NCERT Book Class 11 Political Science The Philosophy Of The Constitution
The Philosophy Of The Constitution Exercises 1. The following are certain laws. Are they connected with any value? If yes, then what is the underlying value? Give reasons. a. Both daughters and sons will have share in the family property. b. There will be different slabs of…
NCERT Book Class 11 Political Science Social Justice
Social Justice 4.1 WHAT IS JUSTICE? All cultures and traditions have grappled with questions of justice although they may have interpreted the concept in different ways. For instance, in ancient Indian society, justice was associated with dharma and maintaining dharma or a…
NCERT Book Class 11 Political Science Secularism
Secularism 8.1 What is Secularism Though Jews faced discrimination for centuries throughout Europe, in the present state of Israel, Arab minorities, both Christian and Muslims, are excluded from social, political and economic benefits available to Jewish citizens. Subtle forms…
NCERT Book Class 11 Political Science Rights
Rights 5.1 WHAT ARE RIGHTS? A right is essentially an entitlement or a justified claim. It denotes what we are entitled to as citizens, as individuals and as human beings. It is something that we consider to be due to us; something that the rest of society must recognise as…
NCERT Book Class 11 Political Science Rights In The Indian Constitution
Rights In The Indian Constitution Exercises 1. Write true or false against each of these statements: a) A Bill of Rights lays down the rights enjoyed by the people of a country. b) A Bill of Rights protects the liberties of an individual. c) Every country of the world has a…
NCERT Book Class 11 Political Science Political Theory An Introduction
Political Theory-An Introduction Political Theory claims, manipulating different sections, pursuing personal or group interests ruthlessly and in worst cases stooping to crime, they link politics with ‘scams’. So prevalent is this way of thinking that when we see people in…
NCERT Book Class 11 Political Science Peace
Peace 9.1 INTRODUCTION Like ‘democracy’, ‘justice’ and ‘human rights’, ‘peace’ has become a buzzword. But we must remember that this seeming consensus on the desirability of peace is relatively recent. Many important thinkers of the past wrote about peace in negative terms. …
NCERT Book Class 11 Political Science Nationalism
Nationalism 7.1 Introducing Nationalism If we were to take a quick poll of what people commonly understand by the term nationalism we are likely to get responses which talk about patriotism, national flags, sacrificing for the country, and the like. The Republic Day parade…
NCERT Book Class 11 Political Science Local Governments
Local Governments Exercises 1. Constitution of India visualised village panchayats as units of selfgovernment. Think over the situation described in the following statements and explain how do these situations strengthen or weaken the panchayats in becoming units of self-…
NCERT Book Class 11 Political Science Legislature
Legislature Exercises 1. Alok thinks that a country needs an efficient government that looks after the welfare of the people. So, if we simply elected our Prime Minister and Ministers and left to them the task of government, we will not need a legislature. Do you agree? Give…
NCERT Book Class 11 Political Science Judiciary
Judiciary Exercises 1. What are the different ways in which the independence of the judiciary is ensured? Choose the odd ones out. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is consulted in the appointment of other judges of Supreme Court. Judges are generally not removed before the…
NCERT Book Class 11 Political Science Freedom
Freedom 2.1 THE IDEAL OF FREEDOM Before we set out to answer these questions, let us stop for a moment and consider this. The autobiography of one of the greatest persons of the twentieth century, Nelson Mandela, is titled Long Walk to Freedom. In this book he talks about…
NCERT Book Class 11 Political Science Federalism
Federalism Exercises 1. From the list of following events which ones would you identify with the functioning of federalism? Why? √ The Centre on Tuesday announced Sixth Schedule status to GNLF-led Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council, which would ensure greater autonomy to the…
NCERT Book Class 11 Political Science Executive
Executive Exercises 1. A parliamentary executive means: a. Executive where there is a parliament b. Executive elected by the parliament c. Where the parliament functions as the Executive d. Executive that is dependent on support of the majority in the parliament 2. Match the…