Refer to CUET Accountancy MCQs Unit V Accounting for Share and Debenture Capital provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for UG Accountancy with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CUET, NCERT and KVS. Unit V Accounting for Share and Debenture Capital UG MCQ are an important part of exams for UG Accountancy and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CUET UG Accountancy and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for UG Accountancy Unit V Accounting for Share and Debenture Capital
UG Accountancy students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Unit V Accounting for Share and Debenture Capital in UG.
Unit V Accounting for Share and Debenture Capital MCQ Questions UG Accountancy with Answers
CUET Accountancy Accounting For Share Capital MCQs
Question: Minimum number of members in a Private Company
a) 2
b) 5
c) 7
d) 1
Answer: 2
Question: A company is
a) Artificial person
b) Living person
c) Non living Person
d) None of the options
Answer: Artificial person
Question: Minimum subscription in case of public company
a) 90% of the entire issue
b) 75% of the entire issue
c) 50% of the entire issue
d) None of the options
Answer: 90% of the entire issue
Question: The balance of share forfeited account after the reissue of forfeited shares is transferred to
a) Capital reserve
b) General reserve
c) Revenue Reserve
d) None of the options
Answer: Capital reserve
Question: Which of the following statement is false:
a) A shareholder is the agent of the company
b) A company is a legal entity quite distinct from its members.
c) A company can buy its own share
d) Same person can agent and creditor of the company
Answer: A shareholder is the agent of the company
Question: Share capital of a company can be divided into
a) All of the options
b) Authorised Capital
c) Issued Capital
d) Subscribed Capital
Answer: All of the options
Question: Permission from central government to issue share capital is required if Nominal capital exceeds
a) 1 Crore
b) 2 Crore
c) 1 Lakh
d) 2 Lakh
Answer: 1 Crore
Question: Which of the following reserves which can be utilised to make partly paid shares into fully paid up
a) Capital reserve from sale of fixed assets in cash
b) Securities premium
c) Capital redemption reserve
d) Surplus arising from a change in the method of charging depreciation
Answer: Capital reserve from sale of fixed assets in cash
Question: Penalty for delay in refunding application money
a) 0.15
b) 0.06
c) 0.05
d) 0.2
Answer: 0.15
Question: Which capital is to be stated in the Memorandum of Association of a company?
a) Authorised Capital
b) Called up capital
c) Subscribed capital
d) Subscribed capital
Answer: Authorised Capital
Question: Technique used for marketing a public offer of equity shares of a company is called book building process.
a) True
b) False
c) Both
d) None of the options
Answer: True
Question: Liability of a shareholder is limited to _____ of the shares allotted to him:
a) Paid up Value
b) Called up value
c) Face value
d) Reserve Price
Answer: Face value
Question: Capital of a Company is divided in units which is called :
a) Debenture
b) Share
c) Stock
d) Bond
Answer: Share
Question: On an equity share of Rs.10 the company has called up Rs.8 but Rs.6 have been received by the company is forfeited, the capital account should be debited by:
a) Rs.10
b) Rs. 8
c) Rs. 6
d) Rs. 2
Answer: Rs. 8
Question: Using information given in above question, what is the net balance in Share Forfeiture Account:
a) Rs.9,600
b) Rs.6,400
c) Rs. 16,000
d) Rs.2,800
Answer: Rs.6,400
Question: If vendors are issued fully paid shares of Rs. 1,25,000 in consideration of net assets of Rs. 1,50,000, the balance of Rs.25,000 will be credited to :
a) Statement of Profit & Loss
b) Goodwill Account
c) Security Premium Reserve Account
d) Capital Reserve Account
Answer: Security Premium Reserve Account
Question: Unless otherwise stated, a preference share is always deemed to be :
a) Cumulative, participating and non-convertible
b) Non-cumulative, non-participating and non-convertible
c) Cumulative, non-participating and non-convertible
d) Non-cumulative, participating and non-convertible
Answer: Cumulative, non-participating and non-convertible
Question: To whom dividend is given at a fixed rate in a company?
a) To equity shareholders
b) To preference shareholders
c) To debentureholders
d) To promoters
Answer: To preference shareholders
Question: E Ltd. had allotted 10,000 shares to the applicants of 14,000 shares on pro-rata basis. The amount payable on application was Rs.2. F applied for 420 shares. The number of shares allotted and the amount carried forward for adjustment against allotment money due from F will be :
a) 60 shares; Rs.120
b) 340 shares; Rs.160
c) 320 shares, Rs.200
d) 300 shares; U40
Answer: 300 shares; U40
Question: Interest on calls in arrears is charged according to Table F at:
a) 6% p.a.
b) 10% p.a.
c) 5% p.a.
d) 12% p.a.
Answer: 10% p.a.
Question: For what purpose securities premium reserve account cannot be utilized?
a) Amortization of preliminary expenses
b) Distribution of dividend
c) Issue of fully paid bonus shares
d) Buy Back of own shares
Answer: Distribution of dividend
Question: Authorized share capital is also known as:
a) Nominal Capital
b) Called up capital
c) Issued capital
d) Reserve Capital
Answer: Nominal Capital
Question: Which of the following is a free reserve
a) Capital reserve collected in cash
b) Investment allowance reserve
c) Development rebate reserve
d) Plant revaluation reserve
Answer: Capital reserve collected in cash
Question: A company cannot issue :
a) Redeemable Equity Shares
b) Redeemable Preference Shares
c) Redeemable Debentures
d) Fully Convertible Debentures
Answer: Redeemable Equity Shares
Question: Which of the following way is not used by the company to issue the shares?
a) Without stock exchange
b) By public subscription
c) By private placement
d) All of the options
Answer: Without stock exchange
Question: A Company is
a) All of the options
b) Has separate legal identity
c) Has Perpetual existence
d) Has Common seal
Answer: All of the options
Question: Any profit on reissue of Forfeited shares represents capital profit & hence it should be transferred to
a) Capital reserve
b) Asset side of balance sheet
c) Share capital
d) None of the options
Answer: Capital reserve
Question: Which is the maximum amount of capital a company can issue
a) Authorised Capital
b) Share capital.
c) Called up Capital
d) None of the options
Answer: Authorised Capital
Question: When the number of received is less than the number of shares offered to public it is under subscription, Called
a) Under subscription
b) Oversubscription
c) Preferential Allotment
d) None of the options
Answer: Under subscription
Question: Capital Reserve is
a) Not available for distribution
b) Available for distribution
c) Both
d) None of the options
Answer: Not available for distribution
Question: A-Ltd. forfeited 400 shares of Rs.20 each Rs. 15 called up on which application and allotment money of Rs.11 per share has been received. Of these, 100 shares were re-issued as fully paid-up for X24 per share. What is the amount to be transferred to Capital Reserve?
a) Rs. 1,500
b) Rs.4,400
c) Rs.1,100
d) Rs.3,500
Answer: Rs.1,100
Question: Terms of issue of share
a) All of the options
b) Issue of shares at Par
c) Issue of shares at Premium
d) Issue of shares at Discount
Answer: All of the options
Question: Reserve Capital is a part of:
a) Paid-up Capital
b) Forfeited Share Capital
c) Assets
d) Capital to be called up only on liquidation of company
Answer: Capital to be called up only on liquidation of company
Question: Issue Of Shares At Discount, Sanction from company Law board must be obtained and shares must be issued within
a) 2 Months of permission
b) 3 Months of permission
c) 4 Months of permission
d) None of the options
Answer: 2 Months of permission
Question: According to Companies Act, Minimum Subscription has been fixed at ................ of the issued amount.
a) 25%
b) 50%
c) 90%
d) 100%
Answer: 90%
Question: If on share of nominal value of Rs. 10, Rs. 10 have been called up and also received, it will be shown as
a) Subscribed and fully paid up
b) Subscribed but not fully paid up
c) Issued share capital
d) None of the options
Answer: Subscribed and fully paid up
Question: Which company has special rights under Companies Act 3 (i) section (iii)
a) Private Company
b) Limited company
c) Illegal company
d) None of the options
Answer: Private Company
Question: Amount of Calls in Advance is
a) Added to Share Capital
b) Deducted from Share Capital
c) Shown on the Assets side
d) Shown on the Equity & Liabilities side
Answer: Shown on the Equity & Liabilities side
Question: Minimum subscription amount of 90% is related to which share capital:
a) Authorised Capital
b) Issued Capital
c) Paid up Capital
d) Reserve Capital
Answer: Issued Capital
Question: A Company offered 50,000 shares of Rs. 10 each at par payable as to Rs.3 on applications, Rs.5 on allotment and the balance on final call. Applications were received for 60,000 shares and the allotment was made pro-rata. The excess application money was to be adjusted on allotment and call. How much amount will be transferred from Share Application A/c to Share Allotment A/c?
a) Rs. 1,80,000
b) Rs.30,000
c) Rs. 1,50,000
d) Rs.50,000
Answer: Rs.30,000
Question: R Ltd. forfeited 600 shares of Rs. 100 each Rs.70 called up on which Mahesh has paid application and allotment money of Rs.50 per share. Of these, 400 shares were re-issued to Naresh as fully paid-up for Rs.110 per share. What is the amount to be transferred to Capital Reserve?
a) Rs.30,000
b) Rs.36,000
c) Rs.24,000
d) Rs.20,000
Answer: Rs.20,000
Question: The amount of discount on reissue of forfeited shares cannot exceed :
a) 5% of the face value
b) 10% of the face value
c) The amount received on forfeited shares
d) The amount not received on forfeited shares
Answer: The amount received on forfeited shares
Question: A Building was purchased for Rs. 9,00,000 and payment was made in Rs. 100 shares at 20% premium. Securities Premium Reserve A/c will be
a) Debited by Rs. 1,50,000
b) Credited by Rs. 1,50,000
c) Debited by Rs. 1,80,000
d) Credited by Rs. 1,80,000
Answer: Credited by Rs. 1,50,000
Question: Maximum limit of premium on shares is :
a) 32%
b) 20%
c) No limit
d) 100%
Answer: No limit
Question: A Company is created by :
a) Special act of the Parliament
b) Companies Act
c) Investors
d) Members
Answer: Companies Act
Question: Which one of the following is not a part of subscribed capital:
a) Equity shares issued to vendor
b) Preference shares of convertible type
c) Forfeited shares
d) Bonus shares
Answer: Forfeited shares
Question: A shareholder holding 600 shares paid the amount of call @ Rs.5 per share on 1st November 2018 whereas the call was due on 1st March 2019. Interest on calls in advance as per Table F will be :
a) Rs.45
b) Rs.60
c) Rs.50
d) Rs.120
Answer: Rs.120
Question: The subscribed share capital of Mukand Ltd is Rs.1,00,00,000 of Rs.100 each. There were no calls in arrear till the final call was made. The final call made was paid on 97,500 shares. The calls in arrear amounted to Rs.87,500.The final call on share :
a) Rs.20
b) Rs.35
c) Rs.25
d) Rs.45
Answer: Rs.35
Question: The director of a company must be
a) Shareholder
b) Agent
c) Employee
d) None of the options
Answer: Shareholder
Question: Faltu Limited invited application for 2,00,000 shares of Rs.10 each. These shares were issued at premium of Rs.11 each which was allowed at the time of allotment. All money was called and duly received except on 10,000 shares on which only application money of Rs.3 per share was received.
The company forfeited all the shares. 7000 of forfeited share where re-issued at Rs.13per share. State the amount of securities premium to be shown under the head -Reserve and surplus.
a) Rs.20,00,000
b) Rs.11,11,000
c) Rs.8,11,000
d) Rs.21,11,000
Answer: Rs.21,11,000
Question: Sources for Buy-back of Share is
a) All of the options
b) Free reserves.
c) Securities premium account
d) Proceeds of any shares
Answer: All of the options
Question: The director of a company must be
a) Shareholder
b) Agent
c) Employee
d) None of the options
Answer: Shareholder
Question: Raj Limited forfeited 1,000 shares of 10 each for the non-payment of the final call of Rs.2 per share. These shares were reissued @ Rs.8 per share fully paid up. Find out the amount of capital reserve.
a) 6000
b) 10000
c) 15000
d) 8000
Answer: 6000
Question: Shubham Limited invited applications for subscription of 10,000 Equity shares @ Rs.10 each. Applications were received for 20,000 shares. This situation is called
a) Oversubscription of shares
b) Under subscription of shares
c) Full Allotment of shares
d) Pro Rata Allotment of share
Answer: Oversubscription of shares
Question: Nominal share capital is
a) The amount actually paid by the shareholders
b) That Part of the authorised capital which is issued by the company
c) The maximum amount of share capital which a company is authorised to issue
d) None of the options
Answer: The amount actually paid by the shareholders
Question: A preference share which does not carry the right of sharing in surplus profits is called
a) Non-Cumulative Preference Share
b) Non-participating Preference Share
c) Irredeemable Preference Share
d) Non-convertible Preference Share
Answer: Non-participating Preference Share
Question: Sources for Buy-back of Share is
a) All of the options
b) Free reserves.
c) Securities premium account
d) Proceeds of any shares
Answer: All of the options
Question: If a share of Rs. 10 issued at a premium of Rs.3 on which the full amount has been called and Rs.8 (including premium) paid is forfeited the capital account should be debited with :
a) Rs. 5
b) Rs. 8
c) Rs.10
d) Rs.13
Answer: Rs.10
Question: Which of the following statement in false
a) Bonus shares can be issued out revaluation profit.
b) Bonus issue is made out of free reserves or securities premium collected in cash only
c) No bonus issue shall be made within 12 months of any public or right issue.
d) Company can issue bonus shares in any ratio
Answer: Bonus shares can be issued out revaluation profit.
Question: On a share of Rs. 20 issued at a premium of Rs. 4 on which Rs. 16 (including premium) is called-up and Rs. 10 (including premium) paid is forfeited, the Share Capital Account will be debited by
a) Rs.20.
b) Rs.12.
c) Rs.10.
d) *16.
Answer: Rs.12.
Question: What is the limit of Securities Premium on the issue of shares?
a) Unlimited
b) 0.1
c) 0.15
d) 0.2
Answer: Unlimited
Question: Anthony Ltd. Issued 40,000 equity shares of Rs. 20 each payable as Rs. 5 on application; Rs. 7 on allotment and Rs. 8 on final call. Company received the due amount but one shareholder holding 250 shares did not pay the allotment money and another shareholder holding 150 shares failed to pay the amount due on final call. Total amount of Calls-in-Arrears is
a) Rs. 1,750.
b) Rs. 3,200.
c) Rs. 6,000.
d) Rs. 4,950.
Answer: Rs. 4,950.
Question: Preference shares, in case the holders of these have a right to convert their preference shares into equity shares at their option according to the terms of issue, such shares are called :
a) Cumulative Preference Share
b) Non-cumulative Preference Share
c) Convertible Preference Share
d) Non-convertible Preference Share
Answer: Convertible Preference Share
Question: Public subscription of shares include :
a) To Issue Prospectus
b) To Receive Applications
c) To Make Allotment
d) All of the Above
Answer: All of the Above
Question: If a share of Rs. 10 issued at a premium of Rs.3 on which the full amount has been called and Rs.8 (including premium) paid is forfeited the capital account should be debited with :
a) Rs. 5
b) r 8
c) Rs.10
d) Rs.13
Answer: Rs.10
Question: If discount on reissue of shares is less than the amount forfeited, the surplus is transferred to
a) Capital Reserve.
b) General Reserve.
c) Securities Premium Reserve.
d) Statement of Profit and Loss.
Answer: Capital Reserve.
Question: Star Ltd. issued 10,000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each at a premium of 20%. Mamta, who has been allotted 2,000 shares did not pay first and final call of Rs. 5 per share. On forfeiture of Mamta's shares, amount debited to Securities Premium Reserve Account will be
a) Rs. 5,000.
b) Rs. 10,000.
c) Rs. 15,000.
d) NIL.
Answer: NIL.
Question: Maximum number of members in a Private Company
a) 50
b) 60
c) 70
d) 100
Answer: 50
Question: Gopal Ltd. purchased machine of Rs. 1,15,000 from Indian Traders, payment of Rs. 10,000 was made by issuing cheque and the remaining amount by issue of equity shares of the face value of Rs. 10 each fully paid at an issue price of Rs. 10.50 each. Amount of securities premium will be
a) Rs. 6,000.
b) Rs. 7,000.
c) Rs. 5,000.
d) Rs. 4,000.
Answer: Rs. 5,000.
CUET Accountancy Redemption Of Debentures MCQs
Question: Types of debentures on the basis of priority
a) Both
b) First debentures
c) Second debenture
d) None of the options
Answer: Both
Question: Profit on sale of debenture redemption fund investments in the first instance is credited to :
a) Debenture redemption fund account
b) Profit and loss appropriation account,
c) General reserve account
d) None of the options
Answer: Debenture redemption fund account
Question: Which of the following is not true about Debenture redemption reserve(DRR)
a) DRR is required in case of Fully convertible debenture.
b) DDR created @ 50% of the amount of debentures issued before commencement of redemption
c) Withdrawal from DRR can be made only after 10% of debenture liability has been redeemed.
d) None of the options
Answer: DRR is required in case of Fully convertible debenture.
Question: Creation of DRR is compulsory in case of
a) Non-Convertible Debentures
b) Convertible Debentures
c) Banking Companies
d) None of the options
Answer: Non-Convertible Debentures
Question: Which is a reserve representing retentions out of profit made for the purpose of redemption of debentures
a) Debenture Redemption Reserve
b) Capital reserve
c) General reserve
d) None of the options
Answer: Debenture Redemption Reserve
Question: Debentures can be issued at par at premium or discount but redemption only
a) Both
b) Redeemable at par
c) Redeemable at premium
d) None of the options
Answer: Both
Question: Premium on redemption of debentures account is
a) A nominal account - expenditure
b) A real account
c) A personal account
d) A nominal account - income
Answer: A nominal account - expenditure
Question: A Debenture of a company represents
a) Debt
b) Capital
c) Shareholders Fund
d) Assets
Answer: Debt
Question: Sources of Redemption of debentures
a) All of the options
b) Proceeds from fresh issue of share capital or debenture holders.
c) From accumulated profits
d) Proceeds from sale of fixed assets.
Answer: All of the options
Question: In case debentures of Rs. 10000 are issued at par but redeemable at a premium of 10% the premium payable is debited to
a) Loss on issue of debentures A/c
b) Debentures Suspense Account
c) Both
d) None of the options
Answer: Loss on issue of debentures A/c
Question: Which debentures are issued with a specific rate of interest
a) Coupon rate debentures
b) First debentures
c) Second debenture
d) None of the options
Answer: Coupon rate debentures
Question: Why does a company purchase its own debentures from the open market?
a) For Cancellation OR Investment
b) For Raising Finance
c) For Investment only
d) None of the options
Answer: For Cancellation OR Investment
Question: Premium payable on redemption of debentures is in nature of
a) Personal Account
b) Real Account
c) Current Account
d) None of the options
Answer: Personal Account
CUET Accountancy Issue Of Debentures MCQs
Question: Which of the following statements is true?
a) A debenture issued at a discount can be redeemed at a premium
b) A debenture holder is an owner of the company
c) A debenture holder can get his money back only on the liquidation of the company
d) A debenture holder receives interest only in the event of profits
Answer: A debenture issued at a discount can be redeemed at a premium
Question: Which of the following is not true about debenture stock:
a) Debenture stock are identified by their distinct number
b) It must be fully paid.
c) Debenture Stock can be transferred in fraction.
d) None of the options
Answer: Debenture stock are identified by their distinct number
Question: When debentures are issued as collateral security, the final entry for recording the transaction in the books is
a) Debit debenture suspense a/c. and credit debentures a/c.
b) Credit debentures a/c. and debit cash a/c.
c) Debit debenture suspense a/c. and credit cash a/c.
d) None of the options
Answer: Debit debenture suspense a/c. and credit debentures a/c.
Question: Debentures are shown in the balance sheet of a company under the head of
a) Non current Liabilities
b) Current Liabilities
c) Share Capital
d) None of the options
Answer: Non current Liabilities
Question: Debenture is a
a) Long term Loan
b) Short term loan
c) Dividend
d) None of the options
Answer: Long term Loan
Question: On liquidation of company, principal amount of debentures is returned :
a) First of All
b) Last of All
c) Before Equity Capital
d) After Equity Capital
Answer: Before Equity Capital
Question: Issued 5,000, 12% debentures of Rs. 100 each at a discount of 2%, redeemable at a premium of 5%. In such case :
a) Loss on Issue will be Credited by Rs. 10,000.
b) Loss on Issue will be debited by Rs.35,000.
c) Premium on Redemption will be debited by Rs.25,000.
d) Premium on Redemption will be credited by Rs.35,000.
Answer: Loss on Issue will be debited by Rs.35,000.
Question: Which of the following statements is false?
a) At maturity, debenture holders get back their money.
b) Debentures can be forfeited for non-payment of call money.
c) In company’s balance sheet, debentures are shown under the head Long term Borrowings.
d) Interest on debentures is a charge against profits.
Answer: Debentures can be forfeited for non-payment of call money.
Question: The amount of debenture is returned to the holders at the end of
a) Predetermined maturity period
b) Company
c) Current Year
d) None of the options
Answer: Predetermined maturity period
Question: Person holding debenture is known as
a) Debenture Holder
b) Share Holder
c) Both
d) None of the options
Answer: Debenture Holder
Question: When debentures are issued at par and are redeemable at a premium, the loss on such an issue debited to
a) Loss on issue of debentures account
b) Profit and loss account
c) Profit and loss account
d) None of the options
Answer: Loss on issue of debentures account
Question: Profit on sale of debenture redemption fund investments in the first instance is credited to
a) Debenture redemption fund account
b) Profit and loss appropriation account
c) General reserve account
d) None of the options
Answer: Debenture redemption fund account
Question: Issue of Debenture at more than face value, Called
a) Issue of debenture at premium
b) Issue of debenture at par
c) Both
d) None of the options
Answer: Issue of debenture at premium
Question: Insert on Debentures is calculated
a) At a fixed rate on its face value
b) At a fixed rate on its Par value
c) At a average rate on its Par value
d) None of the options
Answer: At a fixed rate on its face value
Question: Premium on Redemption of Debentures Account is
a) Personal Account
b) Real Account
c) Capital A/c
d) None of the options
Answer: Personal Account
Question: Debenture holders are :
a) Owners of the Company
b) Debtors of the Company
c) Creditors of the Company
d) Promoters of the Company
Answer: Creditors of the Company
Question: The debentures whose principal amount is not repayable by the company during its life time, but the payment is made only at the time of Liquidation of the company, such debentures are called :
a) Bearer Debentures
b) Redeemable Debentures
c) Irredeemable Debentures
d) Non-Convertible Debentures
Answer: Irredeemable Debentures
Question: Debentures are shown in the Balance Sheet of a company under the head of
a) Non-current Liabilities.
b) Current Liabilities.
c) Share Capital.
d) None of these.
Answer: Non-current Liabilities.
Question: Which of the following is Correct with respect to debentures?
a) They can be issued on credit.
b) They can be issued for consideration other than cash.
c) They cannot be issued as collateral security.
d) They can be issued partly on credit and partly in cash.
Answer: They can be issued for consideration other than cash.
Question: Debenture is acknowledgment of debt and a contract for the repayment of principal amount with
a) Interest
b) Premium
c) Dividend
d) None of the options
Answer: Interest
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MCQs for Unit V Accounting for Share and Debenture Capital Accountancy UG
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