CBSE Book Class 11 Psychology Supplementary Reading Material
UNIT 1 1.1 Consciousness To be conscious means to be aware of something. We are aware of not only the objects present in the outside environment but also of the processes taking place in ourselves. Thus we are aware of the diverse sensations, perceptions, memories and feelings…
CBSE Book Class 11 Psychology What is Statistics
UNIT 2 WHAT IS STATISTICS? Researchers deal with a large amount of data and have to draw dependable conclusions on the basis of data collected for the purpose. Statistics help the researchers in making sense of the enormous amount of data. Let us first understand the term…
CBSE Book Class 11 Psychology Pathologies Related to Memory
7.1 Pathologies Related to Memory There are two major types of memory disorders that are caused by problems in the functioning of the memory areas of the human brain. They are called retrograde amnesia and anterograde amnesia. Retrograde amnesia occurs in people who have met…
CBSE Book Class 11 Psychology Human Existence
9.1 Human Existence Existentialism is a school of thought that focuses on the question of human existence. The feeling that there is no purpose, indeed nothing at the case of existence, forms one of the fundamental themes of existentialism. There are some who believe in…
CBSE Book Class 11 Psychology Consciousness
1.1 Consciousness To be conscious means to be aware of something. We are aware of not only the objects present in the outside environment but also of the processes taking place in ourselves. Thus we are aware of the diverse sensations, perceptions, memories and feelings that…
CBSE Book Class 11 Psychology Stages of Cognitive Development
8.1 Stages of Cognitive Development Introduction to the ideas of Piaget and Vygotsky Cognitive development was briefly dealt with in Chapter 5. Cognition deals with the process of knowing. It involves mental processes like thinking, reasoning, planning, decision making, and…
CBSE Book Class 11 Psychology Sleep and wakefulness
3.1 Sleep and wakefulness Sleep and wakefulness are two states of consciousness that we all experience. They are different from one another and yet have much in common. We are in a state of wakefulness during most part of the day. This is a state during which we are alert and…
NCERT Book Class 11 Psychology What is Psychology
What is Psychology Introduction You were, perhaps, asked by your teacher in the first class why you opted for psychology over other subjects. What do you hope to learn? If you were asked this question, what was your response? Generally, the range of responses which surface in…
NCERT Book Class 11 Psychology Thinking
Thinking Introduction Think for a moment: how many times and in what ways you are using the word ‘think’ in your day-to-day conversations. Sometimes probably, you use it as a synonym to remember (I can’t think of her name), pay attention (think about it ) or convey…
NCERT Book Class 11 Psychology The Bases of Human Behaviour
The Bases of Human Behaviour Introduction Human beings, the homo sapiens, are the most developed organisms among all creatures on this earth. Their ability to walk upright, larger brain size relative to body weight, and the proportion of specialised brain tissues make them…
NCERT Book Class 11 Psychology Sensory Attentional and Perceptual Processes
Sensory, Attentional and Percentual processes Introduction n the previous chapters you have already learnt how we respond to various stimuli present in the external and internal environment with the help of our receptors. While some of these receptors are clearly observable (…
NCERT Book Class 11 Psychology Motivation and Emotion
Motivation and Emotion Introduction Sunita, a girl from a little known town, puts in 10-12 hours of hard work everyday in order to get through the various engineering entrance examinations. Hemant, a physically challenged boy, wants to take part in an expedition and trains…
NCERT Book Class 11 Psychology Methods of Enquiry in Psychology
Methods of Enquiry in Psychology Introduction You have read in the first chapter that psychology is the study of experiences, behaviours, and mental processes. You may now be curious to know how psychologists study these phenomena. In other words, what methods are used to …
NCERT Book Class 11 Psychology Learning
Learning Introduction At the time of birth every human baby is equipped with the capacity to make a limited number of responses. These responses occur reflexively whenever appropriate stimuli are present in the environment. As the child grows and matures, s/he becomes capable…