CBSE Book Class 11 Engineering Graphics Lines Angles
LINES, ANGLES, LETTERS, DIMENSIONING AND RECTILINER FIGURES 1.1 INTRODUCTION You are welcome to the subject of Engineering Graphics. Though it is a new subject for us still we have studied a bit in our previous classes. Let us recall the simple geometrical constructions where…
CBSE Book Class 11 Engineering Graphics Special Curves
SPECIAL CURVES 3.1 INTRODUCTION In several articles of daily use we notice that they have straight edges which may form various rectilinear figures such as triangle, square, rohmbus, parallelogram, trapezium etc. Look around or recall from your past experience such articles…
CBSE Book Class 11 Engineering Graphics Sections Of Solids
SECTIONS OF SOLIDS 5.1 INTRODUCTION We have studied about the orthographic projections in which a 3 dimensional object is detailed in 2-dimension. These objects are simple. In engineering most of the machines are extremely complicated. They have various parts inside. And we…
CBSE Book Class 11 Engineering Graphics Orthographic Projections
ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS OF SIMPLE MACHINE BLOCKS 6.1 INTRODUCTION We have already made you aware of many simple geometrical shapes (laminae), projected on such planes (vertical plane, horizontal plane and other auxiliary planes) while projecting the various views of simple…
CBSE Book Class 11 Engineering Graphics Orthographic Projection
ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION 4.1 INTRODUCTION We, the human beings are gifted with power to think. The thoughts are to be shared. You will appreciate that different ways and means are available to us. Can you name some? We communicate by signs/gestures/body language/talking/singing…
CBSE Book Class 11 Engineering Graphics Isometric Projection
ISOMETRIC PROJECTION 7.1 INTRODUCTION Have you ever noticed that every corner of the class room, bed room, drawing room has three mutually perpendicular lines. These three lines give us the feeling of solid (3 dimensions). Let us take the example of small boxes e.g. Chalk box…
CBSE Book Class 11 Engineering Graphics Development of Surfaces
Chapter 8 DEVELOPMENT OF SURFACES 8.1 INTRODUCTION We brush our teeth daily but have you ever noticed the shape of packing box of tooth paste. Is it similar to a square prism? Let us open the box from its joints and lay down it on a plane surface. What do you observe? It is a…
CBSE Book Class 11 Engineering Graphics Circles Semi Circles
Engineering Graphics Circles, Semi Circles 2.1 INTRODUCTION As we know that wheel has been the most revolutionary invention for transport and industrial revolution. In engineering many machine parts are circular in shape or uses part of a circle or some of their features. e.g…