CBSE Class 4 Social Studies Assignment

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 4 Social Studies Assignment. Get printable school Assignments for Class 4 Social Science. Class 4 students should practise questions and answers given here for All topics Social Science in Class 4 which will help them to strengthen their understanding of all important topics. Students should also download free pdf of Printable Worksheets for Class 4 Social Science prepared as per the latest books and syllabus issued by NCERT, CBSE, KVS and do problems daily to score better marks in tests and examinations

Assignment for Class 4 Social Science All topics

Class 4 Social Science students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for All topics in Class 4. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 4 Social Science will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

All topics Class 4 Social Science Assignment

1. Fill in the blanks.

1. India is located in the ______________ part of the continent of Asia.

2. India stretches for about __________ kilometres from East to West.

3. India is the _________ largest country in the world.

4. Our neighbour across the sea are the island nations of Sri Lanka and___________________

2. Name the neighbouring countries of India.

1. ______________________ 2. ________________________

3. ______________________ 4. ________________________

5. ______________________ 6. ________________________

7. ______________________ 8. ________________________

3. Name and colour the five geographical (physical) divisions of India.

a. _________________________ b. _______________________________

c. _________________________ d. _______________________________

e. _________________________

A. Tick the correct answer:-

1. Which of these is a raw material?
b. Cloth
c. Utensils
d. Furniture

2.Which of these is not used to set up an industry?
a. Raw material
b. Machines
c. Money
d. Hosiery items

3. Which of these is a cottage industry?
a. Making utensils
b. Weaving cloths
c. oil refinery
d. Textile mill

4. An iron and steel plant is an example of _________ industry.
a. Medium scale
b. small scale
c. large scale
d. cottage

B. Fill in the blanks:-

1. The goods that we use to made from ____________.

2. The process of making goods using machines is called ______________.

3. Industries set up by people in their homes are called _________ industries.

4. Making hosiery items is an example of a __________________ industry.

5. The automobile industry is located at ________________.

C. Write true/ false:-

1. Wood is a raw material whereas furniture is finished good.

2. Grinding flour is an example of small industry.

3. Thousands of trained workers work in a large scale industries.

4. Rishra is famous for jute mill.

5. Hyderabad and Marmagaon are centres for the woollen textile industry.

D. Give answers in one word:-

1. Good are made from raw materials here. __________

2. This industry requires simple tool. __________

3. Garment making is an example of this type of industry. __________.

4. This industry is located in Murshidabad. __________

A. Answer the following in one word.

1. Heritage is also known as- National heritage
2. Warm hospitality means- Atithi devo bhava
3. Kolhapuri chappals belongs to-Maharashtra
4. Carnatic music is associated with –South India
5. Paintings that shows early humans dancing- Cave Paintings

B. Answer the following in 5 to 10 words:

1.What do you mean by heritage?
Answer : Those features which were created in the past and still have historical value is known as heritage.

2. Name two types of features of heritage.
Answer : Two types of features are tangible and intangible features.

3. Name two types of paintings.
Answer : Two Types of paintings are mural painting and miniature painting.

4. What do you mean by tangible features?
Answer : Tangible features means things which we can touch .It include dances , arts paintings , architecture , and handicrafts.

5. What do mean by handicrafts?
Answer : The handmade decorative items are called handicrafts.

C. Answer the following in 20 to 25 words :

1. Name five folk dance form with their states:
Answer :
1. Bhangra             Punjab
2. Garba                 Gujarat
3. Bihu                    Assam
4. Lavani                Maharashtra
5. Raas Leela        Uttar Pradesh

2. Name six classical dance form with their states:
Answer :
1.Bharatanatyam    Tamil Nadu
2.Kathakali              Kerala
3.Kathak                 UTTAR PRADESH
4.Manipuri              MANIPUR
5.Kuchipudi            Andhra Pradesh
6.Odissi                 ODISHA

3. Define mural and miniature paintings.
Answer : A mural painting is any piece of artwork painted or applied directly on a wall, ceiling or other permanent surfaces. As the name suggests, miniature paintings are colorful handmade paintings very small in size.

D. Answer the following in 50 to 60 words:

1. What is the difference between Carnatic and Hindustani.
Answer : The difference between Carnatic and Hindustani.
Areas of differences      Carnatic                      Hindustani
1.Ragas                        72 ragas                      6 major ragas
2.Instruments               Veena, Mridangam      Tabla, Sarangi, Sitar
                                    and Mandolin               and Santoor

1. Fill in the blanks:

1. The Himalayan range extends from the state of _______________in the west to __________________ in the east.

2. The Himalayan range is divided into three _________________ ranges.

3. Name the ranges of the Himalayas.


2. Give one word answers for the following:

a. The highest peak in the world ______________________________________

b. The state that receives the highest rainfall ___________________________

c. The place that receives the highest rainfall in the world _____________________________________

d. People use this to sell flowers and vegetables on the Dal Lake ____________

3. Match the following :

1. Glacier                  a. North Eastern hills of the Himalayas.

2. Himachal               b. The highest range in the Himalayas.

3. Shiwalik                c. Moving sheets of ice.

4. Himadri                 d. Home to many wild animals.

5. Naga and Khasi   e. Famous for valleys and hill stations.

1. Fill in the blanks:

1. The capital of both Punjab and Haryana is ___________________

2. The river Ganga and Yamuna meet at ________________ in Allahabad.

3. The silt that rivers bring with them to the plains is called ________________

4. The small rivers that join a major river is called its _____________________

5. The Brahmaputra river originates in _____________ and known as ________

6. From which river do Punjab and Haryana benefit most __________________

2. Name the following:

1. The main tributary of the river Satluj. _______________________________

2. The branch of the Ganga that flows in Bangladesh. ____________________

3. The city famous for the Golden Temple. _____________________________

4. The world’s largest delta. _________________________________________

5. The river that flows through Jharkhand. _____________________________

6. Harvest festival of Assam. ________________________________________

3. Where does the river Ganga originate:

4. Complete the chart:
Rivers                      States               Tributary

A.Tick the correct answers:-

1. Which of these is a food crop?
a. Coffee
b. Millet
c. Tea
d. Sugarcane

2. Which of these is not type of pulses?
a. Arhar
b. Moong
c. Jowar
d. Gram

3. Tea is grown in
a. Uttar Pradesh
b. Rajasthan
c. Assam
d. Telangana

4. Which of these is not a horticultural crop?
a. Fruits
b. Flowers
c. Vegetables
d. wheat

5. Which of these animals is use to transport goods in hilly regions?
a. Sheep
b. elephant
c. Camel
d. yak

B. Write one word answer:-

1. Crops that are grown to be eaten ________________

2. Crops that are grown for sale in the market . _________________

3. Coffee powder is made from this . _________________

4. Growing apples for sale in the market. _______________

5. Fishing done in states located along the coast. _____________

C. Write True/ False:-

1. Agriculture is the main occupation of the people in our country.

2. Ragi is a type of millet.

3. Jute is a type of crop.

1. Match the column:

1. Indira Gandhi Canal a. A mound of loose sand

2. Rann of Kachchh b. City in the Thar Desert.

3. Sand dunes c. River Satluj

4. Jaisalmer d. South of Thar desert.

2. Name these:

1. Crops grown in Rajasthan. _______________

2. Pink city. ______________________

3. Ship of the desert. ______________

4. The biggest and largest wheat farm in Asia. ____________

5. A natural source of water in a desert. _________________

3. Read the statement and answer the questions:

“These people travel from one place to another in search of food for

themselves and their animals”

1. Who are these people?


2. What do they do for their livelihood?


3. What kind of clothes do they wear?


A. Fill in the blanks:-

1. A very thin layer of soil is formed over ______________ of years ago.

2. To make soil fertile farmers add ____________ to the soil.

3. Black soil is formed from ____________.

4. _____________ soil is found in north-east India.

5. Soil loses its fertility due to ______________ .

6. Mountain soil is rich in ___________ .

B. Match the columns:-

1. Alluvial soil       a. Karnataka              i. Millets
2. Black soil          b. Rajasthan              ii. Tea
3. Red soil            c. Maharashtra           iii. Jute
4. Laterite soil      d. Sikkim                   iv. Barley
5. Mountain soil    e. Northern plains       v. coffee
6. Desert soil        f. Chhattisgarh           vi. Sugarcane

C. Answers these question :-

1. Any three states where alluvial soil is found. __________, _____________, ______________.

2. The states in north-east India where red soil is found. _______________________________.

1. Give one word answers for the following:

1. A piece of land surrounded by water on the three sides. ______________

2. The shape of the Deccan plateau is ______________

3. The Deccan plateau is divided in _______________ and___________

4. Soil found in the Deccan plateau and is very good for cotton. __________

2. Match the column:

1. Hirakund Dam a. Hyderabad

2. Jog Falls b. Mahanadi

3. Charminar c. Jharkhand

4. Bokaro d. Highest waterfall

Write the name of the places(states) that is famous for:

1. Sandal wood _______________

2. Bidri _________________

3. Kanha National Park _______________

4. Telugu _________________

5. Lavani _________________

6. Bhilai steel plant ________________

A. Write true and False:-

1. The weather and climate of a place are the same.

2. The landform of an area influences the weather of that area.

3. There are four main seasons in our country.

4. It is cold in December in most parts of India.

5. Dust storms are common in summer.

6. Cherries are available during the monsoon season.

B. Write one word answer:-

1. Regular pattern of weather conditions for about 35-40 years. _____________

2. Strong winds that blow from west and cause rainfall in winters. _____________

3. The season when days are longer than the nights. _____________

4. Hot and dry winds that blow over many parts of north India in summer. _____________

5. A sea, other than the Arabian sea , from which monsoon winds blow into India. ______________

1. Fill in the blanks:

1. India has a long coastline of about ____________ kms.

2. The Eastern and Western coastal plains meet at _______________

3. The Western coastal plain lies between the Western Ghats and the_________

4. Lagoons are found mainly at the _______________ coast.

5. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are located in the ___________

6. The popular ______________ races are held during Onam.

2. With which states are the following associated?

1. Gandhiji’s Sabarmati Ashram : ____________________________

2. Beautiful beaches and churches : __________________________

3. Bombay High : _________________________________________

4. The temples of Khajuraho : _______________________________

3. Give one word answer:

1. I am the most literate state of India.________________________

2. I am called the milk capital of India. ________________________

3. A jail turned into national monument. ______________________

4. I am called God’s own country. ____________________________

5. The southernmost tip of India. _____________________________

A. New words (Write these words twice):-
1. Alluvial Soil
2. Fertilizers
3. Fertile
4. Laterite Soil
5. Soil Erosion
6. Barren
7. Over Grazing
8. Conservation
9. Prevent
10. Irrigation
11. Minerals

B. Define the terms:-

Manure:- Waste matter of animals that is mixed with the soil
Lava rocks:- Rocks that are formed when hot molten rocks called lava , which comes out from
inside the Earth, cools and hardens on the Earth’s surface.
Humus:- Fertilizer formed when dead leaves and plants remain under the soil for a long time.

C. answer these questions:-

Q1. How is soil formed?
Ans- Soil is formed when large rocks break into smaller pieces. These pieces are further broken down into sand and silt.

Q2. What are the different types of soil found in India? Write two crops grown on each type of soil.
Ans- The different types of soil found in India and two crops grown on each type of soil are-
1. Alluvial soil-- Rice and Wheat.
2. Black soil – Cotton and Sugarcane.
3. Red soil – Rice and Pulses
4. Laterite soil—Tea and Rubber
5. Mountain Soil—Wheat and Maize
6. Desert Soil—Millets and Pulses.

Q3. Why is black soil also called black lava soil?
Ans- Black soil is black in colour. It has been formed from lava rocks. That is why it is also called black lava soil.

Q4. In which states is desert soil found?
Ans- Desert soil is found in Rajasthan and Gujarat.

Q5. How can we prevent soil erosion?
Ans- We can prevent soil erosion by following steps.
1. Not cutting tree.
2. Planting more tress.
3. Not keeping the fields barren
4. Stopping overgrazing
5. Use manure or natural fertilizers instead of artificial fertilizers .

1. Give one word answer:

1. The regular pattern of weather conditions over a long period of time. _________

2. The hot and dry wind that blow through many parts of North India.___________

3. In summer we eat this fruit, also known as ‘king of fruits’. _______

2. Fill in the blanks:

1. The coast of _________________ gets heavy rainfall during the wintermonths.

2. During the winter months, the nights are ______________ than the days.

3. The clothes we wear and the food we eat depend largely on the __________

Of a place where we live.

4. Strong winds from the west called ___________________________ causes

rainfall in the plains and snowfall in the mountains.

3. write the difference between Loo and Mosoon winds.

Loo       Monsoon        wind

A. Fill in the blanks:-

1. Ukhrul is a place of tourist interest in Manipur .

2. The Cheraw is a popular dance of Mizoram .

3. Khasi is spoken in Meghalaya

4. Kokborok is a spoken language in Tripura.

5. Garo is tribe in Meghalaya.

B. Answer these in one word:-

1. I am a tribe whom you can identify from the design on my shawl. Naga

2. I am a plant used to make handicrafts in Tripura. Bamboo

3. I am a tribe lives in Meghalaya. Jaintia, Khasi, Garo

4. I am a flower grow in Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh. Orchids

5. I am a scarf worn by women of Himachal Pradesh. Dhazu

C. Match the columns:-

1. b

2. a

3. d

4. e

5. c

D. Write the name of the states which are located in Purvachal Hills:-
Ans:- 1. __________________ 2. __________________
3. __________________ 4. __________________
5. __________________ 6.__________________

E. Write the name of the states that have the Himalayas:-
Ans:- 1. ___________________ 2. ___________________
3. __________________ 4. ___________________

F. The underlined words are incorrect. Write the correct words:-

1. The Mount Everest is in the Karakoram Range .

2. A slow moving river of ice and snow is called a peak.

3. The Karakoram mountains are found in Arunachal Pradesh.

4. Kahwa is a special kind of coffee.

5. Dalhousie is located in Uttarakhand.

6. Unakoti is place of tourist interest in Manipur.

1. Complete the chart:

Soils                 States                 Crops

Alluvial soil

Black soil

Red soil

Mountain soil

2. Match the following:

1. Desert soil            a. Rice

2. Laterite                 b. Cotton

3. Black soil             c. Rajasthan

4. Red soil               d. Coffee

5. Alluvial soil Jowar, bajra

3. Give reasons for the following:

1. Black soil is suitable for growing cotton.





2. Trees should be planted and land should not be kept barren.






Topic: The western Desert

A. Write one word answer:-

1. The state where the Great Indian Desert lies.

2. A popular dish in Rajasthan.

3. A river that flows through the Thar Desert.

4. The most useful animal in the desert.

5. The canal that brings water to the Thar Desert.

6. An item that is famous in Jaipur.

B. Underline the correct word:-

1. The Thar Desert stretches from Madhya Pradesh/Gujarat to the borders of Haryana.

2. The land around an oasis is infertile/ fertile.

3. In the desert, the days are very hot and the nights are cool during summer/winter.

4. The Indira Gandhi Canal brings water to the desert from River Satluj/Luni.

5. Rajasthani men wear turban/dhazu.

6. The people of Rajasthan celebrate Vishu/Teej.

C. Define these terms:-

1. Rann of Kachchh

2. Sand dunes

3. oasis

4. Banjaras

5. Taanka

D. Write true/False :-

1. Strong winds that blow in the desert can shift the sand dunes.

2. The streams in the Thar Desert carry water throughout the year.

3. In the desert, crops are grown around a sand dune.

4. In some houses in Rajasthan rainwater is stored in a taanka.

5. Ghoomar is a folk dance of Rajasthan.

6. Ghoomer is a folk dance of Rajasthan.

E. Circle the odd one:-

1. sand dune glacier oasis thorny shrub

2. blackbuck camel chinkara lion

3. bajra jowar sesame rice

4. ghaghra choli phiran odhani

5. vindaloo choorma baati dal

6. Visakhapattnam Jaipur Jaisalmer Bikaner

C. Complete the sentences:-

1. The climate of the Thar Desert is __________________.

2. The tree that grow in the eastern part of the Thar Desert are______________

3. The main occupations of the people of Rajasthan are________________.

4. The walls of the houses in Rajasthan are thick to _______________.

5. Jaipur is called the Pink city because __________________.

A. Write true/False :-

1. Strong winds that blow in the desert can shift the sand dunes.

2. The streams in the Thar Desert carry water throughout the year.

3. In the desert, crops are grown around a sand dune.

4. In some houses in Rajasthan rainwater is stored in a taanka.

5. Ghoomar is a folk dance of Rajasthan.

6. Ghoomer is a folk dance of Rajasthan.

B. Circle the odd one:-

1. sand dune glacier oasis thorny shrub

2. blackbuck camel chinkara lion

3. bajra jowar sesame rice

4. ghaghra choli phiran odhani

5. vindaloo choorma baati dal

6. Visakhapattnam Jaipur Jaisalmer Bikaner

C. Complete the sentences:-

1. The climate of the Thar Desert is __________________.

2. The tree that grow in the eastern part of the Thar Desert are______________

3. The main occupations of the people of Rajasthan are________________.

4. The walls of the houses in Rajasthan are thick to _______________.

5. Jaipur is called the Pink city because __________________.

1. Fill in the blanks:

1. ________________ forest require a warm place with plenty of rainfall.

2. Only _________________ of India’s total area is covered with forests.

3. Deciduous forest are also called __________________________ forests.

4. Sunderlal Bahuguna led the __________________ movement to prevent cutting down of trees.

2. Complete the Chart:

Forest              Second Name        Found in         Name the trees





3. Differentiate between Thorn forest and Tidal forest.

Thorn forest                 Tidal forest


Topic: The Northern Mountains

A. New words (Write these words twice):-
1. Mount Everest
2. Karakoram
3. Kanchenjunga
4. Mount Godwin Austen
5. Terrace farming
6. Sheep rearing
7. Wood carving
8. Dhazu
9. Bakhu
10. Chapchar kut
11. Ukhrul

B. Define the words:-
Kangri:- A small earthen pot with burning coal used as a means to keep oneself warm

C. Answer these questions:-

Q1- Which are three parallel ranges of the Himalayas?
Ans- The three parallel ranges of the Himalayas are
a. the Greater Himalayas or The Himadri
b. The Middle Himalayas or The Himachal

c. The Outer Himalayas or The Shiwalik

Q2- What is terrace farming ? Why is it popular in the mountains?
Ans- In the mountains farmers cut steps or terrace along the hill slopes to grow crops. This is called terrace farming. It is popular in the mountains as the nature of the land is sloping.

Q3- What is Sikkim famous for?
Ans- Sikkim is famous for its oranges, cardamom and orchids.

Q4- What are the main occupations of the people of Arunachal Pradesh?
Ans- The main occupation of the people of Arunachal Pradesh are farming, wood carving, carpet weaving and making bamboo and cane products.

Q5- How can we tell the tribe a Naga belongs to?
Ans- We can tell the tribe a Naga belongs to form the design on shawl. This is because different tribes wear shawls of different designs.

CBSE Class 4 Social Science All topics Assignment

We hope you liked the above assignment for All topics which has been designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 4 Social Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 4 should download and practice the above Assignments for Class 4 Social Science regularly. We have provided all types of questions like MCQs, short answer questions, objective questions and long answer questions in the Class 4 Social Science practice sheet in Pdf. All questions have been designed for Social Science by looking into the pattern of problems asked in previous year examinations. You can download all Revision notes for Class 4 Social Science also absolutely free of cost. Lot of MCQ questions for Class 4 Social Science have also been given in the worksheets and assignments for regular use. All study material for Class 4 Social Science students have been given on studiestoday. We have also provided lot of Worksheets for Class 4 Social Science which you can use to further make your self stronger in Social Science.

What are benefits of doing Assignment for CBSE Class 4 Social Science All topics?

a. Score higher marks: Regular practice of Social Science Class 4 Assignments for chapter All topics will help to improve understanding and help in solving exam questions correctly.
b. As per CBSE pattern: All questions given above follow the latest Class 4 Social Science Sample Papers so that students can prepare as per latest exam pattern.
c. Understand different question types: These assignments include MCQ Questions for Class 4 Social Science with answers relating to All topics, short answers, long answers, and also case studies.
d. Improve time management: Daily solving questions from All topics within a set time will improve your speed and accuracy.
e. Boost confidence: Practicing multiple assignments and Class 4 Social Science mock tests for All topics reduces exam stress.

How to Solve CBSE Class 4 Social Science All topics Assignment effectively?

a. Start with Class 4 NCERT and syllabus topics: Always read the chapter carefully before attempting Assignment questions for Class 4 Social Science All topics.
b. Solve without checking answers: You should first attempt the assignment questions on All topics yourself and then compare with provided solutions.
c. Use Class 4 worksheets and revision notes: Refer to NCERT Class 4 Social Science worksheets, sample papers, and mock tests for extra practice.
d. Revise tricky topics: Focus on difficult concepts by solving Class 4 Social Science MCQ Test.
e. Maintain notebook: Note down mistakes in All topics assignment and read them in Revision notes for Class 4 Social Science

How to practice CBSE Class 4 Social Science All topics Assignment for best results?

a. Solve assignments daily: Regular practice of All topics questions will strengthen problem solving skills.
b.Use Class 4 study materials: Combine NCERT book for Class 4 Social Science, mock tests, sample papers, and worksheets to get a complete preparation experience.
c. Set a timer: Practicing Class 4 Social Science All topics assignment under timed conditions improves speed and accuracy.

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Latest syllabus issued for current academic year by CBSE has been used to design assignments for All topics Class 4

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