Refer to CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Nature and Significance Of Management MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 1 Nature and Significance of Management Class 12 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 12 Business Studies and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 12 Business Studies and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 1 Nature and Significance of Management
Class 12 Business Studies students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 1 Nature and Significance of Management in Class 12.
Chapter 1 Nature and Significance of Management MCQ Questions Class 12 Business Studies with Answers
Question: Which is not a function of Management of the following?
a) Planning
b) Controlling
c) Cooperating.
d) Staffing.
Answer: C
Question: Setting Objective is a function of:-
a) Middle level management
b) Operational level management
c) Top level Management
d) None of the above
Answer: C
Question: Which one of the following sequence of process of management is correct:
a) Planning, Controlling, Organising, Staffing
b) Staffing, Planning, Organising, Controlling
c) Planning, Organising, Staffing, Controlling
d) Organising, Planning, Staffing, Controlling
Answer: C
Question: Management ensures:
a) Providing employment opportunities
b) Maintaining profit
c) Ensuring maximum utilisation of resources
d) Control on cost
Answer: C
Question: A manager obtains the required capital at 12% interest while the prevailing rate of interest happens to be10%. How would you describe such a manager?
a) Efficient
b) Effective
c) Efficient and Effective
d) Inefficient
Answer: B
Question: Whose specialty happens to be ‘personal skill’?
a) Profession
b) Art
c) Science
d) None of these
Answer: B
Question: At what level of management does the Chief Executive Officer operate?
a) Top-level
b) Middle-level
c) Lower-level
d) None of these
Answer: A
Question: ‘Thinking before doing’, under which function of management is this performed?
a) Controlling
b) Directing
c) Organising
d) Planning
Answer: D
Question: ‘Arrangement of various resources for achieving Target, under which function of management is this performed
a) Controlling
b) Directing
c) Organising
d) Planning
Answer: C
Question: Under what function of management does the ‘corrective action’ fall?
a) Planning
b) Organising
c) Directing
d) Controlling
Answer: D
Question: Coordination is
a) Function of management
b) The essence of management
c) an objective of management
d) none of the above
Answer: B
Question: Number of levels of management are:
a) one
b) two
c) three
d) four
Answer: C
Question: Which of the following is true?
a) Coordination is not equally important at all levels of management
b) Coordination has no importance
c) Coordination is equally important at all levels of
d) None of these
Answer: C
Question: What out of the following has been called the essence of management?
a) Communication
b) Coordination c) Supervision
d) Leadership
Answer: B
Question: The following is not an objective of management
a) Earning profits
b) growth of the organisation
c) providing employment
d) policy making
Answer: D
Question: Mr. Gaurav is working as the Finance Manager of XYZ ltd. At what level of management is he working
a) Middle level
b) Lower Level
c) Top level
d) All the options
Answer: Middle level
Question: Your uncle is serving as a foreman in a factory. At what level of management is he working
a) Lower Level
b) Middle level
c) Top level
d) All the options
Answer: Lower Level
Question: Which force binds all other functions of management
a) Coordination
b) Production
c) Finance
d) Staffing
Answer: Coordination
Question: Planning, Organising, Staffing, Directing and Controlling is the sequence of functions in a process, Name it.
a) Management
b) Production
c) Finance
d) Staffing
Answer: Management
Question: Name the process that synchronises the activities of different departments.
a) Coordination
b) Staffing
c) Production
d) Finance
Answer: Coordination
Question: Which is The reasons that bring out the importance or the necessity for coordination
a) All the options
b) Growth in the size
c) Functional Differentiation
d) Specialisation
Answer: All the options
Question: In which level coordination in the activities of workers to ensure work progresses as per plans
a) Lower level
b) Middle level
c) Top level
d) None of the options
Answer: Lower level
Question: In which level needs coordination to integrate activities of the organisation for accomplishing the organisational goals
a) Top level
b) Middle level
c) Lower level
d) None of the options
Answer: Top level
Question: Which are the characteristics of coordination
a) All the options
b) Coordination integrates group efforts
c) Coordination ensures unity of action
d) Coordination is a continuous process
Answer: All the options
Question: Lack of coordination results in
a) All the options
b) Overlapping
c) Duplication
d) Delay
Answer: All the options
Question: The meaning of coordination is to balance its various activities are
a) All the options
b) Sale & Purchase
c) Production
d) Finance
Answer: All the options
Question: Finding out deficiencies in implementation of plans, Identify the functions of this management
a) Controlling
b) Staffing
c) Directing
d) Co-Ordination
Answer: Controlling
Question: Recruitment and selection of the personnel, Identify the functions of the management
a) Staffing
b) Directing
c) Controlling
d) Co-Ordination
Answer: Staffing
Question: Motivating employees and giving instructions to them to perform the tasks assigned to them, Identify the functions of this management
a) Directing
b) Staffing
c) Controlling
d) Co-Ordination
Answer: Directing
Question: Name the level at which the managers are responsible for implementing and controlling the plans and strategies of the organisation
a) Middle Level
b) Top Level
c) Lower Level
d) All the options
Answer: Middle Level
Question: Rakesh is working as Regional Manager in ABC Ltd. Name the level at which he is working.
a) Middle Level
b) Top Level
c) Lower Level
d) All the options
Answer: Middle Level
Question: Which are the objectives of management
a) All the options
b) Survival
c) Profit
d) Growth
Answer: All the options
Question: In order to be successful an organisation must change its goals according to the needs of environment. Which characteristic of management is highlighted here
a) Dynamic
b) Intangible Force
c) Universal
d) All the options
Answer: Dynamic
Question: An educational institution as well as a business organization both need to be managed. Which characteristic of management is highlighted here
a) Universal
b) Intangible Force
c) Dynamic
d) All the options
Answer: Universal
Question: Management is multi-dimensional. Which is the dimensions of it
a) Work and People
b) Work
c) People
d) None of the options
Answer: Work and People
Question: Management can be defined as, the process of getting things done with the aim of achieving organizational goals
a) Effectiveness and Efficiency
b) Effectiveness
c) Efficiency
d) None of the options
Answer: Effectiveness and Efficiency
Question: ______is needed at all levels of management and in all departments.
a) Co-Ordination
b) Cooperation
c) Staffing
d) None of the options
Answer: Co-Ordination
Question: Reasons which clarify that management as a function is gaining importance day by day.
a) All the options
b) Multidisciplinary
c) Goal oriented
d) Dynamic function
Answer: All the options
Question: Management is an activity conducted in a group through
a) All the options
b) Cooperation
c) Collaboration
d) Co-Ordination
Answer: All the options
Question: At which level of management the managers are responsible for the welfare and survival of the organization?
a) Top management
b) Middle Level
c) Supervisory Level
d) All the options
Answer: Top management
Question: Surya Enterprise Ltd. manufactures toys. The production department produces more of toys than required and sales department is not able to sell the total production. What quality of management do you think the company is lacking?
a) Co-ordination.
b) Staffing
c) Controlling
d) None of the options
Answer: Co-ordination.
Question: A petrol pump needs to be managed as much as a school or a hospital. Which Characteristic of management has been highlighted here?
a) Management is all pervasive.
b) Only School
c) Only Hospital
d) All the options
Answer: Management is all pervasive.
Question: Which function of management is concerned with finding the right people for the right job?
a) Staffing
b) Planning
c) Controlling
d) Co-operating
Answer: Staffing
Question: Name the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individual working together in groups efficiently accomplish selected aims.
a) Management
b) Partnership
c) Consultancy
d) None of the options
Answer: Management
Question: The task of management is to make people work towards achieving the organisations goals, by making their strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant. Which dimension of management is being referred here?
a) Management of People
b) Management of Work
c) Management of Operations
d) None of the options
Answer: Management of People
Question: Coordination is the essence of management because
a) Coordination is a part of all management functions
b) Coordination is a part of Planning management functions
c) Coordination is a part of Staffing management functions
d) Coordination is a part of Controlling management functions
Answer: Coordination is a part of all management functions
Question: Management is an Art because
a) Existence of theoretical Knowledge and Application of knowledge
b) Existence of theoretical Knowledge
c) Application of knowledge
d) None of the options
Answer: Existence of theoretical Knowledge and Application of knowledge
Question: Management is a science because
a) Systematic body of Knowledge and Principles are based on repeated experiments
b) Systematic body of Knowledge
c) Principles are based on repeated experiments
d) None of the options
Answer: Systematic body of Knowledge and Principles are based on repeated experiments
Question: To meet the objectives of the firm the Management of ABC Ltd., offers employment to physically challenged person. Identify the organization and objective it is trying to achieve?
a) It is social objective
b) It is Profit objective
c) It is social objective and It is Profit objective
d) None of the options
Answer: It is social objective
Question: Who is known as the Father of Modern Management Theory
a) Henry Fayol.
b) Stanley Vence
c) Peter F. Drucker
d) Bayard Wheeler
Answer: Henry Fayol.
Question: Which function of management is bridges the gap between where we stand today and where we want to reach.
a) Planning
b) Efficiency
c) Co-Ordination
d) Staffing
Answer: Planning
Question: Objectives of Management are______
a) All the options
b) Achieve maximum output with minimum efforts
c) Optimum use of resource
d) Maximum prosperity
Answer: All the options
Question: Management is all pervasive because it is required
a) In all type of business
b) Only in Big Organisation
c) Only in Small Organisation
d) Only in Partnership business
Answer: In all type of business
Question: Which force is consisted as the essence of management
a) Co-Ordination
b) Less Communication
c) Lack of Co-Ordination
d) All the options
Answer: Co-Ordination
Question: Management is the process of conducting which set of function ____________
a) All the options
b) Planning
c) Organizing
d) Staffing
Answer: All the options
Question: Management is considered an art due to
a) All the options
b) Existence of Theoretical Knowledge
c) Personalised Application
d) Based on Practice and Creativity
Answer: All the options
Question: Where is need of Management
a) All the options
b) Top Level
c) Middle Level
d) Supervisory Level
Answer: All the options
Question: What is the Scope of Management
a) All the options
b) Production Management
c) Financial Management
d) Office Management
Answer: All the options
Question: What is the Nature of Management
a) All the options
b) Management is an Universal Process
c) Management is a profession
d) Management is an Acquired and inborn Quality
Answer: All the options
Question: According to the nature of management, Management can be considered as
a) Science and Art Both
b) Only Science
c) Only Art
d) Neither a science nor an art
Answer: Science and Art Both
Question: Management word uses as _____
a) A Process
b) A Subject
c) A Time Waste
d) All the options
Answer: A Process
Question: Management is considered as a multi-faceted concept because it is a complex activity that has __________main dimensions.
a) 3
b) 2
c) 4
d) 5
Answer: 3
Question: Management is a _______ Process
a) Goal Oriented
b) Target Oriented
c) Very Easy
d) All the options
Answer: Goal Oriented
Question: What are the characteristics of Management
a) All the options
b) Management is a social process
c) Management is a purposeful process
d) Management is a Collective process
Answer: All the options
Question: Rakesh is working as Regional Manager in ABC Ltd. Name the level at which he is working.
a) Middle Level
b) Top Level
c) Lower Level
d) All the options
Answer: Middle Level
Question: Which is the Scope of Management
a) All the options
b) Production Management
c) Financial Management
d) Office Management
Answer: All the options
Question: Management is both Science and Art. Science can be defined as _________
a) Systematised body of knowledge
b) Restricted Entry
c) How to apply knowledge
d) All the options
Answer: Systematised body of knowledge
Question: Management is _________________
a) Multi Dimensional
b) Individual Activity
c) Not required in small business firms
d) Tangible force
Answer: Multi Dimensional
Question: Organisational objective is not concerned with__________
a) Supply of quality goods
b) Survival
c) Profit
d) Growth
Answer: Supply of quality goods
Question: Why is management also considered as a profession
a) Well-defined body of knowledge
b) Entry to profession is restricted
c) Professions are bound by code of conduct
d) Membership of Professional Association is compulsory
Answer: Well-defined body of knowledge
Question: Effectiveness is concerned with ____________
a) Doing the right task, completing activities and achieving goals
b) Doing the task correctly with minimum cost
c) Getting things done with the aim of achieving goals effectively and efficiently
d) None of the options
Answer: Doing the right task, completing activities and achieving goals
Question: Providing facilities of Schools, creches and hospitals is the _____objective of management.
a) Social Objective
b) Organisational Objective
c) Personal Objective
d) All the options
Answer: Social Objective
Question: Which is not an objective of management out of the following
a) Political Objective
b) Organisational Objective
c) Social Objective
d) Personal Objective
Answer: Political Objective
Question: Management is directly concerned with _______________
a) Management of People
b) Management of Money only
c) Management of Responsibilities
d) Management of Production and sales
Answer: Management of People
Question: Management is not ______________
a) Tangible force
b) Goal Oriented
c) Group Activity
d) Intangible force
Answer: Tangible force
Question: Hans Limited target production was 25,000 units in a year. Production manager was able to achieve this target but at a higher production cost. In this case, manager is ________ but not ________.
a) Effective but not efficient
b) Efficient but not effective
c) Efficient but not honest
d) All the options
Answer: Effective but not efficient
Question: Marketing and Personnel Managers are part of _____________
a) Middle Level Management
b) Top Level Management
c) Operational Level Management
d) Lower level
Answer: Middle Level Management
Question: Planning is concerned with specially ________
a) Formulation of Policies and Strategies
b) Manpower Planning
c) Management in Action
d) All the options
Answer: Formulation of Policies and Strategies
Question: Middle level management consists of
a) Finance Manager
b) Chairman
c) President
d) Supervisor
Answer: Finance Manager
Question: Efficiency is concerned with:
a) Utilisation of minimum resources
b) Completion of task
c) Cooperation
d) Right man at right job
Answer: Utilisation of minimum resources
Question: Under which function of management, policies and strategies are formulated
a) Planning
b) Organising
c) Directing
d) Controlling
Answer: Planning
Question: Coordination can be considered as
a) An essence of management
b) An objective of management
c) A function of management
d) None of the options
Answer: An essence of management
Question: Which is not an organisational/economic objective of management out of the following
a) Providing employment
b) Survival of the organisation
c) Earning Profits
d) Growth of the organisation
Answer: Providing employment
Question: Which is not a separate function of management out of the following
a) Cooperating
b) Planning
c) Controlling
d) Staffing
Answer: Cooperating
Question: Why Management is considered as Multi dimensional function
a) All the options
b) Management of work
c) Management of People
d) Management of operation
Answer: All the options
Question: Which are the functions performed by operational Level
a) All the options
b) Looking to safety of workers
c) To boost morale of workers.
d) Representing the problems of workers before the middle level management
Answer: All the options
Question: Management is essential for successful running of an enterprise, How
a) All the options
b) Management increases efficiency
c) Ensures optimum utilization of resources
d) Management creates dynamic organization
Answer: All the options
Question: Survival profit and growth are essential target of any business which objectives of management is referred here
a) Organizational objectives
b) Social objectives
c) Personal objectives
d) All the options
Answer: Organizational objectives
Question: Superintendent are included at which level of management
a) Supervisory Level
b) Top level
c) Middle level
d) None of the options
Answer: Supervisory Level
Question: Departmental managers are included at which level of management
a) Middle level
b) Top level
c) Lower level
d) None of the options
Answer: Middle level
Question: In which functions of management, standards are compared with actual, deviations are find out and corrective steps are taken
a) Controlling
b) Production
c) Finance
d) Staffing
Answer: Controlling
Question: Name the function of management which establishes organization structure and establishes authority and responsibility relations
a) Organizing
b) Finance
c) Staffing
d) Production
Answer: Organizing
Question: Doing the task with minimum cost name the term associated with management
a) Efficiency
b) Staffing
c) Production
d) Finance
Answer: Efficiency
Question: Which function of management bridges the gap between where we stand today and where we want to reach
a) Planning
b) Staffing
c) Coordination
d) Finance
Answer: Planning
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MCQs for Chapter 1 Nature and Significance of Management Business Studies Class 12
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