NCERT Book Class 12 New Age Graphics Design Typography
Typography is the science of using letter forms for communication. We use letter forms extensively in our daily life, in various media like newspapers, signages, application forms, letters, notebooks, textbooks, currency notes, posters, tickets, SMS, email etc.A very large…
NCERT Book Class 12 New Age Graphics Design Sketching and Drawing
Irrespective of one’s drawing aptitude, we all know it is an amusing and a rewarding activity. Drawing, however you know is an essential discipline in certain professions as well. In all fields of visual arts like design, architecture, media and fine arts there is this common…
NCERT Book Class 12 New Age Graphics Design Role Of Design In Society
The way we understand design and the role of a designer in the contemporary society is an outcome of industrial revolution which led to mechanisation of the workforce through the use of machinery. The design as a specialised field of activity has evolved over a period of time…
NCERT Book Class 12 New Age Graphics Design Principles Of Layout Designs
While making a design, certain things need to be taken care off, so that the design fulfils the need for effective communication besides being attractive and beautiful. While embarking on the making of the layout, one needs to understand the message and for whom it is intended…
NCERT Book Class 12 New Age Graphics Design Integrated Methods Of Advertising
There are many different ways to augment actual advertising and marketing techniques. That means such efforts by any company don’t directly sell a product or service, but promote it nevertheless. Either the publicity materials carry a line saying that …’this programme is…
NCERT Book Class 12 New Age Graphics Design Graphic Design Processes
The word ‘design’ is used in two senses: design as a noun means an artifact, entity or an image that has significance in terms of beauty (aesthetics), function or purpose (teleology) or meaning (semiotics) while design as a verb denotes activity of making such artifacts or…
NCERT Book Class 12 New Age Graphics Design Graphic Design For Interactive Media
With the advent of the Information Technology (IT), there was a great revolution in media. For the first time in the history of ‘communication media’, the traditional ‘passive user’ was bestowed with the power to control and dictate the media. User-control and ‘Interactivity’…
NCERT Book Class 12 New Age Graphics Design Glossary
Advertising Agency: An advertising agency or ad agency is a service business dedicated to creating, planning and handling advertising and sometimes other forms of promotion for its clients. An ad agency is independent from the client and provides an outside point of view to…
NCERT Book Class 12 New Age Graphics Design Fundamentals Of Visual Composition
We have studied that a sensible arrangement of components makes a design functional and attractive. We also know that to select and to arrange is to compose. A composition can be two dimensional, three dimensional or temporal. A good composition, like an organic entity does …
NCERT Book Class 12 New Age Graphics Design Digital Imaging and Printing
Graphic designers work with visual images, either for print media or for digital media. With the advent of computers, most of the graphic designer’s work is being doneusing computers. From graphical point of view there is a vast difference between images on paper such as…
NCERT Book Class 12 New Age Graphics Design Colour
Colour is the most essential component of visual experience. It is the specific perceptual characteristic of visual experience that we refer by a colour name like ‘red colour’, ‘green colour’ and so on. In the XI standard textbook on Graphic Design, basic concepts of colour…
NCERT Book Class 12 New Age Graphics Design Campaign Design
Campaign is typically a military term used for a well organised course or a series of action. It means strategic planning for all round action as was done for a war, taking into account attacks on surface, from air and sea, by the army,air-force and navy. Similarly, in an…
NCERT Book Class 12 New Age Graphics Design Advertising Design
Traditionally media meant print, radio, television, cinema and outdoor advertising. But over a period of time it has changed very much. Today almost anything that can reach and influence prospective consumers or public at large is defined as media. These days advertisers…