CBSE has issued instructions to all affiliated schools to make arrangements in school premises so that the students can listen to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's interaction with students 'Pariksha Par Charcha'.
This year PM Modi will interact with students in a program 'Pariksha Par Charcha' which will be held on 16th February 2018. The broadcast will be done in all schools and on various news channels between 10.30 am to 12.00 noon.
Instructions and circular has been sent to all schools by CBSE.
CBSE has also asked the schools to submit questions which the students would like to ask the prime minister. The questions have to be submitted upto 11th February.
The questions have been submitted by most of the schools and are mainly on topics on how to manage stress and study better to get higher marks.
Post the session the schools will be required to submit videos and photos of the arrangements and students listening to the program and upload it on CBSE website.
PM Modi has already launched a book from students in which he has given various mantras on how to handle examination stress.
Read about it here - > Message to students from Mr Narendra Modi
Tweet by PM Modi on the upcoming program
You can get the latest information relating to Pariksha Par Charcha by Mr Modi from
The latest news relating to Pariksha Par Charcha by Mr Modi has been given by CBSE
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