CBSE Book Class 8 Science Activity Story of Granny
REPRODUCTION IN ANIMALS Material required: Yeast Powder, Warm sugar solution (2 spoons of glucose in 50 mL warm water), microscope (with high power), glass slide, coverslip, dropper, forceps. What to do: 1.Take the warm sugar solution in a test tube and shake well. Add a pinch…
CBSE Book Class 8 Science Activity Stages of Human Reproduction
REPRODUCTION IN ANIMALS Reproduction is the most fascinating & unique property of all living organism. Shristhi, Prakriti and Vigyan were trying to recollect the process of reproduction in animals.Let us revise the stages of reproduction in humans. a. Observe the picture…
CBSE Book Class 8 Science Activity Spore Magic
MICRO ORGANISMS :FRIEND AND FOE Adi was very happy today. His brother had come home for his vacation. Life without him was so boring for Adi! “Daada, Guess what has mummy prepared for lunch today”? asked Adi. “Palak Parantha?” “And .... and ?????” probed, Adi with a…
CBSE Book Class 8 Science Activity Please Hear
REACHING THE AGEOF ADOLESCENCE Don't be fooled by me, don't be fooled by the face I wear. For I wear a mask a thousand masks, masks that I am afraid to take off. But don't be fooled, for God's sake don't be fooled.I give the impression that I am secure that all is sunny and…
CBSE Book Class 8 Science Activity Pitcher Power
CROP PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT Last summer, Shashank visited his aunt in Jaisalmer. He was surprised to see the small kitchen garden his aunt had maintained. “Maasi, I was told Jaisalmer has very scanty rainfall. Yet, you have such a beautiful garden” exclaimed Shashank. “You…
CBSE Book Class 8 Science Activity Mysterious Forces
SOME NATURAL PHENOMENA There was a power cut. It was pitch dark in Soma's room. Soma was changing her woolen sweater, when she suddenly saw sparks flying from her sweater. What was that? She was too scared. Do you know that it is due to static electric charges developed on…
CBSE Book Class 8 Science Activity Making a Solar System Model
STARS AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM The eight planets of the solar system come in a wide range of sizes, with the Earth near the middle. From Earth it is difficult to understand the sizes of these planets. Do you know that it would take 1,300 Earths to make one Jupiter? Making this…
CBSE Book Class 8 Science Activity Make Your Little Movie
LIGHT-2 What to do: 1.Fold the paper in half so that it looks like a four page booklet. 2.Insert a carbon paper in this booklet. Now draw eyes without eyeballs and smiling mouth on the top sheet as shown. Remove the carbon paper 3.Draw the eye balls looking to the right on…
CBSE Book Class 8 Science Activity Make A Periscope
LIGHT James is very excited today. He is at the dockyard where his father works. His father had promised him to show the ships and submarine, if James stood first in class for his final exam. James did not know of the surprise that was waiting for him. His father had taken…
CBSE Book Class 8 Science Activity Lets Make Music
SOUND “Well, that's the end of the lesson on sound. I hope everyone has understood the chapter, said Mr. Tarang, the science teacher. I have a wonderful idea to test how well you have understood the lesson, continued Mr. Tarang. Now that you have learnt the properties of…
CBSE Book Class 8 Science Activity Lighter or Heavier
MATERIALS- METAL AND NON METALS Karan is a curious student. One day, he put some iron dust in a beaker containing dilute hydrochloric acid. He noticed fumes coming out of the beaker. He got worried and wondered what had happened? He picked up the beaker to throw away its…
CBSE Book Class 8 Science Activity Just for Fun
CROP PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT Sudhir and Shamim were not able to remember facts about the lesson. They thought of devising a game which will help them in memorising and recollecting facts/informations. With little preparation, any teacher could convert her period into an…
CBSE Book Class 8 Science Activity Its CO2 Again
COAL AND PETROLEUM 1. Label the boiling tubes A, B and C. 2. Put dry leaves in test tube A, sugar in tes 3. Light the spirit lamp. Heat the three sam 4. Bring a lighted matchstick at the mouthwhether the gas evolved supports burni 5. Record the observations made by you wh…
CBSE Book Class 8 Science Activity Is The Moon Growing
STARS AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM Fatima and Zubair kept running out to the verandah to check out the new moon. They were excited about the arrival of Eid. They were waiting for a new dawn, for new clothes and celebrations. Suddenly they heard their father…