CBSE Book Class 11 Types of Libraries and their Role

Objectives of the chapter Development of different types of libraries Public library and its role Academic library and its role Special library and its role Digital library and its characteristics Virtual library and it characteristics 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Types of Libraries 2…

CBSE Book Class 11 Theory of Classification

After studying this section, students will be able to: Understand the concept of Classification; Understand the difference between Classification and other terms; Gain knowledge about the need and purpose of Classification; Gain knowledge about the DDC Scheme and CC Scheme of…

CBSE Book Class 11 Theory of Cataloguing

After studying this section, students will be able to: Understand the meaning and definition of a library catalogue; Gain knowledge about the need, objective, purpose and functions of a library catalogue; Gain knowledge about the salient features of AACR-2 and CCC cataloguing…

CBSE Book Class 11 Setting up and Running a School Library

• The students are required to do this project work as a part of their academic course. This project gives simple step-by-step explanations and covers all aspects of setting up and running a library, including: • Selecting books for the library. • How to make a catalogue,…

CBSE Book Class 11 Reference and Information Sources

After studying this session, students will be able to: Understand the concept of an information source; Study the need of information sources; Learn about various types of information sources; Study the characteristics of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary sources of information…

CBSE Book Class 11 Library Information and Society

Objectives of the Chapter Development of the civilization Growth of Information and Knowledge Society and its informational needs Evolution of library Role of library in society Concept of trinity Please refer to the link below - CBSE Class 11 Library, Information and Society

CBSE Book Class 11 Library Automation Software Main Features

 After studying this section, students will be able: To define Library Automation To gain knowledge about the need for Library Automation To understand about the prime areas of Library Automation To understand the barrier in automating libraries To understand the criteria for…

CBSE Book Class 11 Five Laws of Library Science

After studying this section, students will be able to: Understand the Five Laws of Library Science; Gain knowledge about the implications of the law 'Books are for use”; Understand various obligation for satisfying the second law of library science "Every reader his/her book…

CBSE Book Class 11 Categories of Reference Sources Description and Scope

After studying this section, students will be able: To understand the purpose of reference collection; To gain knowledge about the development of a reference collection; To understand about the categories of reference sources; To understand the scope and features of different…