CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Worksheet Set J Solved
1. What is the difference between one-dimensional array and two-dimensional array? 2. What do you mean by Unsized array initialization? Give any example. 3. Consider the following array declaration: int N[10][20]; i) Find the number of elements in the array.ii) Find the…
CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Worksheet Set I Solved
1. What is an array? How does it differ from ordinary variable? 2. What is the difference between these two statements? i) int sum[10]; ii) m[1]=10;3. Consider the following array declaration: float Z[10][5];i) Find the number of elements in the array.ii) Find the total…
CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Worksheet Set H Solved
1. What do you understand by an array? What is the need for arrays? 2. How are strings manipulated in C++? Support your answer with an example. 3. Consider the following array declaration:int X[5][50];i) Find the number of elements in the array.ii) Find the total number of…
CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Worksheet Set G Solved
1. Write the names of the header files to which the following functions belong: i) islower( ) ii) strcpy( )2. What are the formal parameters and actual parameters of a function? 3. Write definition for a structure EREC that stores information about an employee such as…
CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Worksheet Set F Solved
1. What is the difference between local variable and global variable? 2. Write the names of the header files to which the following functions belong: i) tolower( ) ii) strcmp( )3. What is the purpose of using a typedef command in C++? Explain with suitable example. 4. …
CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Worksheet Set E Solved
1. Write the names of the header files to which the following functions belong: i) strlen( ) ii) toupper( )2. Differentiate between the formal parameters and actual parameters of a function. 3. Write definition for a structure EMPREC that stores information about an…
CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Worksheet Set D
TOPIC: COMPUTER OVERVIEW 1. Define a Computer. 2. Distinguish between data and information. 3. What is IPO Cycle ? 4. Explain the functional components of a Computer with a neat block diagram. 5. Explain the various units of measuring Computer memory and the relationship among…
CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Worksheet Set C
TOPIC: DATA REPRESENTATION 1. Covert the following decimal numbers to binary: 1) 206 2) 2352 3) 59 4) 84 2. Covert the following decimal numbers to 10-bit binary: 1) 37.31 2) 6.215 3) 33.333 3. Covert the following binary…
CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Worksheet Set B
TOPIC : Programming QUESTIONS ( Loops – for, while…
CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Data Management Worksheet Set E
WS 9 – Data Management 1. What is a database system? What is its need? 2. What is SQL? What are different categories of commands available in SQL? 3. Differentiate between DDL and DML commands. 4. Write two usage of DESC in SQL. 5. Write SQL queries for (i) to (iv) and find…
CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Worksheet Set A
TOPIC : Programming QUESTIONS (1. Operators…
CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Vacation Assignment Worksheet
MICROPROCESSORS AND MEMORY CONCEPTS,INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS Instructions:1. What are the basic characteristics of a Microprocessor? Explain each. 2. What is the difference between CISC and RISC Computers? 3. What is the difference between RAM and ROM? 4. What is a Cache memory? Why…
CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Tuples Worksheet
WS 6 – Tuples 1. W hy tuples are called immutable types? What are mutable counterparts of tuples? How individual elements of tuples accessed? 2. H ow do you create the following tuples : i. (4,5,6)ii. (-2,1,3)iii. (-9,-8,-7,-6,-5)iv. (0,1,2) 3. If a=(5,4,3,2,1,0) evaluate the…
CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Strings Worksheet
WS 5 – STRING 1. W AP to accept a string and display whether it is a Palindrome or not. 2. W AP that counts and displays number of alphabets, digits , uppercase letters, lowercase letters, spaces and other characters in the string entered 3. W AP to accept a string (sentence)…
CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Society Law And Ethics Cyber safety Worksheet Set E
WS 10 – Society, Law and Ethics - Cyber safety 1. What is an IP address. How do websites track you online. 2. What is social networking. Name any three of social networking sites. 3. What is cyber trolling and cyber stalking. 4. What is confidentiality of information. How do…