NCERT Book Class 12 Accountancy Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm Retirement Death of a Partner

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NCERT Book for Class 12 Accountancy Part 1 Chapter 4 Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm Retirement/Death of a Partner

Class 12 Accountancy students should refer to the following NCERT Book Part 1 Chapter 4 Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm Retirement/Death of a Partner in Class 12. This NCERT Book for Class 12 Accountancy will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Part 1 Chapter 4 Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm Retirement/Death of a Partner NCERT Book Class 12

Click on the view or download PDF button below to access the Part 1 Chapter 4 Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm Retirement/Death of a Partner Class 12 Accountancy book. All Accountancy Class 12 NCERT books have been divided into various chapters so that you can download and read them easily. Refer to the section below to access more books of Accountancy in Class 12.

Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm – Retirement/Death of a Partner

You have learnt that retirement or death of a partner also leads to reconstitution of a partnership firm. On the retirement or death of a partner, the existing partnership deed comes to an end, and in its place, a new partnership deed needs to be framed whereby, the remaining partners continue to do their business on changed terms and conditions. There is not much difference in the accounting treatment at the time of retirement or in the event of death. In both the cases, we are required to determine the sum due to the retiring partner (in case of retirement) and to the legal representatives (in case of deceased partner) after making necessary adjustments in respect of goodwill, revaluation of a assets and liabilities and transfer of accumulated profits and losses. In addition, we may also have to compute the new profit sharing’s ratio among the remaining partners and so also their gaining ratio, This covers all these aspects in detail.

4.1 Ascertaining the Amount Due to Retiring/ Deceased Partner

The sum due to the retiring partner (in case of retirement) and to the legal representatives/ executors (in case of death) includes:

(i) credit balance of his capital account;

(ii) credit balance of his current account(if any);

(iii) his share of goodwill ;

(iv) his share of accumulated profits (reserves);

(v) his share in the gain of revaluation of assets and liabilities;

(vi) his share of profits up to the date of retirement/death;

(vii) interest on his capital, if involved, up to the date of retirement/death; and

(viii) salary/commission, if any, due to him up to the date of retirement/death.

The following deductions, if any, may have to be made from his share:

(i) debit balance of his current account(if any);

(ii) his share of goodwill to be written off; if necessary;

(iii) his share of accumulated losses;

(iv) his share of loss on revaluation of assets and liabilities;

(v) his share of loss up to the date of retirement/death;

(vi) his drawings up to the date of retirement/death;

(vii) interest on drawings, if involved, up to the date of retirement/death.

Thus, as in the case of admission, the various accounting aspects involved on retirement or death of a partner are as follows:

1. Ascertainment of new profit sharing ratio and gaining ratio;

2. Treatment of goodwill;

3. Revaluation of assets and liabilities;

4. Adjustment in respect of unrecorded assets and liabilities;

5. Distribution of accumulated profits and losses;

6. Ascertainment of share of profit or loss up to the date of retirement/death;

7. Adjustment of capital, if required;

8. Settlement of the amounts due to retired/deceased partner;

4.2 New Profit Sharing Ratio

New profit sharing ratio is the ratio in which the remaining partners will share future profits after the retirement or death of any partner. The new share of each of the remaining partner will consist of his own share in the firm plus the share acquired from the retiring /deceased partner. Consider the following situations :

(a) normally, the continuing partners acquire the share of retiring or deceased partners in the old profit sharing ratio, and there is no need to compute the new profit sharing ratio among them, as it will be same as the old profit sharing ratio among them. In fact, in the absence of any information regarding profit sharing ratio in which the remaining partners acquire the share of retiring/deceased partner, it is assumed that they will acquire it in the old profit sharing ratio and so share the future profits in their old ratio. For example, Asha, Deepti and Nisha are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2:1. If Deepti retires, the new profit sharing ratio between Asha and Nisha will be 3:1, unless they decide otherwise.

(b) The continuing partners may acquire the share in the profits of the retiring/deceased partner in a proportion other than their old ratio, In that case, there is need to compute the new profit sharing ratio among them,and it will be equal to sum total of their respective old share and the share acquired from the retiring/deceased partner. For example: Naveen, Suresh and Tarun are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 5:3:2. Suresh retires from the firm and his share was required by Naveen and Tarun in the ratio 2:1. In such a case, the new share of profit will be calculated as follows:

Question for Practice

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the different ways in which a partner can retire from the firm.

2. Write the various matters that need adjustments at the time of retirement of a partners.

3. Distinguish between sacrificing ratio and gaining tab. 218 Accountancy – Not-for-Profit Organisation and Partnership Accounts 

4. Why do firm revaluate assets and reassers their liabilities on retirement or on the event of death of a partner.

5. Why a retiring/deceased partner is entitled to a share of goodwill of the firm.

Long Answer Questions

1. Explain the modes of payment to a retiring partner.

2. How will you compute the amount payable to a deceased partner?

3. Explain the treatment of goodwill at the time of retirement or on the event of death of a partner?

4. Discuss the various methods of computing the share in profits in the event of death of a partners.

Please refer to attached file for NCERT Class 12 Accountancy Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm Retirement Death of  a Partner

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NCERT Book Class 12 Accountancy Part 1 Chapter 4 Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm Retirement/Death of a Partner

The above NCERT Books for Class 12 Accountancy Part 1 Chapter 4 Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm Retirement/Death of a Partner have been published by NCERT for latest academic session. The textbook by NCERT for Part 1 Chapter 4 Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm Retirement/Death of a Partner Accountancy Class 12 is being used by various schools and almost all education boards in India. Teachers have always recommended students to refer to Part 1 Chapter 4 Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm Retirement/Death of a Partner NCERT etextbooks as the exams for Class 12 Accountancy are always asked as per the syllabus defined in these ebooks. These Class 12 Part 1 Chapter 4 Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm Retirement/Death of a Partner book for Accountancy also includes collection of question. Along with Accountancy Class 12 NCERT Book in Pdf for Part 1 Chapter 4 Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm Retirement/Death of a Partner we have provided all NCERT Books in English Medium for Class 12 which will be really helpful for students who have opted for english language as a medium. Class 12 students will need their books in English so we have provided them here for all subjects in Class 12. You can download free NCERT Accountancy Class 12 Textbook PDF and all chapters by clicking on the links above

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