CUET Economics MCQs Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy

Refer to CUET Economics MCQs Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy provided below. CUET UG Economics MCQ questions with answers are available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for UG Economics with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested in UG by CUET, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy are an important part of exams for UG Economics and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding of Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CUET UG Economics and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for UG Economics Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy

UG Economics students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy in UG.

Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy MCQ Questions UG Economics with Answers

CUET Economics Poverty MCQs

Question : Who is considered as poor?
a) A rich farmer
b) Businessman.
c) Landlords
d) Landless labourer

Answer : D

Question : According to UNO those countries are considered relative poor where per capita income is less than
a) One dollar
b) Four dollar
c) Two dollar
d) Three dollar

Answer : A

Question : NFFWP was launched in:
a) December 2000
b) April 1999
c) November 2005
d) April 2002

Answer : C

Question : JGSY programme of poverty alleviation was submerged into _____:
d) All of above

Answer : D

Question : Which programme has the government adopted to help the elderly people and poor and destitute women
a) National Social Assistance Programme
b) None
c) National Social Awas Programme
d) National Social Awas Product

Answer : A

Question : Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojna being implemented on a cost sharing ratio of ____ between the centre and states
a) it is 25:75
b) it is 75:25
c) it is 50:50
d) it is 75:28

Answer : B

Question : Which of the following is the poverty determination measure?
a) Head Count Ratio
b) Sen Index
c) Poverty Gap Index
d) All of these

Answer : D

Question : Who was the first to use the concept of poverty line in India
a) Jawahar lal Nehru
b) b)R.Ambedkar
c) Dadabhai Naroji
d) Mahatma Gandhi

Answer : C

Question : The approach to reduce poverty through specific poverty alleviation programmes has been initiated from the
a) Second Five Year plan
b) Third Five Year plan
c) Fifth Five Year plan
d) Seventh Five Year plan

Answer : B

Question : Which of the following programmed was launched in the year of 2000?
a) National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.
b) Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana
c) Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana
d) Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana

Answer : B

Question : Mid day meal, Public distribution system, integrated child development scheme etc.
a) Poverty alleviation approach
b) Growth oriented approach
c) None
d) Minimum basic needs approach

Answer : D

Question : What do you mean by Gross National Product?
a) The total value of goods and services produced in the country
b) The total value of all the transactions in the country
c) The depreciation in the total value of goods and services produced in the country
d) The total value of goods and services produced in the country and the net factor income from abroad

Answer : D

Question : The average calories required per person in urban area is
a) 2400
b) 2100
c) 2500
d) 2150

Answer : B

Question : The approach to addressing poverty through public expenditure in providing minimum basic amenities to the people has been initiated from the ___________
a) Second Five Year plan
b) Third Five Year plan
c) Fifth Five Year plan
d) Seventh Five Year plan

Answer : C

Question : In which programme people were encouraged to form SHG

Answer : A

Question : The food work programme was renamed as
a) Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme
b) Jawaharlal Rural Yojna
c) National Rural Employment Programme (NREP)
d) Integrated Rural Development Programme

Answer : C

Question : Integrated rural development programme, Development of women and children in rural areas , Million wells scheme etc. all these amalgamated into a single self-employment programme known as

Answer : C

Question : Those who regularly move in and out of poverty are called
a) Chronically poor
b) Churning poor
c) Occasionally poor
d) Transient poor

Answer : B

Question : When poverty is taken in relative term and is related to the distribution of income consumption expenditure its called:
a) Law line poverty
b) Absolute poverty
c) Relative poverty
a) None

Answer : C

Question : Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojne was launched in
a) 2005
b) 2000
c) 2004
d) 2001

Answer : D

Question : The poverty line defined for urban areas as consumption worth rs ____ per person a month
a) 454
b) 428
c) 228
d) 328

Answer : A

Question : Who was the first person to define poverty in terms of Jail Cost of Living?
a) Dadabai Naroji
b) V.K.R.V. Rao
c) Willian Digby
d) R.c) Desai

Answer : A

Question : In April 1999 which programme launched

Answer : B

Question : Economists identify the poor on the basis of their ________________and ownership of assets
a) Income
b) Occupation
c) Expenditure
d) Living standard

Answer : B

CUET Economics Human Capital Formation In India MCQs

Question : Which of the following is not an indicator of education level?
a) Years of schooling
b) Life expectancy
c) Teacher-pupil ratio
d) Enrollment rate

Answer : B

Question : GER stands for
a) General Enrolment Ratio
b) Gross Enrolment Ratio
c) General Estimated Ratio
d) Gross Education Ratio

Answer : B

Question : How much India spend on education?
a) 2% Of GDP
b) 4% of GDP
c) 6% of GDP
d) 5% Of GDP

Answer : B

Question : The objective of midday meal scheme is __________
a) to boost universalisation of primary education
b) to boost the nutritional status of children in schools
c) to increase enrolment attendance and retention, and also improving the nutritional status of children in school
d) to boost universalisation of upper primary level of education

Answer : C

Question : Which of the following is not the role of on-the-job training?
a) Eradicates inequality
b) Encourages innovation
c) Promotes modern methods
d) Enhances productivity

Answer : D

Question : Which of the following is not the feature of India Vision 2020 Report
a) 90% of literacy in India
b) If we double the investments in education it will increase the country’s GDP per capita by four times
c) 100 % enrolment of all children of age group 6-14 years
d) Importance of technical education

Answer : A

Question : Secondary level education for age group
a) 13-15
b) 18-40
c) 15-18
d) 14-18

Answer : D

Question : In how many stages of education are there in India
a) 1
b) 2
c) 4
d) 3.0

Answer : D

Question : considers education & health as a means to increase labour productivity?
a) Human capital
b) Human development
c) Physical capital
d) A&B Both

Answer : A

Question : What percent of GDP was invested in education in the year 1952?
a) 7.92 percent
b) 11.7 percent
c) 0.64 percent
d) 3.31 percent

Answer : C

Question : SSA started in
a) 2005
b) 2000
c) 2006
d) 2004

Answer : B

Question : Human capital is similar to physical capital because
a) Both
b) none
c) They are factors of production
d) Raise nation’s ability to produce goods and services

Answer : A

Question : The government has levied –% of education cess on all union taxes?
a) 3%
b) 4%
c) 2%
d) 10%

Answer : C

Question : If ____ capital represents production capacity of a nation, _____ capital is the cause that designs machines.
a) Human, Physical
b) Financial, Human
c) Physical, Human
d) Physical, Financial

Answer : C

Question : Which of the following is not the role of on-the-job training?
a) Eradicates inequality
b) Encourages innovation
c) Promotes modern methods
d) Enhances productivity

Answer : D

Question : Which one of the following is a reason for poor human capital formation in India?
a) Brain drain
b) Insufficient resources
c) High growth of population
d) All of these

Answer : D

Question : Human capital consists of
a) Enterpreneurs
b) Both workers and entrepreneurs
c) Workers
d) Entire population

Answer : D

Question : The most important indicator of the status of education of a country is the
a) Death rate
b) Population rate
c) Birth rate
d) Literacy rate

Answer : D

Question : In which state the per capita expenditure on elementary education is highest?
a) Maharashtra
b) Kerala
c) Karnataka
d) Himachal Pradesh

Answer : D

Question : What is the reason for rural-urban migration in India?
a) Marriage
b) Disease
c) Unemployment
d) None

Answer : C

Question : How do human capital formation contributes towards economic growth?
a) By stimulating innovations & inventions
b) Human capital formation is inversely related with economic growth 
c) By enabling human resource to understand changes in scientific advancement
d) Both A & C

Answer : D

Question : Human Development refers to
a) None
b) Both
c) Development of the individuals by acquiring good education
d) Consists of skills as used in the process of production

Answer : C

Question : The most important indicator of education status of a country is the
a) Literacy rate
b) Death rate
c) Population rate
d) Birth rate

Answer : A

Question : It controls and guides higher education
b) None
d) UGC

Answer : D

Question : Which of the following are indicators of HDI are
a) Educational attainment
b) All of these
c) Standard of living
d) Longevity

Answer : B

Question : Human capital can be increased by incurring expenditure on
a) All of these
b) Improvement in technology
c) Increase in GDP
d) Improvement of health

Answer : D

Question : Educational attainment is measured by the two-third weighted average of the _____and one-third weight ______
a) literacy rate, mean years of primary schooling
b) adult literacy rate, mean years of secondary schooling
c) adult gross literacy rate, mean years of schooling
d) adult literacy rate, mean years of schooling

Answer : C

Question : Navodaya Vidyalaya started in
a) 1988-89
b) 1985-86
c) 1989-90
d) 1986-1987

Answer : B

Question .What percent of GDP was invested in education in the year 1952?
a) 7.92 percent
b) 11.7 percent
c) 0.64 percent
d) 3.31 percent

Answer : C

Question : Literacy refers to
a) All urban people
b) All educated people
c) All rural educated people
d) The ability to read and write

Answer : D

Question : In 1950-51 India literacy rate was
a) 0.16
b) 0.12
c) 0.15
d) 0.18

Answer : D

Question : Which programme started in 1994
a) District Primary Education Programme
b) Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya
c) Sarva Siksha Abhiyan
d) Mid-day meal

Answer : A

Question : Machines and buildings are
a) Human capital
b) None of these
c) Physical capital
d) Natural capital

Answer : B

CUET Economics Rural Development MCQs

Question : Traditional sources of rural credit in India are :
a) Money lenders
b) Relatives and friends
c) Traders
d) All of these

Answer : D

Question : Institutional sources of agricultural credit are :
a) Land development banks
c) Self-help group
d) All of these

Answer : D

Question : The institutional aource of credit whose area of operation is the one where banking facilities and cooperatives are absent and which operate at the district level is:
a) Regional rural bank
b) Commercial bank
c) Self-help group

Answer : A

Question : The farming which relies on naturally occurring ecological process and biodiversity:
a) Organic farming
b) Conventional agriculture
c) a) and b)
d) None of the above

Answer : A

Question : Organic farming uses
a) Organic manure
b) Bio-fertilisers
c) Organic pesticides
d) All of these

Answer : D

Question : The ‘Golden Revolution’ was a period of very high productivity in:
a) Foodgrain production
b) Horticulture
c) Organic farming
d) Piscicultre

Answer : B

Question : Growth in rural marketing relates to
a) Provision of physical infrastructure
b) Regulation of markets
c) Cooperative farming
d) All of these

Answer : D

Question : Father of ‘Green Revolution’ In India
a) M.S. Swaminathan
b) Norman Borlong
c) Chidambaram Subramaniam
d) None of the above

Answer : A

Question : Organic farming is needed because it
a) Maintains and enhances the ecological balance
b) is free from chemical based fertilizers
c) Both a) and b)
d) Neither a) nor b)

Answer : C

Question : The sector providing alternate livelihood options to 70 million small and marginal farmers is:
a) Livestock
b) Agro-processing
c) Apni Mandi
d) Fisheries

Answer : A

Question : Credit needs related to constructing fences and digging wells are fulfilled by:
a) Short term credit
b) Medium term credit
c) Long term credit
d) None of the above

Answer : B

Question : AMUL stands for :
a) Anand Multiple Union Ltd.
b) Agriculture and Milk Union Ltd.
c) Anand Mil Union Ltd.
d) Anand Manufacturing Union Ltd.

Answer : C

Question : NABARD is ____________ source of rural credit
a) Institutional
b) Non-institutional
c) Cooperative society
d) Regional

Answer : A

Question : Government has assured the farmers of some minimum income from the sale of their crop by introducing:
a) Warehousing facilities
b) Regulated markets
c) Minimum support price policy
d) Co-operative agriculture marketing societies

Answer : C

Question : Which of the following is true about organic farming?
a) Organically grown food is more healthier and tastier
b) Yields in organic farming are lower than in chemical farming
c) It adversely effects the fertility of the soil
d) It is quite expensive method of farming

Answer : A

Question : Non farm areas of employment :
a) Animal husbandary
b) Fisheries
c) Horticulture
d) All of these

Answer : D

Question : From the following which is not a non-institutional source of credit in India.
a) Money lenders
b) Traders
c) Commission agents
d) Commercial banks

Answer : D

Question : Production of a diverse variety of crops rather than one specialised crop is called:
a) Diversification of production activity
b) Diversification of crop production
c) Diversification of employment
d) All the above

Answer : B

Question : Which is related to microfinance:
a) Self Help Group
c) Both
d) None

Answer : C

Question : National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development was set up in ________ as an apex body to coordinate the activities of all institutions in the rural financing system.
a) 1969
b) 1982 
c) 1949
d) 1991

Answer : B

Question : Credit taken for a period of 15 years is

a) Short term credit
b) Medium term credit
c) Long term credit
d) All of these

Answer : C

Question : Short term credit is needed for
a) Period of 15 months
b) Period 5 years
c) Period of 15 years
d) Period of 20 years

Answer : A

Question : Diversification in agriculture activities means finding alternate employment in
a) Non-farm sectors
b) Urban sectors
c) Rural sectors
d) None of these

Answer : A

Question : SHG stands for :
a) Self Human Group
b) Sufficient Humidity Growth
c) Self Help Group
d) Self Human Growth

Answer : A

CUET Economics Employment Growth Informalisation and Other Issues MCQs

Question : The formula to calculate workforce participation ratio is:
a) (workforce /Total population) X 100 Telegram: @commmmerce12
b) (Number of unemployed persons/Labour force) X 100
c) Workforce+ number of people who are willing to work but are unemployed
d) (workforce/ labour force) X 100

Answer : C

Question : Men get opportunity to work in:
a) Primary sector
b) Secondary sector
c) Service sector
d) Both a) and c)

Answer : D

Question : Due to the recent efforts of which international body the Indian government, initiated the modernization of informal sector?
a) World Bank
b) WTO
c) International Labour Organisation
d) G-20

Answer : C

Question : Most of the unemployment in India is
a) Voluntary
b) Structural
c) Frictional
d) Technical

Answer : B

Question : When more persons are working in a job than actually required, it is known as ________.
a) Disguised unemployment
b) Seasonal unemployment
c) Educated unemployment
d) Open unemployment

Answer : A

Question : An establishment with four hired workers is known as _____________ sector establishment.
a) Formal
b) Informal
c) a) and b)
d) None of the above

Answer : B

Question : Unemployed person is one who is not able to get employment of even one hour in half a day.
This definition is given by:
a) Economists
b) National Sample Survey Organisation
c) Census of India
d) Directorate general of Employment and Training

Answer : A

Question : Which of the following is working in the informal sector?
a) A private school teacher In a school which has 25 teachers.
b) The owner of a textile shop employing nine workers.
c) Driver of a bus company which has more than 10 buses with 20 drivers, conductors and others workers.
d) Civil engineer working in a construction company which has 10 workers.

Answer : B

Question : Workers who are on permanent pay-roll of their employer are called:
a) Self- employed workers
b) Casual workers
c) Regular workers
d) None of the above

Answer : C

Question : Agriculture labourers, farmers, owners of small enterprise which emply less than 20 workers fall in the category of :
a) Formal sector
b) Informal sector
c) Casual workers
d) Regular workers

Answer : B

Question : Measure of reduce unemployment in very short period of time
a) Reducing growth rate of population
b) Reducing inequalities in the distribution of income and wealth
c) Increasing investment in private and public sectors
d) None of these

Answer : C

Question : Those who work in their own establishment using their own resources are called _______.
a) Hired workers
b) Casual workers
c) Regular workers
d) Self-employed

Answer : D

Question : After the workers lost their jobs in 1980’s, which city experienced an economy recession and communal riots?
a) Ahmedabad
b) Bombay
c) Allahabad
d) Bangalore

Answer : A

Question : Unemployment is a situation in which all those who, owing to lack of work, are not working but either seek work though employment exchanges, intermediaries, friends or relatives or by making applications to prospective employers or express their willingness or availability for work under the prevailing condition of work and remunerations. This definition is given by:
a) Economists
b) National Sample Survey Organisation
c) Census of India
d) Directorate general of Employment and Training

Answer : B

Question : ____________ unemployment may result some workers are temporarily out of work while hanging job.
a) Cyclical
b) Voluntary
c) Fictional
d) Seasonal

Answer : C

Question : Unemployment common in urban areas
a) Seasonal unemployment
b) Disguised unemployment
c) Open unemployment
d) None of these

Answer : C

Question : The newly emerging jobs are found mostly in the _____________ sector.
a) Service
b) Manufacturing
c) Agriculture
d) None of the above

Answer : A

Question : Formal sector includes all those enterprises which employ
a) More than 10 workers
b) 10 workers
c) Both a) and b)
d) Neither a) nor b)

Answer : C

Question : Work force refers to that part of
a) Labour force which is employed
b) Population which is unemployed
c) Population which is forced to work
d) Labour force which is when employed

Answer : A

Question : Unemployment is defined as:
a) The section of the population that is not capable of being employed
b) The section of population willing to work but unable to find employment
c) The section of population that is waiting to be employed
d) The section of population that are without the skills needed by employers

Answer : B

Question : Electricity, gas and water supply belong to ___________ sector.
a) Primary sector
b) Secondary sector
c) Tertiary sector
d) All the above

Answer : B

Question : Find the odd man out:
a) A clerk in the electricity office
b) Computer operator in the state government office working on a temporary basis
c) Worker in a hotel which has seven hired workers and three family workers.

Answer : C

Question : __________ is a common form of unemployment in rural India.
a) Disguised unemployment
b) Structural unemployment
c) Educated unemployment
d) None of these

Answer : A

Question : About ___________ of the total population in the country is engaged in various economic activities.
a) Three-fifth
b) Four-fifth
c) Two-fifth
d) None of the above

Answer : C

Question : ___________ is a major source of livelihood for both men and women as this category accounts for more than 50 per cent of India’s workforce.
a) Self-employment
b) Casual wage labour
c) Regular salaried employment
d) None of these

Answer : A

CUET Economics Infrastructure MCQs

Question : Essential indicator of good health in a country is increase in ___________
a) Death rate
b) Infant mortality rate
c) Expectancy of life
d) Incidence of deadly diseases

Answer : C

Question : Indian system of medicine comprises of systems.
a) Three
b) Four
c) Five
d) Six

Answer : D

Question : The highest use of commercial energy is:
a) Agriculture
b) Transport
c) Household
d) Industry

Answer : D

Question : The state known as ‘God’s own country
a) Karnataka
b) Gujarat
c) Kerala
d) Goa

Answer : C

Question : ____________ infrastructure is important for the development of a nation
a) Economic
b) Social
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Neither (a) and (b)

Answer : C

Question : Power generated using water:
a) Atomic power
b) Thermal power
c) Hydroelectric power
d) None of these

Answer : C

Question : From the following which is not a commercial source of energy
a) Petroleum
b) Coal
c) Electricity
d) Dried dung

Answer : D

Question : From the following which is not a non-commercial source of energy
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Tidal energy
d) Coal

Answer : D

Question : Indian system of medicine:
a) Unani
b) Yoga
c) Siddha
d) All of these

Answer : D

Question : ___________ is an indicator which measures the number of people dying prematurely due to a particular disease:
a) Global burden of disease
b) Golden burden of disease
c) Global burden of depression
d) Global break down disease

Answer : A

Question : Some states in India are performing much better than others in certain areas due to
a) Better irrigation facilities
b) Better transportation facilities
c) Better health care and sanitation faculties
d) All the above

Answer : B

Question : ___________ is an example of social infrastructure
a) Transport
b) Communication
c) Energy
d) Education

Answer : D

Question : Which of the following statement is not true? 
a) Distribution of electricity to farmer’s is the main reason for the losses of State Electricity Boards (SEB’s)
b) At present, nuclear energy accounts for only 2 per cent of total energy consumption
c) CFL consume 80 percent more power than ordinary bulbs
d) Energy shortage adversely affects transport sector, industries sector and agriculture production

Answer : C

Question : Which source of power accounted for only 2%?
a) Hydel power
b) Wind power
c) Nuclear power
d) Tidal power

Answer : C

Question : Indicator of health status:
a) Expansion of health services
b) Decline of infant mortality rate
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Neither (a) nor (b)

Answer : C

Question : LPG is an example of ____________
a) Bio-energy
b) Solar energy
c) Wind energy
d) Natural gas

Answer : D

Question : Electricity generated from radioactive elements is called:
a) Thermal electricity
b) Atomic energy
c) Hydel electricity
d) Tidal energy

Answer : B

Question : ISM stands for:
a) Indian systems of medicine
b) International system of medicine
c) Indian standard of medicine
d) None of the above

Answer : A

Question : Sources of electricity are ____________
a) Water
b) Oil,Coal
c) Gas
d) All of these

Answer : D

Question : Education is an example of ____________
a) Sustainable development
b) Economic infrastructure
c) Economic development
d) Social infrastructure

Answer : D

Question : A lot of power is wasted during its transmission and distribution from power stations to households. This can be controlled by:
a) Promoting the use of CFL’s
b) Proper lead management
c) Promoting non conventional sources
d) All the above

Answer : B

Question : Energy generated by sun is known as____________
a) Natural gas
b) Solar energy
c) Wind energy
d) Electricity

Answer : B

Question : Which of the following is an example of conventional source of energy?
a) Natural gas
b) Solar energy
c) Biomass
d) Wind energy

Answer : A

Question : ____________ include hospitals with better facilities of health care like X-ray, surgeries, ECG etc.
a) Primary health care
b) Secondary heath care
c) Tertiary heath care
d) None of these

Answer : B

CUET Economics Environment And Sustainable Development MCQs

Question. Which of the following is the 7th goal of the eight millennium goals of United Nations?
a) To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
b) To ensure environment sustainability
c) To reduce child mortality
d) To develop a global partnership for development

Answer : B

Question. Banning the use of chlorofluorocarbon compounds and other chlorine and bromine compounds and other chlorine and bromine compounds is called:
a) Chipko movement
b) Apiko movement
c) Montreal protocol
d) None of the above

Answer : C

Question. South Africa is leading exporter of which mineral?
a) Copper
b) Diamond
c) Silver
d) Gold

Answer : D

Question. Environmental includes:
a) Biotic factors
b) Abiotic factors
c) Both a) and b)
d) None of the above

Answer : C

Question. Which of the following statement is correct?
a) Global warming is entirely a natural phenomenon
b) Global warming is simply an another term used for green house effect
c) Global warming is the rise in average temperature at the earth’s surface
d) Global warming is caused by ozone depletion

Answer : C

Question. GHGs refer to:
a) Green Home Gases
b) Greenhouse Gases
c) Green Hurricane Gases
d) Green Home Guards

Answer : B

Question. The United Nation’s Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) was started by the UN General Assembly in the year.
a) 1995
b) 1994
c) 1993
d) 1992

Answer : D

Question. For sustainable development, environment damage rate _____ environment recovery rate.
a) should be greater than the
b) should be exponentially greater than the
c) should be same as the
d) should be lesser than the

Answer : D

Question. The 'Agenda 21' of Rio Summit 1992 is related to:
a) Sustainable Development
b) Polluter-Pays Principle
c) Environmental Education
d) Preservation of Ozone Layer

Answer : A

Question. What is the main problem with development of countries?
a) Strain on environment to absorb the damage and self-heal
b) Decrement in poverty
c) Higher energy consumption per capita
d) Lower energy consumption per capita

Answer : A

Question.In which of the following layers of the atmosphere is ozone shield found?
a) Troposphere
b) Exosphere
c) Stratosphere
d) Mesosphere

Answer : C

Question. In 1997, a UN conference on climate change was held in :
a) Japan
b) India
c) Germany
d) China

Answer : A

Question. Which are the catch phases in the following UNCED definition of Sustainable Development:
“Development that meet the need of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their own needs.”
a) Need
b) Future generation
c) Need and present generation
d) Need and future generation

Answer : D

Question. From the following which s a cleaner and greener energy souce:
a) Thermal power
b) Hydro power
c) Wind power
d) None of the above

Answer : C

Question. The first airport powered by solar energy was
a) Bangalore
b) Cochin
c) London
d) Frankfurt

Answer : B

Question. Absorptive capacity is defined as:
a) Ability of the environment to absorb degradation
b) Resource generation within the assimilating capacity of the environment
c) Average number of organisms living in a given environment
d) The minimum population surviving in the world as a whole

Answer : A

Question.'BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes' is managed by the
a) Asian Development Bank
b) International Monetary Fund
c) United Nations Environment Porgramme
d) World Bank

Answer : D

Question. Biotic elements of environment is:
a) Air
b) Water
c) Birds
d) Land

Answer : C

Question. One of the conventional sources of energy is
a) wind energy
b) tidal energy
c) hydroelectric energy
d) None of the above

Answer : D

Question. The ability of the environment to absorb degradation is:
a) Carrying capacity
b) Absorptive capacity
c) a) and b)
d) None of the above

Answer : B

Question. Brundtland Commission in 1987 defined sustainable development as:
a) A type to development which put the interests of developing countries ahead of the interests of the rich nations
b) Development which meets the needs of present generation without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs
c) Development that protects the future generation even at the expense of present generation
d) None of the above

Answer : B

Question. Which of the following is a Conventional source of energy?
a) Wind
b) Sunlight
c) LPG
d) Tide

Answer : C

Question. What can be the preventive measure for climate change:
a) Plantation
b) Using cycle instead of cars and bikes
c) Using organic product
d) All of them

Answer : D

Question. Which of the option is not incorporated as sustainable development parameters?
a) Gender disparity and diversity
b) Inter and Intra-generation equity
c) Carrying capacity
d) None of the above

Answer : D

Unit I Introduction to Microeconomics
CUET Economics MCQs Unit I Introduction to Microeconomics
Unit II Consumer Behaviour and Demand
CUET Economics MCQs Unit II Consumer Behaviour and Demand
Unit III National Income and Related Aggregates Basic Concepts and Measurement
CUET Economics MCQs Unit III National Income and Related Aggregates Basic Concepts and Measurement
Unit IV Determination of Income and Employment
CUET Economics MCQs Unit IV Determination of Income and Employment
Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy
CUET Economics MCQs Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy
Unit VI Government Budget and the Economy
CUET Economics MCQs Unit VI Government Budget and the Economy
Unit VIII Development Experience 1947 90 and Economic Reforms since 1991
CUET Economics MCQs Unit VIII Development Experience 1947 90 and Economic Reforms since 1991
Unit X Development Experience in India
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CUET UG Economics Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy MCQs

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MCQs for Economics CUET UG Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for UG Economics to develop the Economics UG MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter daily, you will get higher and better marks in UG test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Economics and its study material will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for UG Economics designed by our teachers

Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy MCQs Economics CUET UG

All MCQs given above for UG Economics have been made as per the latest syllabus and books issued for the current academic year. The students of UG can refer to the answers which have been also provided by our teachers for all MCQs of Economics so that you are able to solve the questions and then compare your answers with the solutions provided by us. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for UG Economics so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. All study material for UG Economics students have been given on studiestoday.

Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy CUET UG MCQs Economics

Regular MCQs practice helps to gain more practice in solving questions to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy concepts. MCQs play an important role in developing understanding of Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy in CUET UG. Students can download and save or print all the MCQs, printable assignments, practice sheets of the above chapter in UG Economics in Pdf format from studiestoday. You can print or read them online on your computer or mobile or any other device. After solving these you should also refer to UG Economics MCQ Test for the same chapter

CUET MCQs Economics UG Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy

CUET UG Economics best textbooks have been used for writing the problems given in the above MCQs. If you have tests coming up then you should revise all concepts relating to Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy and then take out print of the above MCQs and attempt all problems. We have also provided a lot of other MCQs for UG Economics which you can use to further make yourself better in Economics

Where can I download latest CUET MCQs for UG Economics Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy

You can download the CUET MCQs for UG Economics Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy for latest session from

Can I download the MCQs of Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy UG Economics in Pdf

Yes, you can click on the links above and download topic wise MCQs Questions PDFs for Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy UG for Economics

Are the UG Economics Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy MCQs available for the latest session

Yes, the MCQs issued by CUET for UG Economics Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy have been made available here for latest academic session

How can I download the Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy UG Economics MCQs

You can easily access the links above and download the Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy UG MCQs Economics for each topic

Is there any charge for the MCQs with answers for UG Economics Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy

There is no charge for the MCQs and their answers for UG CUET Economics Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy you can download everything free

How can I improve my MCQs in UG Economics Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy

Regular revision of MCQs given on studiestoday for UG subject Economics Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy can help you to score better marks in exams

What are MCQs for UG Economics Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy UG Economics are objective-based questions which provide multiple answer options, and students are required to choose the correct answer from the given choices.

Why are Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy important for UG students?

Learning Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy based MCQs will help students improve their overall understanding of important concepts and topics and help to score well in UG Economics exams.

How can I practice Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy for CUET UG?

You can practice Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy for CUET UG through worksheets, textbooks and online quizzes provided by

Where can I find CUET UG Economics Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy MCQs online?

You can find CUET UG Economics Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy MCQs on educational websites like, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.

How can I prepare for Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy UG MCQs?

To prepare for Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy MCQs, refer to the concepts links provided by our teachers and download sample papers for free.

Are there any online resources for CUET UG Economics Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy?

Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for UG Economics Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy

Can I find CUET UG Economics Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy practice worksheets online?

Yes, you can find printable Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy worksheets for CUET UG Economics on

How can I get more free MCQs with answers for CUET UG Economics Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy MCQs?

We have provided full database of free multiple choice questions with answers on for CUET UG Economics Unit IX Current Challenges Facing the Indian Economy