CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Boards 2021 Sample Paper Solved
1. ------------------------- is the process of dividing work into manageable activities and then grouping the activities which are similar in nature. A. Coordination B. Departmentalisation C. Organisation Structure D. Delegation of authority 2. Even Though the…
CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Compartment Question Paper Solved 2020
SECTION A 1. The objective of management which consistently creates economic value for various constituents of society is : (A) Organisational objective (B) Social objective (C) Personal objective (D) Both Social and Personal objective 2. Which of the following is a…
CBSE Class 12 Business Studies financial management VBQs In Hindi
CBSE Class 12 Business Studies financial management VBQs In Hindi ANSWER
CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Consumer Protection MCQs
Question: To provide protection to the consumers against the improper behaviour of the Producers and sellers is called . (a) Consumers Protection Act (b) Consumer Protection (c) Consumer Welfare (d) Consumer Education Answer: B Question: Don’t purchase in haste’, this is an…
CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Marketing MCQs
Question: Point of view lays stress upon customer’s welfare. (a) Production (b) Product (c) Marketing (d) Social Marketing Answer: D Question: Nitin is very particular to get his hair cut from Cutting Zone saloon of East Delhi. Which type of service is it? (a)…
CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Financial Markets MCQs
Question: Primary and Secondary Markets a. Compete with each other b. Complement each other c. Function independently d. Control each other Answer: B Question: Total number of stock exchanges in India are a. 25 b. 21 c. 22 d. 23 Answer: A Question: The settlement cycle in…