NCERT Book Class 11 Heritage Crafts Theatre Crafts

E...X....E....R....C....I...S....E.. 1. Here is a list of some of the drums of India: pakhawaj, mridangam, ghatam, thavil, dhol, maddalam, edakka, talam, nal, thumbak nari. Can you find out where each one is from? Investigate to find out how it is used, who makes it, its…

NCERT Book Class 11 Heritage Crafts Textiles

E....X....E....R....C....I...S....E. 1. Read the verse by Kabir on page 23 and develop your own poem using images from textile weaving. 2. Look at traditional textiles in your home and develop a table like the following example. 3. From the farmer who grows the cotton, to the …

NCERT Book Class 11 Heritage Crafts Stone

E....X....E....R....C....I...S....E.. 1. What are the inherent qualities of stone as compared to clay? How do such qualities determine the techniques that can be used on one material and not on the other? 2. Compare the patronage structure of the past with the present. How…

NCERT Book Class 11 Heritage Crafts Paper Crafts

E....X....E....R....C....I...S....E 1. Many motifs and designs painted on paper products reflect the immediate environment of the craftsperson. Pick three examples from different parts of India to illustrate your answer. 2. Originating from Kashmir, how has papier-m‚chÈ been …

NCERT Book Class 11 Heritage Crafts Painting

E....X....E....R....C....I...S....E.. 1. Choose any one type of painting (wall, miniature, book illustration) and describe its development over the centuries. 2. Search the Internet and identify two examples of wall painting from other parts of the world. 3. In the World…

NCERT Book Class 11 Heritage Crafts Natural Fibers

E...X....E....R....C....I...S....E.. 1. All cultivated plant materials as well as those found in the wild in our forests are potentially renewable resources that can be used for a large number of applications if their use by humans is moderated in a sustainable manner. Compare…

NCERT Book Class 11 Heritage Crafts Metal

E....X....E....R....C....I...S....E.. 1. The metal workerís craft is indispensable in India. List their contributions in different sectors like agriculture, construction, transportation etc. 2. Refer to a national newspaper and record the prevailing rates of gold and silver.…

NCERT Book Class 11 Heritage Crafts Jewellery

E....X....E....R....C....I...S....E.. 1. Designs translate natural forms into symbols. What do you think were the sources of inspiration and symbolism of the following. (Example: Bija or seed represents growth, fertility, prosperity.) (a) Mangai mala, (b) Shikhar of a temple…

NCERT Book Class 11 Heritage Crafts Crafts Heritage

E....X....E....R....C....I...S....E.. 1. Even though craftspeople produce objects of great utility for every home, this community is often marginalised in terms of what it earns and where it lives in the village. Investigate and find reasons for this. Is this situation…

NCERT Book Class 11 Heritage Crafts Clay

E....X....E....R....C....I...S....E. 1. No technique emerges in a day. In any craft a technique is sharpened over centuries. What do you think were the various stages that pottery-making went through that led to the use of the wheel in pottery? Describe in detail. 2. In many…