentences English CUET

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for CUET English to develop the English CUET MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in CUET test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of English will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for CUET English. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for CUET English so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to CUET English MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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