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How can I apply for change of subject in my school ?

Provisions for change of subject are given as under:

  1. Change of subject(s) in class 11 may be allowed by the Head of the School but not later than 31st of October of that academic session.
  2. No candidate shall be permitted to change his subject of study after passing class 9 or 11 as the case may be.
  3. The candidate shall not offer a subject in class 10 and 12 which s/he has not studied and passed in class IX and XI respectively.
  4. Not withstanding anything contained in (ii) and (iii) above CBSE shall have the powers to allow a change in subject(s) in class 10/11, as the case may be, to avoid undue hardship to the candidate provided such a request for change is made before 15th July.

What are the general conditions for admission in CBSE schools ?

A student seeking admission to any class in a 'School' will be eligible for admission to that Class only if s/he:

  1. has been studying in a school affiliated to CBSE or any other recognised Board of Secondary Education in India;
  2. has passed qualifying or equivalent qualifying examination making him eligible  
  3. produces the School Leaving Certificate/Transfer Certificate signed by the Head of the Institution last attended and document(s) in support of his having passed the qualifying or equivalent qualifying examination

What are specific requirements for admission of students to a CBSE affiliated school ?

  1. Admissions from pre-primary up to Class 8 (i.e. Class 8 and below) is regulated by the rules, regulations, orders of the State/U.T. Governments applicable to the place where the School is located.
  2. Admission to Class 9 in a school is open only to such a student who has passed class VIII examination from an institution affiliated to CBSE or to any recognized Board that is recognized by the Education Department of the Government of the State/U. T. in which such an institution is located. for admission to that Class; satisfies the requirements of age limits (minimum and maximum) as determined by the State/U.T. Government and applicable to the place where the school is located

Whats the procedure for admissions of students from outside India into CBSE schools in India?

Students passing qualifying examination from an examining body outside India will be required to obtain eligibility certificate. For obtaining eligibility certificate from the Board, the Principal of the School to which admission is being sought will submit to the Board full details of the case and relevant documents with his/her own remarks/recommendations. The eligibility certificate will be issued by the Board after the Board is satisfied that the course of study undergone and examination passed is equivalent to the corresponding class of CBSE. Such students should also satisfy the condition of completing regular course of study for Class 9 and 11 case of admission to Class 10 and Class 12 respectively.

Whats the procedure for change of school ?

CBSE allows change of school for better academic performance, medical reasons etc. to avoid undue hardship to the candidate(s). In case of all such admissions, the schools would obtain post facto approval of the Board within one month of admission of the student.

How to obtain migration certificate from CBSE ?

a) Migration Certificate to Students by CBSE: A candidate who has appeared in an examination conducted by the CBSE and has passed the Secondary School Examination/Senior School Certificate Examination conducted as per the Scheme of Studies may obtain a Migration Certificate on payment of the prescribed fee. A candidate placed in Compartment/ Improvement of Performance category may also obtain Migration Certificate.

b) Migration Certificate from Boards other than CBSE: The candidates who have passed the Secondary or equivalent examination from other recognized Boards/Universities will be required to submit Migration Certificate from the concerned Board/University to the concerned Regional Office of CBSE. However, in case a Migration Certificate is not received fifteen days before commencement of the examination, the candidature of the candidate shall be cancelled and admit card for appearance at the examination shall not be issued by the CBSE.

How can I apply for Online Verification and Re-evaluation Systems ?

After the declaration of result, the process of verification/re-evaluation is started on OVERS portal of CBSE.

  1. The entire process is online and payment is also accepted online.
  2. Student can check status of application at various stages of verification process through this portal.
  3. Students can apply for verification through CBSE website i.e. In order to apply, students need to enter roll no, school code, centre no. and select the subjects in which he/she wants to apply. The same process is applicable for both classes 10/ 12. All three processes of applying i.e. Verification, Photocopy and Re-evaluation are interlinked.

 What is CBSE Tele counselling program ?

  1. The CBSE annual tele-counselling is an outreach programme which caters to the heterogeneous student’s population and vast geographical spread to provide psychological counselling to the Class 10 and 12 examinations before and after Board Examinations.
  2. Tele-counselling is offered by Principals and trained counsellors from CBSE affiliated schools located in and outside India. It is a voluntary free of cost service.
  3. Counselling is also provided to differently-abled students and all students of CBSE affiliated schools outside India too.

What is CBSE Vidyadaan initiative ?

CBSE has conceptualized “VidyaDaan”, a program based on sourcing of content from teachers and meant to synergize countrywide developments by providing schools and teachers a space to share their best practices and e-content with the entire nation. As a part of “VidyaDaan”, several CBSE schools have prepared and “donated” their content to CBSE for putting on public domain for the larger good of school education. Initially, the Board has curated e-content from some CBSE Schools and pooled it for classes 6 to 10 for English, Hindi, Maths, Science, and Social Science subjects. The content has been systematically organized as per NCERT syllabus for the above mentioned classes and subjects

How many marks are given for internal assessments?

Internal assessment of 20 marks has been introduced in all subjects both at the Secondary and Senior Secondary levels.