NCERT Book Class 9 ICT Safety and Security In The Cyber World
Since childhood our parents and elders have been guiding and suggesting us to take care of our eating habits, practice hygiene, be wary of strangers, communicate effectively and so on to ensure that we develop into confident, strong and positive individuals who are able to…
NCERT Book Class 9 ICT Presenting Ideas
During their recent school trip, Samayra and Shirom got the chance to explore the historical places of Delhi, the capital of India. Few of their classmates were not able to join them. Samayra: I wish all our friends were here with us. They not only missed the fun but also the…
NCERT Book Class 9 ICT Introduction to ICT
Muskan performed an experiment to find out the weight of a solid metallic ball in different media like air, water and mustard oil using spring balance. The weight of the ball in every medium was noted by Muskan in her notebook. The weight was found to be least in water and…
NCERT Book Class 9 ICT Getting Connected Internet
Recall the instances in previous chapters when • Muskan shared video of her experiment with her classmate using a messenger app. • She created a blog and shared the images she clicked when she visited the state museum of Bhubaneswar. • She thought of placing the song on web…
NCERT Book Class 9 ICT Fun With Logic
Jason is the sports captain of his school. He was thrilled to receive the Chief Minister’s scholarship for his outstanding performance in sports. But his scholarship amount has to be credited to his bank account and Jason does not have a savings bank account. He does not even…
NCERT Book Class 9 ICT Creating Visual Communication
Samayra and Shirom visited a fair organised in a village and wanted to write and send an article in a newspaper consisting of a writeup and a collage. They were very happy as Samayra was fond of photography and Shirom was good at writing articles. Samayra took pictures…
NCERT Book Class 9 ICT Creating Textual Communication
Tanya and Rishi had gone to a book fair. They had a great time there. They wanted to share their experiences with others. So, they decided to record their experiences. Let us see how Tanya and Rishi recorded their experiences. Consider Fig. 2.1 given below and put …
NCERT Book Class 9 ICT Creating Audio Video Communication
In the last chapter we learnt how to create still images and enhance them, now it will be interesting to see how to create audio and video resources. The use of more than one medium of expression or communication is called multimedia. Multimedia uses a combination of text,…