Refer to CBSE Class 12 Accountancy Financial Statement Of Companies MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 12 Accountancy with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 3 Financial Statement Of Companies Class 12 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 12 Accountancy and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 12 Accountancy and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 12 Accountancy Chapter 3 Financial Statement Of Companies
Class 12 Accountancy students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 3 Financial Statement Of Companies in Class 12.
Chapter 3 Financial Statement Of Companies MCQ Questions Class 12 Accountancy with Answers
Question: ___________ is conducted by bankers and government
a) External Analysis
b) Internal Analysis
c) External Analysis and Internal Analysis
d) None of the options
Answer: External Analysis
Question: Bank overdraft is shown in the balance sheet under the
a) Short Term Borrowings
b) Non-current liabilities
c) Non Current assets
d) None of the options
Answer: Short Term Borrowings
Question: An example of fixed asset is
a) Live stock
b) Value stock
c) Income stock
d) None of the options
Answer: Live stock
Question: The assets held by a business which can be converted in the form of cash, without disturbing the normal operations of a business
a) Current assets
b) Tangible assets
c) Intangible assets
d) Fixed assets
Answer: Current assets
Question: The return which the company pays on borrowed funds is termed as
a) All of the options
b) Interest
c) Dividend
d) Bonus
Answer: All of the options
Question: The following is(are) the type(s) of capital budgeting decision(s)
a) All of the options
b) Diversification
c) Replacements
d) Expansion
Answer: All of the options
Question: The following is(are) the external source(s) of cash
a) All of the options
b) Long terms loans
c) Issue of new shares
d) Short term borrowings
Answer: All of the options
Question: The total cost that arises when the quantity produced is increased by one unit is called
a) Marginal cost
b) Average cost
c) Fixed cost
d) None of the options
Answer: Marginal cost
Question: Current assets are also referred to as
a) Working capital
b) Investments
c) Inventory
d) None of the options
Answer: Working capital
Question: Carriage Inward is normally debited to ____
a) Manufacturing Account
b) Profit and Loss account
c) Capital Account
d) None of the options
Answer: Manufacturing Account
Question: Reliability of financial analysis depends upon the
a) Reliability of financial data
b) Reliability of Customer
c) Reliability of financial data and Reliability of Customer
d) None of the options
Answer: Reliability of financial data
Question: Objectives of analysis and interpretation of financial statements are
a) All of the options
b) Progress
c) Position
d) Prospects
Answer: All of the options
Question: Sub- headings are Non Current Liabilities are
a) All of the options
b) Long Term borrowing
c) Deferred Tax Liabilities
d) Long Term Provisions
Answer: All of the options
Question: Main headings of assets are
a) Current Assets and Non Current assets
b) Current Assets
c) Non Current assets
d) None of the options
Answer: Current Assets and Non Current assets
Question: Main headings of the liability side of a company balance sheet
a) All of the options
b) Shareholders Fund
c) Current Liabilities
d) Non Current Liabilities
Answer: All of the options
Question: Financial Statement provide a summary of
a) All of the options
b) Assets
c) Liabilities
d) Capital
Answer: All of the options
Question: Calls in advance is to be shown under the heading of
a) Current Liabilities
b) Current Assets
c) Current Liabilities and Current Assets
d) None of the options
Answer: Current Liabilities
Question: Goodwill is shown under which subheading
a) Intangible Assets
b) Current Assets
c) Current Liability
d) None of the options
Answer: Intangible Assets
Question: Prepaid Expenses is
a) Current Assets
b) Current Liabilities
c) Long term loan
d) None of the options
Answer: Current Assets
Question: Non Current Assets is
a) Patents and Trade Marks
b) Bills Receivables
c) Prepaid Expenses
d) Debtors
Answer: Patents and Trade Marks
Question: Security Premium is show under which major head
a) Shareholders fund
b) Current Liabilities
c) Current Assets
d) None of the options
Answer: Shareholders fund
Question: Provision for Provident Fund comes under
a) Long-term Provision
b) Trade Payable
c) Other Current Liabilities
d) None of the options
Answer: Long-term Provision
Question: Sinking Fund is shown under which subheading
a) Reserve and Surplus
b) Trade Payable
c) Non Current Liabilities
d) None of the options
Answer: Reserve and Surplus
Question: Authorised Capital is shown under which major heading in balance sheet
a) Shareholders Fund
b) Current Liability
c) Current Assets
d) None of the options
Answer: Shareholders Fund
Question: Debenture is shown under which major heading in balance sheet
a) Non Current Liabilities
b) Other Current Liabilities
c) Current Liability
d) None of the options
Answer: Non Current Liabilities
Question: Example of Short-term Provision is
a) Provision for Tax
b) Debentures
c) Loan
d) None of the options
Answer: Provision for Tax
Question: Provision for Tax is our
a) Liability
b) Assets
c) Liability and Assets
d) None of the options
Answer: Liability
Question: Bills Payable shown under major heading Current Liability and Subheading
a) Trade Payable
b) Short-term Provision
c) Other Current Liabilities
d) None of the options
Answer: Trade Payable
Question: Unclaimed Dividend shown under major heading Current Liability and Subheading
a) Other Current Liabilities
b) Trade Payable
c) Short-term Provision
d) None of the options
Answer: Other Current Liabilities
Question: Unclaimed Dividend is shown under which major heading in balance sheet
a) Current Liability
b) Equity and Liability
c) Current Assets
d) None of the options
Answer: Current Liability
Question: Proposed Dividend shown under major heading Current Liability and Subheading
a) Short-term Provision
b) Trade Payable
c) Other Current Liabilities
d) None of the options
Answer: Short-term Provision
Question: Proposed Dividend is shown under which major heading in balance sheet
a) Current Liability
b) Current Assets
c) Equity and Liability
d) None of the options
Answer: Current Liability
Question: Miscellaneous Expenditure are
a) All of the options
b) Preliminary Expenses
c) Discount allowed on the issue of shares/deb
d) Development expenditure not adjusted
Answer: All of the options
Question: Fixed Assets subheading is divided into
a) All of the options
b) Tangible
c) Intangible Assets
d) Capital work in progress
Answer: All of the options
Question: In Balance Sheet Bills Payable is shown under the
a) Current Liabilities
b) Current Assets
c) Equity and Liability
d) None of the options
Answer: Current Liabilities
Question: Long term Liabilities is
a) All of the options
b) Bonds
c) Debenture
d) Loans from Banks
Answer: All of the options
Question: Non Current Liabilities classified in balance sheet
a) All of the options
b) Long term borrowings
c) Deferred tax liabilities
d) Other long term liabilities
Answer: All of the options
Question: Financial Statement also called
a) Final Accounts
b) Profit & Loss A/c
c) Trading A/c
d) None of the options
Answer: Final Accounts
Question: Those expenses which paid in advance by the firm
a) Prepaid expenses
b) Accrued income
c) Prepaid expenses and Accrued income
d) None of the options
Answer: Prepaid expenses
Question: Prepaid expenses are shown under
a) Other current assets
b) Inventories
c) Cash Equivalents
d) None of the options
Answer: Other current assets
Question: Provision for Tax appears in a Company’s Balance Sheet under the Sub-head ................
a) Short-term Provisions
b) Reserves and Surplus
c) Long-term Provisions
d) Other Current Liabilities
Answer: A
Question: Bills Receivables appear in a Company Balance Sheet under the Sub-head
a) Current Investments
b) Cash Equivalents
c) Trade Receivables
d) Short term Loans and Advances
Answer: C
Question: Marketable securities appear in a Company Balance Sheet under the Sub-head
a) Current Investments
b) Non-Current Investments
c) Intangible Assets
d) Short-term Loans and Advances
Answer: A
Question: While preparing the Balance Sheet of a company ‘Underwriting Commission’ is shown under which head?
a) Unamortized Expenditure
b) Current Assets
c) Non-Current Assets
d) Current Liability
Answer: A
Question: Which of the following items is shown under the head ‘Current Liabilities’ while preparing the Balance Sheet of a company?
a) Securities Premium Reserve
b) Debentures
c) Livestock
d) None of the above
Answer: D
Question: While preparing the Balance Sheet of a company ‘Securities Premium’ is shown under :
a) Current Liability
b) Share Capital
c) Long-term Borrowings
d) None of the above
Answer: D
Question: Balance sheet of a company is required to be prepared in the format given in
a) Schedule III Part II
b) Schedule III Part I
c) Schedule III Part III
d) Table A
Answer: B
Question: As per Companies Act, the Balance Sheet of a company is required to be presented in ................
a) Horizontal Form
b) Vertical Form
c) Either Horizontal or Vertical Form
d) Neither of the above
Answer: B
Question: Which of the following is not required to be prepared under the Companies Act
a) Statement of Profit and Loss
b) Balance Sheet
c) Report of Director’s and Auditor’s
d) Funds Flow Statement
Answer: D
Question: In a Company's Balance Sheet, Debit (Negative) balance of Statement of Profit and Loss is shown under
a) Non-current Liabilities.
b) Current Liabilities.
c) Non-current Assets.
d) Reserves and Surplus.
Answer: D
Question: Patents and Trademarks are examples of
a) intangible Fixed Assets.
b) Tangible Fixed Assets.
c) Intangible Assets under Development.
d) Capital Work-in-Progress.
Answer: A
Question: Identify the item which is not a part of Shareholders' Funds:
a) Share Application Money Pending Allotment
b) Share Capital
c) Reserves and Surplus
d) Money Received against Share Warrants.
Answer: A
Question: Fixed Deposits appear in a Company’s Balance Sheet under :
a) Current Assets
b) Current Liabilities
c) Long-term Provisions
d) Long-term Borrowings
Answer: D
Question: Goodwill appears in a Company’s Balance Sheet under the Sub-head
a) Unamortized Assets
b) Non-Current Investment
c) Intangible Assets
d) Tangible Assets
Answer: C
Question: Share Forfeiture Account appears in a Company’s Balance Sheet under the Sub-head ................
a) Share Capital
b) Reserve & Surplus
c) Contingent Liability
d) Commitments
Answer: A
Question: Expenses allowed on issue of shares appears in a Company’s Balance Sheet under:
a) Share Capital
b) Current Liability
c) Unamortized Expenditure
d) Contingent Liability
Answer: C
Question: In Balance Sheet Computer software is shown under the
a) Fixed intangible Assets
b) Fixed Tangible Assets
c) Fictitious Assets
d) Current Assets
Answer: A
Question: Those liabilities which may or may not arise as they are dependent on happening in future.
a) Contingent Liability
b) Current Liability
c) Provisions
d) Reserve & surplus
Answer: A
Question: A company prepares its Balance Sheet as per the format in
a) Schedule VI of the Indian Companies Act, 2013
b) Schedule II of the Indian Companies Act, 2013
c) Schedule IV of the Indian Companies Act, 2013
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: With the permission of Registrar accounting period can be extended up to
a) 18 Months
b) 13 Months
c) 14 Months
d) 15 Months
Answer: A
Question: Preliminary expenses include
a) All of the options
b) Legal cost
c) Professional fees
d) Stamp duty
Answer: All of the options
Question: Preliminary expenses are shown in the balance sheet.
a) Assets side
b) Liabilities side
c) Assets side and Liabilities side
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: Which are written off every year from the profits earned by the business.
a) Preliminary Expenses
b) Liabilities
c) Preliminary Expenses and Liabilities
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: Securities Premium Reserve is shown under:
a) Reserve and Surplus
b) Short term provisions
c) Current Liabilities
d) Current Assets
Answer: A
Question: Which Indian Companies Act is in force these days
a) Companies Act 2013
b) Indian Companies Act 1956
c) Indian Companies Act 2015
d) Indian Companies Act 2014
Answer: A
Question: Which of the following is a fictitious Asset?
a) Preliminary Expense
b) Goodwill
c) Land & building
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: The basic equation on which a profit & loss statement is based is
a) Revenues - Expenses = Profit
b) Revenues + Expenses = Profit
c) Revenues - Expenses = Profit and Revenues + Expenses = Profit
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: The profit & loss statement is also known as the
a) All of the options
b) Income Statement
c) Statement of Earning
d) Statement of Operation
Answer: All of the options
Question: The profit & loss statement summarizes the
a) Revenues and expenses
b) Assets and Liabilities
c) Revenues and expenses and Assets and Liabilities
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: Which is not a limitation of Financial Statements
a) Used by various agencies for policy decisions
b) Give information on historic fact
c) Transactions expressed in monetary terms are considered
d) They are the Interim Report and not the final one
Answer: A
Question: ______is a Current Liability.
a) Sundry Creditors
b) Drawings
c) Prepaid Insurance
d) Sundry Creditors
Answer: A
Question: Which are the determinants of dividend policy
a) All of the options
b) Working Capital Requirement
c) Liquidity Position
d) Legal Requirement
Answer: All of the options
Question: Record all the credit balances of real and personal accounts in the
a) Liability side of the balance sheet
b) Assets side of the balance sheet
c) Liability side of the balance sheet and Assets side of the balance sheet
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: Record all the debit balances of real and personal accounts in the
a) Assets side of the balance sheet
b) Liability side of the balance sheet
c) Assets side of the balance sheet and Liability side of the balance sheet
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: The process of preparing income statement is
a) Trial Balance, Profit & Loss account and Balance Sheet
b) Balance Sheet ,Profit & Loss account, Trial Balance,
c) Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, Profit & Loss account
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: Financial statements reflect a combination of
a) All of the options
b) Recorded facts
c) Accounting conventions
d) Personal judgements
Answer: All of the options
Question: Persons who are willing to invest in any organization always wish to know about the profitability and solvency of the business concern
a) All of the options
b) Investors and Potential Investors
c) Employees and Workers
d) Owner
Answer: All of the options
Question: The employee and workers are interested in financial statement for knowing about the
a) All of the options
b) Timely payment of wages and salaries
c) Bonus
d) Appropriate increment
Answer: All of the options
Question: Management interested in financial statements for drafting
a) All of the options
b) Various policies
c) Facilitating planning
d) Decision making process
Answer: All of the options
Question: There are various external parties who are interested in financial statements
a) Creditors and Investors and Potential Investors
b) Creditors
c) Investors and Potential Investors
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: When the Profit and Loss account shows a debit balance, i.e., loss which could not be adjusted against general reserves, the same is shown as a last item on
a) Asset side
b) Liability Side
c) Asset side and Liability Side
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: Assets which are converted into cash within an operating cycle is known as
a) Current Assets
b) Fixed Assets
c) Intangible Assets
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: Fixed Assets are
a) All of the options
b) Land and Building
c) Plant and Machinery
d) Motor Car
Answer: All of the options
Question: Those assets that are used for more than one year are called
a) Fixed Assets
b) Current Assets
c) Current Liabilities
d) All of the options
Answer: A
Question: Current Liabilities are
a) All of the options
b) Bank overdraft
c) Bills payable
d) Creditors
Answer: All of the options
Question: Current Liabilities are those liabilities which are liable to pay with in an operating cycle generally one year
a) Current Liabilities
b) Current Assets
c) Reserves and Surplus
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: What are the items shown under heading Miscellaneous Expenditure
a) All of the options
b) Preliminary expenses
c) Discount on Issue of share and debenture
d) Deferred expenses
Answer: All of the options
Question: What are the items shown under heading Reserve and Surplus
a) All of the options
b) Capital Reserve
c) Capital Redemption Reserve
d) Securities Premium
Answer: All of the options
Question: Profit and loss account is also called_____statement
a) Income
b) Capital
c) Loss
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: The statement which shows the assets and liabilities of a company is known as
a) Balance sheet
b) Profit & Loss Account
c) Trial Balance
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: Financial statements are the ______of information to interested parties.
a) Basic Source
b) External Source
c) Basic Source and External Source
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: Financial statements are primarily directed towards the needs of
a) Owners
b) Customers
c) Banks
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: Financial statements are the end products of
a) Accounting process
b) Company process
c) Selling Process
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: Which includes in Trade Receivables
a) Debtors
b) Creditors
c) Bills Payable
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: Inventories include the following are
a) All of the options
b) Raw Material
c) Work in progress
d) Goods acquired for trading
Answer: All of the options
Question: Which is the first thing which is being shown in the liabilities side of balance sheet
a) Share Capital
b) Current Assets
c) Current Liabilities
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: 6% Debentures appear in a Company’s Balance Sheet under the Sub-head
a) Long-term Provisions
b) Long-term Borrowings
c) Other Current Liabilities
d) Other Long-term Liabilities
Answer: B
Question: Interest accrued on Investments appear in a Company’s Balance Sheet under the Sub-head ................
a) Non-Current Investments
b) Current Investments
c) Other Current Assets
d) Other Non-Current Assets
Answer: C
Question: ‘Accumulated Dividend Arrears’ on preference shares is shown in the Company’s Balance Sheet as :
a) Current Liability
b) Contingent Liability
c) Commitments
d) Short-term Provision
Answer: C
Question: Which of the following is not a Short-term Borrowing?
(a) Deposits
(b) Loans repayable on demand
(c) Bank Overdraft
(d) Trade Receivables
Answer: D
Question: Which of the following is not a Non-Current Asset?
(a) Fixed Assets
(c) Long-term Loans and Advances
(b) Share Capital
(d) Non-current Investments
Answer: B
Question: If the Operating Cycle cannot be identified, it is assumed to be a period of
(a) 10 months,
(b) 11 months,
(c) 9 months.
(d) 12 months.
Answer: D
Question: A company has issued 1,00,000 Equity Shares of f 10 each. It has called the total nominal value of the share. lt has received the calls made except the final call off 3 on 1,000 shares. Subscribed capital will be shown as follows:
(a) Subscribed and not fully paid-up:
1,00,000 Equity Shares of f 10 each 10,00,000
Less: Calls-in-Arrears 3,000
(b) Subscribed and fully paid-up: Rs.
1,00,000 Equity Shares of f 10 each 10,00,000
Less: Calls-in-Arrears 3,000
(c) Subscribed and fully paid-up: Rs.
99.000 Equity Shares off 10 each 9,90,000
(d) Subscribed but not fully paid-up:
1.000 Equity Shares off 10 each 10,000
Less: Calls-in-Arrears 3,000 7,000
(d) Can be shown either as (b) or as (c).
Answer: C
Question: Debentures redeemable after 10 years from the date of issue are shown as
(a) Long-term Borrowings.
(b) Other Long-term Liabilities,
(c) Short-term Borrowings.
(d) Other Short-term Liabilities.
Answer: A
Question: Name the item out of the following which is shown as Short-term Provision:
(a) Provision for Tax
(b) Interest Accrued but not Due
(c) Employees' Provident Fund
(d) Interest Accrued and Due
Answer: A
Question: According to prescribed order of assets in a Company’s Balance Sheet ................ assets should be shown first of all.
a) Non-Current Assets
b) Current Assets
c) Current Investments
d) Loans and Advances
Answer: A
Question: In a Company’s Balance Sheet ................ appear under the head ‘non-current assets.
a) Goodwill
b) Patents
c) Vehicles
d) All of the above
Answer: D
Question: Calls in Arrears appear in a Company’s Balance Sheet under
a) Reserve & Surplus
b) Shareholder’s Funds
c) Contingent Liabilities
d) Short-term Borrowings
Answer: B
Question: While preparing the Balance Sheet of a Company which item is shown under the head ‘Long term Borrowings’?
a) 6% Debentures
b) Security Premium Reserve
c) Trade Payables
d) None of the above
Answer: A
Question: Share Capital of a Company consists of 5,00,000 Shares of Rs.10 each, Rs.8 called up. All the shareholders have duly paid the called-up amount. Share capital will be shown as :
a) Subscribed and Fully Paid
b) Subscribed but not fully paid
c) Any of the above
d) None of the above
Answer: B
Question: A Company has issued 2,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each and it has called the entire nominal value of the share. It has received the entire amount except final call of Rs.3 per share on 5,000 shares. Subscribed Capital will be shown as follows:
a) Subscribed and fully paid 2,00,000 Equity Shares
of Rs.10 each 20,00,000
Less: Call in Arrears 15,000 19,85,000
b) Subscribed but not fully paid 2,00,000 Equity
Shares of Rs.10 each 20,00,000
Less: Call in Arrears 15,000 19,85,000
c) Subscribed and fully paid 1,95,000 Equity Shares
of Rs.10 each 19,50,000
Subscribed but not fully paid 5,000 Equity Shares of
Rs. 10 each 50,000
Less: Call in Arrears 15,000 35,00
d) Can be shown as b) or as c)
Answer: C
Question: Calls in advance appear in a Company’s Balance Sheet under
a) Share Capital
b) Current Liability
c) Long-term Borrowings
d) Reserve & Surplus
Answer: B
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MCQs for Chapter 3 Financial Statement Of Companies Accountancy Class 12
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