As you all are aware that the boards exams have been postponed due to Corona Virus. You can refer to the notification issued by CBSE too. While the board exams were going on the checking of answer sheets were also going on. CBSE took really good measures to increase the number of teachers who were doing the checking to ensure faster delivery of results. CBSE had sent requests to all schools to allocate/ provide teachers for the checking work. CBSE asked for experienced teachers and the checking work was going on in full force.
Now due to notification issued by government the checking of board exams answer sheets have also been stopped and might be resumed from 1st April onwards. If the situation in India becomes normal then only the checking will resume again. As CBSE and government are keeping a close watch on the situation they will issue a notice again on the status or change in any dates. Please see the notice below:
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The latest news relating to Checking of Boards Answer Sheets Notice has been given by CBSE
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