Read and download NCERT Book Class 5 EVS No Place for Us in NCERT book for Class 5 Environmental Studies. You can download latest NCERT books PDF chapterwise free from This Environmental Studies textbook for Class 5 is designed by NCERT and is very useful for students. Please also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 5 Environmental Studies to understand the answers of the exercise questions given at the end of this chapter
NCERT Book for Class 5 Environmental Studies Looking Around Chapter 18 No Place for Us?
Class 5 Environmental Studies students should refer to the following NCERT Book Looking Around Chapter 18 No Place for Us? in Class 5. This NCERT Book for Class 5 Environmental Studies will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Looking Around Chapter 18 No Place for Us? NCERT Book Class 5
Click on the view or download PDF button below to access the Looking Around Chapter 18 No Place for Us? Class 5 Environmental Studies book. All Environmental Studies Class 5 NCERT books have been divided into various chapters so that you can download and read them easily. Refer to the section below to access more books of Environmental Studies in Class 5.
18. No Place for Us?
Jatryabhai was sitting at the door with his daughter Jhimli. They were waiting for Sidya. It was almost night but Sidya had not come home. Two years back Jatrya’s family came to Mumbai from Sinduri village. Here, they only knew the family of a distant relative. With their help, Jatryabhai began to repair torn fishing nets. But the money he got was not enough. They had to pay for the medicines, food, school fees and rent for the house. Here, they even had to buy water.
Young Sidya also had to work in the nearby fish factory to earn some money. From four o’clock till seven o’clock in the morning, he cleaned and sorted the big and small fish. Then he would come home, take a nap, and go to school in the afternoon. In the evening he would wander around the vegetable market. He would help some memsahib (lady) to carry her bags, or go to the railway station to pick up empty bottles and newspapers to sell to the kabadiwalla (junk seller). Somehow they were managing their life in the city.
It was night, but Sidya had not come home. Jhimli was watching a dance on TV, through the neighbour’s window. But Jatrya did not like watching TV. Here, everything was so different. The day would pass running around for work, but the evening brought back old memories.
Think and tell
- Jatrya felt alone, even in a crowd of people. Have you ever felt like this?
- Imagine how it feels to leave one’s own place and go far away to live in a new place?
- Why do you think families like that of Jatrya’s are coming to big cities?
- Have you seen any children (in your school or neighbourhood) who also go to work?
- What kind of work do they do? Why do they have to work?
Thinking of old days
Jatrya was born in Khedi village, in the middle of thick green jungles and hills. His people had been living here for many years – even before his grandfather was born. There was peace in Jatrya’s village, but not silence. There were so many soothing sounds – the gurgle of the flowing river, the murmur of trees and the chirping of birds. People did farming.
They would go to the nearby forest, chatting and singing together, to collect wild fruits, roots and dried wood. While working with elders, children also learnt many things – to dance together, to play flute and dhol, to make pots of clay and bamboo, to recognise birds and imitate their sounds, etc. People collected things from the forest for their use. Some of those they would sell in the town across the river. With that money they would buy salt, oil and some clothes.
It was a village, but people here lived together like a big family. Jatrya’s sister was married in the same village. People helped each other, in good and bad times. The elders would arrange weddings, and settle quarrels. Jatrya was now a strong young man.
He worked hard in the fields and caught fish from the big river. He and his friends would go to the forest to collect fruits, roots and plants for medicines, and fish from the river, to sell these in the town. During festival time, Jatrya would dance and play the drum, with boys and girls of his age.
Please refer to attached file for NCERT Class 5 EVS No Place for Us
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS Super Senses |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS A Snake Charmers Story |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS From Tasting to Digesting |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS Mangoes Round the Year |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS Seeds and Seeds |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS Every Drop Counts |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS Experiments with Water |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS A Treat for Mosquitoes |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS Up You Go! |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS Walls Tell Stories |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS Sunita in Space |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS What if it Finishes |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS A Shelter so High |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS When the Earth Shook |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS Blow Hot Blow Cold |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS Who will do this Work |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS Across the Wall |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS No Place for Us |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS A Seed Tells a Farmer Story |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS Whose Forests |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS Like Father Like Daughter |
NCERT Book Class 5 EVS On the move Again |
NCERT Book Class 5 Environmental Studies Looking Around Chapter 18 No Place for Us?
The above NCERT Books for Class 5 Environmental Studies Looking Around Chapter 18 No Place for Us? have been published by NCERT for latest academic session. The textbook by NCERT for Looking Around Chapter 18 No Place for Us? Environmental Studies Class 5 is being used by various schools and almost all education boards in India. Teachers have always recommended students to refer to Looking Around Chapter 18 No Place for Us? NCERT etextbooks as the exams for Class 5 Environmental Studies are always asked as per the syllabus defined in these ebooks. These Class 5 Looking Around Chapter 18 No Place for Us? book for Environmental Studies also includes collection of question. Along with Environmental Studies Class 5 NCERT Book in Pdf for Looking Around Chapter 18 No Place for Us? we have provided all NCERT Books in English Medium for Class 5 which will be really helpful for students who have opted for english language as a medium. Class 5 students will need their books in English so we have provided them here for all subjects in Class 5. You can download free NCERT Environmental Studies Class 5 Textbook PDF and all chapters by clicking on the links above
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