NCERT Book Class 11 History Themes in World History Writing and City Life

CITY life began in Mesopotamia*, the land between the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers that is now part of the Republic of Iraq. Mesopotamian civilisation is known for its prosperity, city life, its voluminous and rich literature and its mathematics and astronomy. Mesopotamia’s…

NCERT Book Class 11 History Themes in World History The Central Islamic Lands

The Rise of Islam in Arabia: Faith, Community and Politics During 612-32, the Prophet Muhammad preached the worship of a single God, Allah, and the membership of a single community of believers (umma). This was the origin of Islam. Muhammad was an Arab by language and culture…

NCERT Book Class 11 History Themes in World History Paths To Modernisation

Introduction China and Japan present a marked physical contrast. China is a vast continental country that spans many climatic zones; the core is dominated by three major river systems: the Yellow River (Huang He), the Yangtse River (Chang Jiang – the third longest river in the…

NCERT Book Class 11 History Themes in World History Nomadic Empires

Introduction In the early decades of the thirteenth century the great empires of the Euro-Asian continent realised the dangers posed to them by the arrival of a new political power in the steppes of Central Asia: Genghis Khan (d. 1227) had united the Mongol people. Genghis…

NCERT Book Class 11 History Themes in World History Displacing Indigenous Peoples

THIS chapter recounts some aspects of the histories of the native peoples of America and Australia. Theme 8 described the history of the Spanish and Portuguese colonisation of South America. From the eighteenth century, more areas of South America, Central America, North…

NCERT Book Class 11 History Themes in World History Confrontation Of Cultures

Communities of the Caribbean and Brazil The Arawakian Lucayos lived on a cluster of hundreds of small islands in the Caribbean Sea, today known as the Bahamas, and the Greater Antilles. They had been expelled from the Lesser Antilles by the Caribs, a fierce tribe. In contrast…

NCERT Book Class 11 History Themes in World History Changing Cultural Tradition

There is a vast amount of material on European history from the fourteenth century – documents, printed books, paintings, sculptures, buildings, textiles. Much of this has been carefully preserved in archives, art galleries and museums in Europe and America. From the…

NCERT Book Class 11 History Chapter 9 The Industrial Revolution

TOWARDS Modernisation IN the previous section you have read about certain crucial developments in the medieval and early modern world – feudalism, the European ‘Renaissance’ and the encounters between Europeans and the peoples of the Americas. As you would have realised, some…

NCERT Book Class 11 History An Empire Across Three Continents

Empires OVER the two millennia that followed the establishment of empires in Mesopotamia, various attempts at empirebuilding took place across the region and in the area to the west and east of it. By the sixth century BCE, Iranians had established control over major parts of…

NCERT Book Class 11 History From the Beginning of Time

Early societies IN this section, we will read about two themes relating to early societies. The first is about the beginnings of human existence, from the remote past, millions of years ago. You will learn how humans first emerged in Africa and how archaeologists have studied…

NCERT Book Class 11 History The Three Orders

CHANGING TRADITIONS WE have seen how, by the ninth century, large parts of Asia and America witnessed the growth and expansion of great empires – some nomadic, some based on well-developed cities and trading networks that centred on them. The difference between the Macedonian…