National achievement survey (NAS) for Class 10 will beheld by the national council for educational research and training (NCERT), New Delhi on 5th February for students in almost 360 government schools across Goa.
The NAS test will be conducted for mathematics, English, social sciences, science and modern Indian languages.
The test will be held in school premises and will be invigilated by the school teachers themselves under the supervision of school authorities.
Starting 2017-2018, NAS test will be held every year in different states of India in randomly selected government schools.
During previous years, the survey tools used multiple test booklets with 45 questions in Classes 3 and 5 related to language, mathematics and 60 questions in Class 8 in Mathematics, Language, Sciences and Social Sciences. NAS is conducted to check the learning levels of students and to test effectiveness of NCERT books and learning outcomes developed by NCERT.
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The latest news relating to NAS Test by NCERT for class 10 has been given by CBSE
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