JEE Chemistry Coordination Compounds MCQs Set C

    Question: The colour of the coordination compounds depends on the crystal field splitting. What will be the correct order of absorption of wavelength of light in the visible region, for the complexes, a) b) c) d) Answer:…

JEE Chemistry Coordination Compounds MCQs Set B

    Question: a) ionization isomers b) coordination isomers c) linkage isomers d) optical isomers Answer: ionization isomers   Question: Which one of the following will not show geometrical isomerism a) b) c) d)…

JEE Chemistry Coordination Compounds MCQs Set A

    Question: According to the postulates of Werner for coordination compounds a) primary valency is ionizable b) secondary valency is ionizable c) primary and secondary valencies are non-ionizable d) only primary valency is non-ionizable Answer:…

JEE Chemistry Online Test Coordination Compounds Set H

  Refer to JEE Chemistry Online Test Coordination Compounds Set H below. Students of JEE Chemistry can refer to the full list of free JEE Chemistry Mock Test provided by StudiesToday. These MCQ based online mock tests for Chapter Coordination Compound in JEE Chemistry…