Refer to CUET PG Agriculture Science Questions and Answers Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for PG Agriculture with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CUET, NCERT and KVS. CUET Agriculture PG MCQ are an important part of exams for PG Agriculture and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CUET PG Agriculture and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for PG Agriculture CUET Agriculture
PG Agriculture students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for CUET Agriculture in PG.
CUET Agriculture MCQ Questions PG Agriculture with Answers
Question: What is the recommended seed rate (kg/ha) for wheat cultivation under normal conditions?
a) 100
b) 120
c) 140
d) 160
Answer: b
Question: Which of the following is not a cereal crop?
a) Wheat
b) Rice
c) Maize
d) Chickpea
Answer: d
Question: What is the optimum pH range for most crops?
a) 4.5-5.5
b) 5.5-6.5
c) 6.5-7.5
d) 7.5-8.5
Answer: c
Question: Which crop is known as the "King of Cereals"?
a) Rice
b) Wheat
c) Maize
d) Barley
Answer: b
Question: Which nutrient deficiency is characterized by yellowing of leaves starting from the tips in older leaves?
a) Nitrogen
b) Phosphorus
c) Potassium
d) Magnesium
Answer: a
Question: What is the primary function of crop rotation?
a) Control of weeds
b) Soil fertility improvement
c) Pest and disease management
d) Water conservation
Answer: c
Question: Which of the following practices is used to conserve soil moisture in agriculture?
a) Mulching
b) Ploughing
c) Irrigation
d) Fertilization
Answer: a
Question: Which crop is known as the "White Gold"?
a) Sugarcane
b) Cotton
c) Rice
d) Wheat
Answer: b
Question: Which tillage practice involves turning and breaking the soil with a mouldboard plough?
a) No-tillage
b) Minimum tillage
c) Zero tillage
d) Conventional tillage
Answer: d
Question: Which nutrient is responsible for the green color of leaves and is essential for photosynthesis?
a) Nitrogen
b) Phosphorus
c) Potassium
d) Calcium
Answer: a
Question: Which of the following is a C4 crop?
a) Rice
b) Wheat
c) Sugarcane
d) Sorghum
Answer: d
Question: Which crop is known as the "Golden Fiber"?
a) Jute
b) Cotton
c) Sugarcane
d) Maize
Answer: a
Question: What is the optimum temperature range for wheat cultivation?
a) 10-20°C
b) 20-30°C
c) 30-40°C
d) 40-50°C
Answer: b
Question: Which nutrient deficiency is characterized by purple coloration of leaves and stems?
a) Nitrogen
b) Phosphorus
c) Potassium
d) Magnesium
Answer: b
Question: Which of the following is a leguminous crop?
a) Rice
b) Wheat
c) Soybean
d) Maize
Answer: c
Question: Which tillage practice involves leaving the soil undisturbed and planting crops directly into the previous crop residue?
a) No-tillage
b) Minimum tillage
c) Zero tillage
d) Conventional tillage
Answer: a
Question: Which of the following is a cover crop commonly used in conservation agriculture?
a) Barley
b) Sunflower
c) Cowpea
d) Mustard
Answer: c
Question: Which soil type has the highest water-holding capacity?
a) Sandy soil
b) Loamy soil
c) Clay soil
d) Silt soil
Answer: c
Question: Which nutrient deficiency is characterized by yellowing of leaves starting from the base in younger leaves?
a) Nitrogen
b) Phosphorus
c) Potassium
d) Iron
Answer: b
Question: Which crop is known as the "Staff of Life"?
a) Wheat
b) Rice
c) Maize
d) Sorghum
Answer: a
Question: Which tillage practice involves breaking the soil surface into smaller clods to improve seedbed conditions?
a) Mouldboard ploughing
b) Harrowing
c) Subsoiling
d) Rotavation
Answer: b
Question: Which of the following is a warm-season crop?
a) Wheat
b) Barley
c) Soybean
d) Oat
Answer: c
Question: What is the recommended depth for sowing maize seeds (cm)?
a) 2-3
b) 4-5
c) 6-7
d) 8-9
Answer: c
Question: Which nutrient deficiency is characterized by yellowing of leaves with green veins?
a) Nitrogen
b) Iron
c) Magnesium
d) Potassium
Answer: b
Question: Which crop is known as the "Queen of Cereals"?
a) Rice
b) Wheat
c) Maize
d) Barley
Answer: a
Question: Which tillage practice involves breaking compacted soil layers without inverting soil?
a) Moldboard Ploughing
b) Subsoiling
c) Disc Ploughing
d) Rotavation
Answer: b
Question: Which of the following is a leguminous cover crop commonly used for green manuring?
a) Sorghum
b) Cowpea
c) Sunflower
d) Mustard
Answer: b
Question: Which soil type has the lowest water-holding capacity?
a) Sandy soil
b) Loamy soil
c) Clay Soil
d) Silt Soil
Answer: a
Question: Which nutrient deficiency is characterized by yellowing of leaves with red or purple coloration on leaf margins and tips?
a) Nitrogen
b) Phosphorus
c) Potassium
d) Zinc
Answer: d
Question: Which of the following is a cool-season crop?
a) Maize
b) Cotton
c) Soybean
d) Barley
Answer: d
Question: Which tillage practice involves turning and burying crop residue into the soil?
a) No-tillage
b) Minimum tillage
c) Zero tillage
d) Conventional tillage
Answer: d
Question: Which of the following is a cover crop commonly used for nitrogen fixation in crop rotations?
a) Rye
b) Millet
c) Alfalfa
d) Oats
Answer: c
Question: What is the recommended planting depth for rice seeds (cm)?
a) 1-2
b) 3-4
c) 5-6
d) 7-8
Answer: b
Question: Which nutrient deficiency is characterized by yellowing of leaves starting from the tips in younger leaves?
a) Nitrogen
b) Phosphorus
c) Potassium
d) Magnesium
Answer: c
Question: Which crop is known as the "Poor Man's Meat"?
a) Soybean
b) Groundnut
c) Chickpea
d) Lentil
Answer: c
Question: Which tillage practice involves breaking soil into smaller particles and mixing crop residue into the topsoil?
a) Mouldboard Ploughing
b) Disc Ploughing
c) Rotavation
d) Harrowing
Answer: c
Question: Which of the following is a cover crop commonly used for weed suppression in conservation agriculture?
a) Rye
b) Sorghum
c) Radish
d) Alfalfa
Answer: a
Question: Which soil type has moderate water-holding capacity and good drainage?
a) Sandy loam
b) Clay loam
c) Silt loam
d) Peat soil
Answer: a
Question: Which nutrient deficiency is characterized by yellowing of leaves with green veins and red or purple coloration on leaf undersides?
a) Nitrogen
b) Phosphorus
c) Potassium
d) Iron
Answer: d
Question: Which crop is known as the "King of Oilseeds"?
a) Groundnut
b) Sunflower
c) Rapeseed
d) Soybean
Answer: c
Question: Which of the following factors influences the rate of nutrient mineralization in soil?
a) Soil pH
b) Soil texture
c) Soil organic matter content
d) Soil compaction
Answer: c
Question: What is the term for the process of converting atmospheric nitrogen into forms usable by plants?
a) Nitrification
b) Denitrification
c) Nitrogen fixation
d) Ammonification
Answer: c
Question: Which of the following factors does not affect soil formation?
a) Parent material
b) Topography
c) Vegetation
d) Soil texture
Answer: d
Question: Which layer of soil is permanently frozen in permafrost regions?
a) A horizon
b) B horizon
c) C horizon
d) R horizon
Answer: c
Question: Which of the following factors does not contribute to soil erosion?
a) Wind
b) Water
c) Vegetation
d) Soil organic matter
Answer: d
Question: What is the term for the loss of water from soil due to evaporation and plant transpiration?
a) Leaching
b) Percolation
c) Runoff
d) Evapotranspiration
Answer: d
Question: Which of the following soil properties is not directly influenced by soil pH?
a) Soil texture
b) Cation exchange capacity (CEC)
c) Nutrient availability
d) Soil microbial activity
Answer: a
Question: Which of the following cropping systems involves growing two or more crops simultaneously in the same field?
a) Monoculture
b) Crop rotation
c) Intercropping
d) Sequential cropping
Answer: c
Question: Which of the following soil horizons is characterized by the accumulation of organic matter?
a) A horizon
b) B horizon
c) C horizon
d) O horizon
Answer: a
Question: What is the term for the movement of water through soil, transporting dissolved nutrients and contaminants?
a) Infiltration
b) Percolation
c) Leaching
d) Runoff
Answer: c
In Assertion & Reason Questions, I have made all the questions keeping in mind that Both Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion will be the correct answer as this will be the most effective way to understand these questions in a short time.
Assertion: Leguminous crops are often used as green manure in agricultural practices.
Reason: Leguminous crops have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen through symbiotic association with nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
Answer: Both Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
Explanation: Leguminous crops, such as soybean and cowpea, have nodules on their roots containing nitrogen-fixing bacteria (e.g., Rhizobium), allowing them to fix atmospheric nitrogen. This nitrogen fixation ability makes them valuable as green manure crops, providing nitrogen to subsequent crops and improving soil fertility.
Assertion: Zero tillage helps in reducing soil erosion and conserving soil moisture.
Reason: In zero tillage, soil disturbance is minimized, and crop residues are left on the soil surface, providing a protective cover against erosion and reducing evaporation.
Answer: Both Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
Explanation: Zero tillage involves minimal soil disturbance and the retention of crop residues on the soil surface, which helps in reducing soil erosion by protecting the soil from water and wind erosion. Additionally, the presence of crop residues reduces evaporation, thus conserving soil moisture.
Assertion: Crop rotation helps in managing soil-borne diseases and pests.
Reason: Crop rotation disrupts the life cycles of soil-borne pathogens and pests, reducing their buildup in the soil and suppressing disease incidence.
Answer: Both Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
Explanation: Crop rotation involves planting different crops in sequential seasons on the same piece of land. This practice disrupts the life cycles of soil-borne pathogens and pests, as different crops may have different susceptibility to specific diseases and pests. Consequently, crop rotation helps in managing soil-borne diseases and pests by reducing
their buildup in the soil.
Assertion: Vermicomposting is an efficient method for converting organic waste into nutrient-rich compost.
Reason: Earthworms involved in vermicomposting consume organic matter and convert it into vermicompost, which is rich in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms.
Answer: Both Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
Explanation: Vermicomposting involves the use of earthworms to decompose organic matter, such as kitchen waste and crop residues, into nutrient-rich compost. Earthworms consume organic matter, break it down through digestion, and excrete vermicompost, which is rich in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms. This makes vermicomposting an efficient method for converting organic waste into high-quality compost.
Assertion: Mulching helps in suppressing weed growth and conserving soil moisture.
Reason: Mulch materials form a protective layer on the soil surface, preventing weed seeds from germinating and reducing evaporation of soil moisture.
Answer: Both Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
Explanation: Mulching involves covering the soil surface with organic or inorganic materials, such as straw, plastic, or wood chips. This protective layer suppresses weed growth by blocking sunlight and preventing weed seeds from germinating. Additionally, mulch materials reduce evaporation of soil moisture by acting as a barrier, thus conserving soil moisture and promoting plant growth.
Assertion: Crop residues left on the soil surface after harvest help in improving soil structure.
Reason: Crop residues gradually decompose, releasing organic matter into the soil and enhancing soil aggregation.
Answer: Both Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
Explanation: Crop residues left on the soil surface after harvest contribute to improving soil structure by gradually decomposing and releasing organic matter into the soil. This organic matter enhances soil aggregation, increases soil porosity, and improves water infiltration and root penetration.
Assertion: Leguminous cover crops can contribute to nitrogen fixation in the soil.
Reason: Leguminous cover crops establish symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, allowing them to convert atmospheric nitrogen into plant-available forms.
Answer: Both Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
Explanation: Leguminous cover crops, such as clover and vetch, have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen due to their symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria (e.g., Rhizobium). These bacteria form nodules on the roots of leguminous plants and convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium, which is then available for plant uptake, thus contributing to nitrogen fixation in the soil.
Assertion: Soil organic matter content influences soil fertility and nutrient cycling.
Reason: Soil organic matter acts as a reservoir of nutrients and provides a food source for soil microorganisms involved in nutrient cycling.
Answer: Both Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
Explanation: Soil organic matter plays a crucial role in soil fertility and nutrient cycling. It acts as a reservoir of nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and provides a food source for soil microorganisms involved in nutrient cycling processes, such as decomposition and mineralization. Thus, soil organic matter content directly influences soil fertility and nutrient availability.
Assertion: Soil pH affects the availability of essential nutrients to plants.
Reason: Soil pH influences the solubility and chemical forms of nutrients in the soil, affecting their uptake by plant roots.
Answer: Both Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
Explanation: Soil pH plays a critical role in nutrient availability to plants. It affects the solubility and chemical forms of nutrients in the soil solution, influencing their availability for plant uptake by roots. For example, acidic soils (low pH) can increase the availability of aluminum and manganese while limiting the availability of nutrients such as phosphorus and calcium. Conversely, alkaline soils (high pH) can limit the availability of micronutrients like iron and zinc. Therefore, soil pH directly impacts nutrient availability and plant growth.
Assertion: Crop diversification helps in reducing pest and disease incidence in agricultural fields.
Reason: Planting diverse crops disrupts the buildup of specific pests and pathogens, reducing the risk of pest outbreaks and disease epidemics.
Answer: Both Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
Explanation: Crop diversification involves growing a variety of crops in a field or region over time. This practice disrupts the buildup of specific pests and pathogens by breaking their life cycles and reducing their host availability. Consequently, crop diversification helps in reducing pest and disease incidence, minimizing the risk of pest outbreaks and disease epidemics.
Assertion: Strip cropping is an effective erosion control measure in hilly areas.
Reason: Strip cropping involves planting alternating strips of different crops or vegetation, reducing soil erosion by slowing down water flow and trapping sediments.
Answer: Both Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
Explanation: Strip cropping is an effective erosion control measure, especially in hilly areas prone to soil erosion. By planting alternating strips of different crops or vegetation along the contour lines, strip cropping slows down water flow, reduces surface runoff, and traps sediments, thereby minimizing soil erosion and improving soil conservation.
Assertion: Drip irrigation is more water-efficient compared to flood irrigation.
Reason: Drip irrigation delivers water directly to the root zone of plants, minimizing water loss through evaporation and runoff.
Answer: Both Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
Explanation: Drip irrigation is indeed more water-efficient than flood irrigation. In drip irrigation, water is delivered directly to the root zone of plants through a network of tubes or pipes with emitters, minimizing water loss due to evaporation and runoff. This targeted application of water helps in conserving water resources and maximizing irrigation efficiency.
Assertion: The use of cover crops can improve soil health and fertility.
Reason: Cover crops protect the soil from erosion, add organic matter, and enhance nutrientcycling.
Answer: Both Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
Explanation: Cover crops play a crucial role in improving soil health and fertility. They protect the soil from erosion by providing a protective cover, add organic matter to the soil through biomass accumulation, and enhance nutrient cycling by cycling nutrients from deeper soil layers to the surface. These benefits contribute to overall soil health and fertility improvement.
Assertion: Crop rotation helps in reducing the buildup of soil-borne diseases.
Reason: Planting different crops in rotation disrupts the life cycles of soil-borne pathogens, reducing their populations in the soil.
Answer: Both Assertion and Reason are correct, and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
Explanation: Crop rotation is an effective strategy for reducing the buildup of soil-borne diseases. By planting different crops in rotation, the life cycles of soil-borne pathogens are disrupted, as different crops may have different susceptibility to specific
CUET PG Agriculture Science Questions and Answers Set A |
CUET PG Agriculture Science Questions and Answers Set B |
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MCQs for CUET Agriculture Agriculture PG
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