CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Solutions MCQs Set B
Question. Dilute one litre 1 molar H2SO4 solution by 5 litre water, the normality of that solution is: a. 0.2 N b. 5 N c. 10 N d. 0.33 N Answer : D Question. Which of the following should be done in order to prepare 0.40M NaCl starting with 100ml of 0.30M NaCl (mol.…
CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Periodic Classification of Elements MCQs
MCQ - Choose Appropriate Alternative Question. Which of the following pairs are chemically dissimilar? (a) Na and K (b) Ba and Sr (c) Zr and Hf (d) Ca and Zn. Question. The total number of inner transition elements is (a) 10 (b) 14 (c) 28 (d) 30…
CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Mole Concept MCQs
I. MCQ - Choose Appropriate Alternative 1. The formula, which gives the simple ratio of each kind of atoms present in the molecule of compound, is called __________. (Molecular Formula, Empirical Formula, Structural Formula) 2. The formula, which expresses the…
CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Chemical Kinetics MCQs Set B
I. MCQ - Choose Appropriate Alternative Question. The rate of chemical reaction __________ with increase in concentration of the reactants. (Increases, Decreases, Does not alter) Question. Ionic reactions of inorganic compounds are __________. (very slow,…