NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Geography As A Discipline

Read and download NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Geography As A Discipline in NCERT book for Class 11 Geography. You can download latest NCERT books PDF chapterwise free from This Geography textbook for Class 11 is designed by NCERT and is very useful for students. Please also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 11 Geography to understand the answers of the exercise questions given at the end of this chapter

NCERT Book for Class 11 Geography Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 1 Geography as a Discipline

Class 11 Geography students should refer to the following NCERT Book Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 1 Geography as a Discipline in Class 11. This NCERT Book for Class 11 Geography will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 1 Geography as a Discipline NCERT Book Class 11

Click on the view or download PDF button below to access the Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 1 Geography as a Discipline Class 11 Geography book. All Geography Class 11 NCERT books have been divided into various chapters so that you can download and read them easily. Refer to the section below to access more books of Geography in Class 11.

You have studied geography as one of the components of your social studies course upto the secondary stage. You are already aware of some of the phenomena of geographical nature in the world and its different parts. Now, you will study ‘Geography’ as an independent subject and learn about the physical environment of the earth, human activities and their interactive relationships. Therefore, a pertinent question you can ask at this stage is — Why should we study geography? We live on the surface of the earth. Our lives are affected by our surroundings in many ways. We depend on the resources to sustain ourselves in the surrounding areas. Primitive societies subsisted on ‘natural means of subsistence’, i.e. edible plants and animals. With the passage of time, we developed technologies and started producing our food using natural resources such as land, soil and

water. We adjusted our food habits and clothing according to the prevailing weather conditions.

There are variations in the natural resource base, technological development, adaptation with and modification of physical environment, social organisations and cultural development. As a student of geography, you should be curious to know about all the phenomena which vary over space. You learn about the diverse lands and people. You should also be interested in understanding the changes which have taken place over time. Geography equips you to appreciate diversity and investigate into the causes responsible for creating such variations over time and space. You will develop skills to understand the globe converted into maps and have a visual sense of the earth’s surface. The understanding and the skills obtained in modern scientific techniques such as GIS and  computer cartography equip you to meaningfully contribute to the national endeavour for development.
Now the next question which you may like to ask is — What is geography? You know that earth is our home.

It is also the home of many other creatures, big and small, which live on the earth and sustain. The earth’s surface is not uniform. It has variations in its physical features. There are mountains, hills, valleys, plains, plateaus, oceans, lakes, deserts and wilderness. There are variations in its social and cultural features too. There are villages, cities, roads, railways, ports, markets and many other elements created by human beings across the entire period of their cultural development.
This variation provides a clue to the understanding of the relationship between the physical environment and social/cultural features. The physical environment has provided the stage, on which human societies enacted the drama of their creative skills with the tools and techniques which they invented and evolved in the process of their cultural development. Now, you should be able to attempt the answer of the question posed earlier as to “What is geography”? In very simple words, it can be said that geography is the description of the earth. The term geography was first coined by Eratosthenese, a Greek scholar (276-194 BC.).

The word has been derived from two roots from Greek language geo (earth) and graphos (description). Put together, they mean description of the earth. The earth has always been seen as the abode of human beings and thus, scholars defined geography as, “the description of the earth as the abode of human beings”. You are aware of the fact that reality is always multifaceted and the ‘earth’ is also multi-dimensional, that is why many disciplines from natural sciences such as geology, pedology, oceanography, botany, zoology and meteorology and a number of sister disciplines in social sciences such as economics, history, sociology, political science, anthropology, etc. study different aspects of the earth’s surface. Geography is different from other sciences in its subject matter and methodology but at the same time, it is closely related to other disciplines. Geography derives its data base from all the natural and social sciences and attempts their synthesis.


1. Multiple choice questions.
(i) Which one of the following scholars coined the term ‘Geography’?
(a) Herodotus (c) Galileo
(b) Erathosthenese (d) Aristotle
(ii) Which one of the following features can be termed as ‘physical feature’?
(a) Port (c) Plain
(b) Road (d) Water park
(iii) Make correct pairs from the following two columns and mark the correct option.
1. Meteorology A. Population Geography
2. Demography B. Soil Geography
3. Sociology C. Climatology
4. Pedology D. Social Geography
(a) 1B,2C,3A,4D (c) 1D,2B,3C,4A
(b) 1A,2D,3B,4C (d) 1C,2A,3D,4B
(iv) Which one of the following questions is related to cause-effect relationship?
(a) Why (c) What
(b) Where (d) When
(v) Which one of the following disciplines attempts temporal synthesis?
(a) Sociology (c) Anthropology
(b) Geography (d) History
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) What important cultural features do you observe while going to school? Are they similar or dissimilar? Should they be included in the study of geography or not? If yes, why?
(ii) You have seen a tennis ball, a cricket ball, an orange and a pumpkin. hich one amongst these resembles the shape of the earth? Why have you chosen this particular item to describe the shape of the earth?
(iii) Do you celebrate Van Mahotsava in your school? Why do we plant so many trees? How do the trees maintain ecological balance?
(iv) You have seen elephants, deer, earthworms, trees and grasses. Where do they live or grow? What is the name given to this sphere? Can you describe some of the important features of this sphere?
(v) How much time do you take to reach your school from your house? Had the school been located across the road from your house, how much time would you have taken to reach school? What is the effect of the distance
between your residence and the school on the time taken in commuting? Can you convert time into space and vice versa?
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) You observe every day in your surroundings that there is variation in natural as well as cultural phenomena. All the trees are not of the same variety. All the birds and animals you see, are different. All these different
elements are found on the earth. Can you now argue that geography is the study of “areal differentiation”?

Please refer to attached file for NCERT Class 11 Geography Geography As A Discipline

Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 01 Geography as a Discipline
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Geography As A Discipline
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 02 The Origin and Evolution of the Earth
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography The Origin And Evolution Of The Earth
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 03 Interior of the Earth
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Interior Of The Earth
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 04 Distribution of Oceans and Continents
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Distribution of Oceans and Continents
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 05 Minerals and Rocks
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Minerals And Rocks
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 06 Geomorphic Processes
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Geomorphic Processes
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 07 Landforms and their Evolution
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Landforms And Their Evolution
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 08 Composition and Structure of Atmosphere
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Composition And Structure Of Atmosphere
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 09 Solar Radiation, Heat Balance and Temperature
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Solar Radiation Heat Balance and Temperature
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 10 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Atmosphoric Circulation And Weather System
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 11 Water in the Atmosphere
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Water In The Atmosphere
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 13 Water (Oceans)
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Water Oceans
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 14 Movements of Ocean Water
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Movements Of Ocean Water
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 15 Life on the Earth
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Life On The Earth
Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 16 Biodiversity and Conservation
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography BioDiversity And Conservation
Fundamental of Physical Geography Glossary
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Glossary
India Physical Environment Chapter 01 India Location
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography India Location
India Physical Environment Chapter 02 Structure and Physiography
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Structure And Physiography
India Physical Environment Chapter 03 Drainage System
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Drainage System
India Physical Environment Chapter 04 Climate
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Climate
India Physical Environment Chapter 05 Natural Vegetation
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Natural Vegetation
India Physical Environment Chapter 06 Soils
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Soils
India Physical Environment Chapter 07 Natural Hazards and Disasters
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Natural Hazards And Disasters
India Physical Environment Glossary
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Appendix Glossary
Practical Work in Geography Chapter 01 Introduction to Maps
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Introduction to Maps
Practical Work in Geography Chapter 02 Map Scale
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Map Scale
Practical Work in Geography Chapter 03 Latitude, Longitude and Time
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Latitude Longitude and Time
Practical Work in Geography Chapter 04 Map Projections
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Map Projections
Practical Work in Geography Chapter 05 Topographical Maps
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Topographical Maps
Practical Work in Geography Chapter 06 Introduction To Aerial Photographs
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Introduction To Aerial Photographs
Practical Work in Geography Chapter 07 Introduction To Remote Sensing
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Introduction To Remote Sensing
Practical Work in Geography Chapter 08 Weather Instruments, Maps and Charts
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Weather Instruments Maps and Charts
z NCERT Books for Class 11 Geography in Hindi Medium
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NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Bhart Bhautik Paryabaran Chapter 4
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Bhart Bhautik Paryabaran Chapter 5
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Bhart Bhautik Paryabaran Chapter 6
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Bhart Bhautik Paryabaran Chapter 7
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NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Bhoutik Bhugol Ke Mool Siddhant Chapter 4
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Bhoutik Bhugol Ke Mool Siddhant Chapter 5
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NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Bhoutik Bhugol Ke Mool Siddhant Chapter 8
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Bhoutik Bhugol Ke Mool Siddhant Chapter 9
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Bhoutik Bhugol Ke Mool Siddhant Chapter 10
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Bhoutik Bhugol Ke Mool Siddhant Chapter 11
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Bhoutik Bhugol Ke Mool Siddhant Chapter 12
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Bhoutik Bhugol Ke Mool Siddhant Chapter 13
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Bhoutik Bhugol Ke Mool Siddhant Chapter 14
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Bhoutik Bhugol Ke Mool Siddhant Chapter 15
NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Bhoutik Bhugol Ke Mool Siddhant Chapter 16

NCERT Book Class 11 Geography Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 1 Geography as a Discipline

The above NCERT Books for Class 11 Geography Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 1 Geography as a Discipline have been published by NCERT for latest academic session. The textbook by NCERT for Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 1 Geography as a Discipline Geography Class 11 is being used by various schools and almost all education boards in India. Teachers have always recommended students to refer to Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 1 Geography as a Discipline NCERT etextbooks as the exams for Class 11 Geography are always asked as per the syllabus defined in these ebooks. These Class 11 Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 1 Geography as a Discipline book for Geography also includes collection of question. Along with Geography Class 11 NCERT Book in Pdf for Fundamental of Physical Geography Chapter 1 Geography as a Discipline we have provided all NCERT Books in English Medium for Class 11 which will be really helpful for students who have opted for english language as a medium. Class 11 students will need their books in English so we have provided them here for all subjects in Class 11. You can download free NCERT Geography Class 11 Textbook PDF and all chapters by clicking on the links above

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