CBSE Class 1 EVS Air and Water MCQs
Question: We need water to a) drink b) laugh c) run d) sleep Answer: drink Question: We need water to wash fruits and vegetables and to ________ food a) cook b) clean c) None of these Answer: cook Question: We get water from rivers, lakes ponds,…
CBSE Class 1 EVS Animal and Plants MCQs
Question: Big plants are called a) trees b) shrubs c) herbs d) climbers Answer: trees Question: Medium sized plants are called a) shrubs b) none of these c) climbers d) creepers Answer: shrubs Question: Very small plants are called a) herb b)…
CBSE Class 1 EVS Festivals MCQs
Question: Every year, we celebrate Christmas on a) 25 December b) 25 July c) 25 June d) 25 January Answer: 25 December Question: Independence Day, Republic Day and ________ are our national festivals a) Gandhi Jayanti b) Eid c) Diwali d) Holi Answer: Gandhi…
CBSE Class 1 EVS Good Habits MCQs
Question: We should play and exercise ________ day a) every day b) one day c) once a week d) once a month Answer: every day Question: We should eat ________ food a) healthy b) junk food c) stale d) unhealthy Answer: healthy Question: We should have…
CBSE Class 1 EVS Houses and Clothes MCQs
Question: We wear ________ clothes in summer season a) cotton b) woollen c) raincoats d) None of these Answer: cotton Question: We get ________ from sheep a) wool b) raincoats c) cotton d) None of these Answer: wool Question: We wear ________ when…
CBSE Class 1 EVS How We Travel and Let us be Safe MCQs
Question: If we are not careful, we may get a) hurt b) all of these c) toys d) chips Answer: hurt Question: We should always walk on the road and cross the road at the a) lion crossing b) none of these c) zebra crossing d) both Answer: lion crossing…
CBSE Class 1 EVS In the Sky and Weather and Seasons MCQs
Question: The condition of the air around us is called the a) weather b) summer c) monsoon d) winter Answer: weather Question: When the weather stay same for a long period of time it is called a) season b) spring c) summer d) winter Answer: season …
CBSE Class 1 EVS About Me and My Body MCQs
Question: We have ______ sense organs. a) five b) four c) three d) two Answer: five Question: We can hear with our a) ears b) hand c) leg d) nose Answer: ears Question: We can smell the flowers with our a) nose b) head c) stomach d) eyes…
CBSE Class 1 EVS My School and Neighbourhood MCQs
Question: We post our letters in the a) letter box b) colour box c) pencil box Answer: letter box Question: A ________ is a place where fire engines are kept a) fire station b) post office c) police station Answer: fire station Question: People board…
CBSE Class 1 EVS My Family MCQs
Question: Father and mother are our a) parents b) grandparents c) uncle d) aunt Answer: parents Question: Our brothers or sisters are our a) siblings b) cousins c) grandmother d) grandfather Answer: siblings Question: Our father’s father is our a…
CBSE Class 1 EVS Our Food MCQs
Question: We get eggs meat and fish from a) animals b) plants c) river d) mountains Answer: animals Question: We should drink _______ glasses of water every day a) 8-10 b) 1-2 c) 20-25 d) 2-4 Answer: 8-10 Question: We should wash our _______ before…
CBSE Class 1 EVS The World of Plants Worksheet
The world of plants. Q.I Choose the correct answer: 1. We can sit under the shade of a tree. (herb /tree) 2. Root grows under the ground. (Root/stem) 3. A climber needs support. (climber/ shrub) 4. Rose is a shrub. (tree/shrub…
CBSE Class 1 EVS The World Around Us Worksheet
The world Around Us Q.I Choose the correct answer: 1. Tree is a living thing. (car/ tree) 2. Aeroplane is a non living thing. (plant / aeroplane) 3. Plants make their own food with the help of sun . ( sun /stars ) 4. Plant can move,grow and reproduce. (table/…
CBSE Class 1 EVS Question Paper Set A
CBSE Class 1 EVS Question Paper Set A Its very important for every student to review the question papers of previous years. The last year question papers should be practiced to gain extra marks in examinations. The previous year question papers for both summative assessment1…