Download CBSE Class 1 Syllabus for Computers 2023 2024. Refer to the latest syllabus provided below and free download latest curriculum of Class 1 for Computers issued by CBSE and NCERT, free download in pdf, get topic wise weightage, suggested readings and books based on latest syllabus and guidelines. The Computers Class 1 Syllabus curriculum has been developed and issued by CBSE and NCERT for Computers in Class 1. All students studying in Class 1 are suggested to go through latest syllabus to ensure that their preparation is as per the latest syllabus issued by CBSE NCERT KVS. Class 1 Computers students should do preparation for Computers exam strictly based on the latest curriculum and concentrate more on the topics with higher weightage to help them score higher marks in Class 1 Computers class tests and exams
Class 1 Computers Syllabus
It is important for students to study as per the latest Class 1 Computers curriculum and marks breakup as per important topics. This will help to prepare properly for the upcoming examination. You can click on the following links to download the latest and past year syllabus provided by us below.
Year Wise Computers Syllabus Class 1
Subject : Computer
Book Prescribed : KIPS Publications
SA-1 : April to September
Syllabus for FA 1 :
April : Chapter 1 : Computer…My Friend
Chapter 2 : Computer…A Machine
May : Chapter 3: Uses of a Computer
Syllabus for FA 2 :
July : Chapter 4: Parts of a Computer
August : Chapter 5: The Keyboard
Sample Paper – 1
September : Revision and SA -1
SA-2 : October to February
Syllabus for FA 3 :
October : Chapter 6: Using a Mouse
November : Chapter 7: Drawing with a Computer
Syllabus for FA 4 :
December : Chapter 8: Data and Memory
Chapter 9: Storage in a Computer
January : Sample Paper - 2
February : Revision and SA - 2
What: At the end of 1st Std, a child should know:
• Concepts: Regard the computer as a machine with various parts and associated functions (that can be controlled/directed).
• Usage Skills: Identify all the parts of a computer; use keyboard (arrow enter/return keys) and mouse (single/double click) as input devices; open applications, such as Music, Paint, or Games and their rudimentary use.
• Social Aspects: Maintaining cleanliness; dust-free area; not spilling food etc; orderliness in handling peripherals and sharing resources.
Why: At the end of 1st Std, it is enough for a child to be able to relate to a computer as an interesting entity with various parts and functions (Existence Awareness). More topics are not required because the goal is to simply introduce the computer as a tool for doing other tasks. Since it can be a highly distracting toy, the content is deliberately low-key. However, fewer topics are not desirable because the child should not get left behind in terms of his/her peers or get overwhelmed at a later age.
How: There should be one class per week, roughly as per the following schedule:
Week Topic
1-1 Demo of few interesting uses and applications.
Such as: listening to music, drawing pictures.
1-2 Demo of some more applications of interest.
Such as: watching videos, simple games.
1-3 Worksheets related to uses of a computer.
1-4 Names of only basic parts of a computer.
1-5 Worksheets related to parts of a computer.
Such as: analogy with the human body.
1-6 General carefulness, including power switch on/off.
Such as: no banging on keyboard, no touching any wires, no direct switch off.
1-7 Worksheets related to above social aspects.
1-8 Revision worksheets and lab exercises.
Objective up to this point: attract them to learn about computers.
1-9 Notion of a cursor and positioning the mouse pointer.
Such as: Pointing to photographs in a photos folder; G-Compris suite of games.
1-10 Operating a Mouse: Single and Double click of the left button.
Such as: First attempts to position pointer; open any file/folder; G-Compris game.
1-11 Operating a Keyboard: Letters and Enter key.
Such as: First attempts to write their names; K-lettres game.
1-12 Worksheets and lab exercises related to mouse and keyboard.
1-13 Open a game and play it.
Such as: A simple game that needs minimal navigation; G-Compris maze.
1-14 Social aspects: Further Do’s and Don’ts.
Such as: Keep the computer and surroundings clean.
1-15 Revision worksheets and lab exercises.
Objective up to this point: minimal familiarity with mouse/keyboard.
1-16 Evaluation and Assessment.
1-17 Introduction to Desktop.
Such as: icons, background and windows.
1-18 Opening and closing some files seen on the Desktop.
Such as: double clicking on some music files or videos.
1-19 Open a Music player and then play a music file.
Such as: Click on the music player icon on Desktop, and then open a file.
1-20 Elements of a Window: Top bar.
Such as: Minimize, Maximize and Close an open music file.
1-21 Open a game and play it.
Such as: A slightly more complex game that needs some navigation; G-compris.
1-22 Open another game and play it.
Such as: A game that needs navigation; G-compris suite of games.
1-23 Open a Paint application and scribble something.
Such as: opening a file on desktop and just have some fun.
1-24 Revision worksheets and lab exercises.
Objective up to this point: simple actions with mouse.
1-25 Continue with a Paint application and scribble something.
Such as: opening a file on desktop and just have some fun.
1-26 Notion of a dialog box.
Such as: While closing a Paint application after scribbling in it.
1-27 Open an existing Paint application, Edit and Save.
Such as: Further scribbling in a previously saved file.
1-28 Worksheet on Open, Edit, Save and Close.
1-29 Operating a mouse: Right click.
Such as: Auto-arrange icons on the desktop; Childsplay suite of games.
1-30 Change Desktop background and screen savers.
Such as: Right click, properties and just play. Children find this interesting.
1-31 Revision worksheets and lab exercises.
1-32 Evaluation and Assessment.
Comments: It is important to keep in mind that there may be significant variance in physical and mental development among the children. It is acceptable (and expected) if some children are not able to do all the activities completely. There is time for them to catch up in the 2nd Std.
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