CBSE Class 3 EVS Parts Of Our Body Assignment
Q1. Name the internal parts of the body: 1) It helps in digestion : _______________________________________ 2) It helps in breath in fresh air and breath out dirty air : _____________ 3) It helps in pumping of blood : ________________________________ 4) It help to filter…
CBSE Class 3 EVS Our Sense Organs Assignment
Q1. Write the function of sense organs. Ans. Sense organ Function Q2. Answer the following questions:- 1) Do you wear spectacles : __________________________________________ 2) A pleasant sound for you :…
CBSE Class 3 EVS My Family Assignment
CBSE Class 3 EVS My Family.Students are advised to refer to the attached assignments and practise them regularly. This will help them to identify their weak areas and will help them to score better in examination. Parents should download and give the assignments to…
CBSE Class 3 EVS More About Families Assignment
Assignment -2 Lesson-2 More About Families) Q1. Define the following terms: i) Immediate family: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________…
CBSE Class 3 EVS Learning about leaves Assignment
Q1. Name the trees or plants given leaves belong to:- a) ________________________ b) ________________________ c) ________________________ d) ________________________ e) ________________________ f) ________________________ g) ________________________ h)…
CBSE Class 3 EVS About Plants Assignment
Q1. Name the types of plant they are: Name of the plant Type of the plant 1. Mint 2. Rose 3. Peas 4. Mango 5. Squash 6. Grape 7. Tulsi 8. Watermelon 9.…
CBSE Class 3 EVS Story of Food Assignment
Q1. Fill in the blanks: f) _______________is a medicine that is obtained from the cinchona plant. g) Farmer sells his food items to the ___________________. h) ____________ grow from the flowers of plants. i) Balanced diet for new born baby is ________________. j)…
CBSE Class 3 EVS Special people Assignment
Q1. Fill in the blanks: a) _____________________ invented Braille script. b) Old age day is celebrated on ___________________. c) ____________ people can’t see. d) World white cane day is celebrated on ________________. e) ______________ people can’t speak. Q3. Give one…
CBSE Class 3 EVS Animal world Assignment
Q1. Define habitat _______________________________________________________________ Q2. Give two differences between pet animals and wild animals. _______________________________________________________________ Q3. Write one function of the following: a) Shelter…
CBSE Class 3 EVS Beautiful world of birds Assignment
Q1. Define flightless birds. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________…
CBSE Class 3 EVS The story of food Assignment
Q1. Define spices _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________…
CBSE Class 3 EVS Plants and animals need water Assignment
Q1. Define the following: a) Photosynthesis __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________…
CBSE Class 3 EVS Revision Assignment Set C
Q1: Give reasons a) Why the leaves of cactus plant are reduced to spines? b) Why the leaves are called the food factory? Q2: Difference between a) Photosynthesis and Transpiration Q1. Fill in the blanks by choosing correct option: a) Human beings are…
CBSE Class 3 EVS Revision Assignment Set D
Q3: Give one word a) The process by which the plants make their own food______________ b) The green coloured pigment present in the leaves _________________ c) Tiny pores present on the lower side of the leaf that help the plant to breathe _______________…
NCERT Book Class 3 Environmental Studies Work We Do
Work We Do Like other days, Balbir reached the tea stall after his breakfast. His brother Satvinder who had come from the village was also with him. The worker at the tea stall gave him a cup of tea and said – Here is today’s newpaper. How do you spend your whole day sitting…