NCERT Book Class 11 Computer Science Tuples and Dictionaries
10.1 INTRODUCTION TO TUPLES A tuple is an ordered sequence of elements of different data types, such as integer, float, string, list or even a tuple. Elements of a tuple are enclosed in parenthesis (round brackets) and are separated by commas. Like list and string, elements…
NCERT Book Class 11 Computer Science Societal Impact
11.1 Introduction In recent years, the world around us has seen a lot of changes due to use of ‘Digital Technologies’. These changes have made a dramatic impact on our lives, making things more convenient, faster, and easier to handle. In the past, a letter would take days to…
NCERT Book Class 11 Computer Science Introduction To Problem Solving
4.1 Introduction Today, computers are all around us. We use them for doing various tasks in a faster and more accurate manner. For example, using a computer or smartphone, we can book train tickets online. India is a big country and we have an enormous railway network. Thus,…
NCERT Book Class 11 Computer Science Flow of Control
6.1 Introduction In Figure 6.1, we see a bus carrying the children to school. There is only one way to reach the school. The driver has no choice, but to follow the road one milestone after another to reach the school. We learnt in Chapter 5 that this is the concept of…
NCERT Book Class 11 Computer Science Encoding Schemes and Number System
2.1 Introduction Have you ever thought how the keys on the computer keyboard that are in human recognisable form are interpreted by the computer system? This section briefly discusses text interpretation by the computer. We have learnt in the previous chapter that computer…
NCERT Book Class 11 Computer Science Emerging Trends
3.1 IntroductIon Computers have been around for quite some time now. New technologies and initiatives emerge with each passing day. In order to understand the existing technologies and have a better view of the developments around us, we must keep an eye on the emerging trends…
NCERT Book Class 11 Computer Science Computer System
1.1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SYSTEM A computer is an electronic device that can be programmed to accept data (input), process it and generate result (output). A computer along with additional hardware and software together is called a computer system. A computer system…
NCERT Book Class 11 Computer Science Tuples
NCERT Class 11 Computer Science Tuples What is a Tuple? A tuple is a sequence of values, which can be of any type and they are indexed by integer. Tuples are just like list, but we can’t change values of tuples in place. Thus tuples are immutable. The index value of tuple…
NCERT Book Class 11 Computer Science Strings
Introduction We have studied in Chapter 5, that a sequence is an orderly collection of items and each item is indexed by an integer. Following sequence data types in Python were also briefly introduced in Chapter 5. • Strings • Lists • Tuples Another data type ‘Dictionary’ was…
NCERT Book Class 11 Computer Science Software Concepts
NCERT Class 11 Computer Science Software Concepts After studying this chapter the student will be able to: • Learn different types of Software • System Software (Operating system, Language Processors) • Utility Software (Antivirus, Compression tools, Backup, Disk Defragmentor…
NCERT Book Class 11 Computer Science Programming Methodology
Introduction Learning to write computer program is very much like learning any skill. First, we should understand the problems well and then try to solve it in a logical manner. For example: We have read many books available in the market for describing the car driving…
NCERT Book Class 11 Computer Science Microprocessors and Memory Concepts
NCERT Class 11 Computer Science Microprocessors and Memory Concepts Microprocessor We studied that the Central processing unit processes data inside the computer. It interprets all the instructions given to it and carries out these instructions. A microprocessor is a Central…
NCERT Book Class 11 Computer Science Lists
NCERT Class 11 Computer Science Lists Introduction Like a String, list also is sequence data type. It is an ordered set of values enclosed in square brackets []. Values in the list can be modified, i.e. it is mutable. As it is set of values, we can use index in square brackets…
NCERT Book Class 11 Computer Science Getting Started with Python
Introduction In order to tell the computer „what you want to do‟, we write a program in a language which computer can understand. Though there are many different programming languages such as BASIC, Pascal, C, C++, Java, Haskell, Ruby, Python, etc. but we will study Python in…